Chapter twelve: Slumber party.

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The most fun part of friendship is getting together for fun. Sheila and I decided to do just that by having a sleepover at her place. Where youngsters would have braided each other's hair and talked about boys, we were planning to bake and watch movies. Am also certain that Sheila would lose it if I so much as tried to reach for her hair. She loved her hair so much more than she loved anything else.

I brought most of my own baking utensils since the only thing Sheila knew to cook was noodles. The girl had no talent for cooking nor did she have the willpower to learn. She survived on fast foods and I cringed at the thought of living like that myself. She, however, always joked that since her body had no idea how to retain fats she could eat as much junk food as she wanted. This made me worried for her but she's a grown up.

"Honey, am home." I said as I let myself into her house. I had rung up to ask her to open the door for me. I wondered where she had gotten to since I couldn't see her anywhere.

"There you are," she said pleasantly as she joined me in the living room. "I opened the door and remembered that I left the water running in the kitchen sink," she explained her absence.

"No wonder you always burn the food," I teased.

"True. I have such a short attention span," she laughed.

"Well, I brought everything that we need. All we need to do now is to get in there and whip up some amazing pastries and cakes," I chipped in enthusiastically.

"Girrrll, you love cooking way too much. I wonder why," she said with a frown.

"But cooking is so much fun. The idea of creating such beautiful flavours is enticing," I replied.

"Don't you know that cooking is one of the tools of patriarchy. As in a woman's place is in the kitchen," she said dramatically.

"Oh, come on. Cooking for yourself and your girlfriends doesn't count. As in none of us is a man," I shot back in an equally dramatic voice.

After a long negotiation involving a lot of whining on her part, I managed to assert that we would be baking. I mean, we had already talked about this and I just didn't get why she had to cause such a scene. We spent an hour making various doughs and Sheila managed to get flour all over herself much to my amusement. She was so clumsy that I couldn't help find the situation hilarious. Her scowl was comical as she tried to get just a single recipe right.

When we placed the dough into the oven to bake, Sheila gave a huge sigh of relief. I just laughed because she had no idea that we would need to monitor the progress and make sure the cakes baked properly and not end up burnt. Eventually, we managed to complete all the work and didn't burn down the house. We sampled all our work in turns and found out that we had done a good job.

We then settled down to eat unhealthily and watch some romcoms. It was so much fun to watch unbelievable love stories and laugh until our sides ached. I mean who would believe some of the stuff those movies tried to sell to us. People don't just one day fall in love with their nemesis no matter how you look at it. I know I would never fall for Jameson even if he suddenly became a saint. Even if he turned out as an angel I'd steer clear of him as if my life depended on it.

"Let's play a game," I piped up.

"Which game?" Sheila asked sleepily.

"Um I don't know, maybe truth or dare," I suggested.

"Lets play never have I ever," she counter offered.

"Yeah that's a good one," I agreed. "You start," I prompted.

"Never have I ever gotten drunk," she said. She then took a sip of the lemonade to indicate that she'd gotten drunk before.

"Never," I said. She looked at me in wide eyed disbelief. "Never have I ever stolen anything," I said. A quick sip showed that indeed I had ever stolen something. Sheila took three drama sips to indicate that she'd done it multiple times.

"Never have I ever had sex," she said comically and drank a huge sip.

"Never," I said.

"Wait what?!" She shouted. "You have never ever ever had sex? I mean how is that even possible? You have never even been curious? Okay, I need to wrap my head around this. My best and only friend is a VIRGIN??"

"Okay, stop screaming. You are hurting my ears and its not even that big of a deal. Its not like I killed someone," I said defensively.

"You might as well have," she insisted.

"Don't be ridiculous. So what if I have never had sex? It is not like its going to make me change my opinion about love and marriage. I mean, look at you. You share my opinion even though you have sexual experience that I don't," I pointed out.

"You do have a point," she agreed. "How does it feel being a virgin at 24? Most women our age would have had multiple lovers."

"It doesn't feel like anything. I barely ever think about it. I love myself just as I am and I don't really care for sex. The mere idea of it repulses me so much that I can't see myself doing it," I revealed.

"Wow, respect girl. I mean I was a curious little thing in my teenage. Especially my late teens when I first went off to college. I lost my virginity to some drunk dude at a party. I figured that if he didn't remember it, he wouldn't grow attached. Surprisingly, my idea worked and he never had a clue we'd ever met. I have never had interest to try it again," she scrunched her nose in reminisce.

"See, you didn't even like it enough to want to try again," I concluded.

"It wasn't my thing really. I can't believe that I even did something so crazy," she said with a chuckle.

"You must have been one crazy teen," I laughed.

"Yeah," she agreed. "We should get some sleep now. Its so late," she pointed out.

"Yes, we should. Am exhausted," I agreed.

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