Chapter eighteen: settling scores.

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I got to see a lot more of Sheila and Titus over the following weeks. The two were clearly meant for each other and I couldn't help being happy for them. I especially liked the fact that Titus turned out to be a good man and we got along famously. We had a rapport that made everything between us balanced. I didn't get tugged along to more dates thankfully even though I got Sheila all to myself on Saturdays.

I was having a great time at work. Since I had taken over, my department was doing really well and that earned a healthy bonus. This had me quite popular with everyone in the department and I was often sought out for advice. I felt like I was finally getting through to them. It also made me realize that the only reason I had been out of place was because I had been employed for the wrong position. I should have been in the department head office from the start because I had always been a better leader than a follower.

Jameson, on the other hand, wasn't very pleased by the fact that I had managed to get the department under my control so fast. He was even more displeased when he found out that his buddy, Bruce, and I worked really well together. After overcoming the initial hurdles, I had come to understand why everyone liked Bruce. He had a winning personality and a great sense of humour. He was really empathetic for a man and didn't have a single mean bone on him. He was always nice and wouldn't push his agenda at the expense of anyone. We had somehow become friends (ssh don't tell him).

I was living in a happy bubble and didn't expect the scene I walked into that Monday morning. My office door was open and I could see several heads of department rummaging about. Some of the workers in my department were watching in curiosity. I made my way down the open space towards my office in apprehension. Halfway there, I decided to at least try and get some context of what was going on.

"What is happening?" I asked a group that was huddled close discussing.

"I heard them say that you haven't been following company protocol and are looking for evidence in your office of such irregularities," one of the ladies volunteered.

"Wow, great way to start a week. Thanks guys," I said as I continued to my office. They would be looking for a long time if they hoped to find any sign of malfunction on my part. "Good morning gentlemen," I greeted pleasantly as I walked into my disarrayed office.

"Good morning Miss Karimi," Jameson greeted me smugly. I knew he was the one who arranged this whole sham of an investigation.

"To what do I owe this intrusion of privacy and great show of disrespect?" I asked. I wasn't worried since my gut didn't give me any feeling of foreboding.

"We have it on good word that you have been running this department without following the company policy. We are searching for evidence of such," Jameson confirmed what I had already been told.

"As far as I know, the company policy states that any employee under scrutiny must be informed before any action against them is taken. I know for a fact that I haven't been informed of this ransack on my office. You gentlemen are against company policy and your actions speak for themselves. I will be filing my complaint with Human Resources as soon as you show yourselves out," I told them.

"What? You think you can just threaten us in order to stop us from investigating you?" Another man protested.

"Silas, let me make something very clear. I read every boring page of this company's policy and know it by heart. You are all in violation of several guidelines and I wouldn't need much to ruin your careers. However, gracious as I am, I will settle for a reprimand. It would be in all of your best interests to walk out my office before you make any more of a fool of yourselves. And next time you decide to gang up with someone, make sure you pick the smart one." I went on confidently.

"You!" Jameson spat in anger as I made a jab at his intelligence.

"What Jameson? You should apologize to your friends for putting them in such a situation. They could lose their jobs and all because they trusted you and decided to fight for you. You should learn to treat your friends better," I said in a seemingly innocent voice. I was actually being anything but innocent in my suggestions. I knew that my comments would make Jameson's buddies question his motives and probably plant a seed of doubt. They should have known better than to hang out with such a petty man as him.

"Guys, we should leave." Jameson told his little band. They walked out of my office with sour looks and I couldn't hold back a wicked giggle. It was absolutely humorous to humiliate them. I didn't feel one bit sorry that I had made them look like utter fools. I mean, they should learn to work hard for their pay instead of integrating malicious moves against hardworking colleagues. Shame on them for picking on me.

I decided to talk to my team to make sure that everything was ironed out. Leaving them in the dark would only create questions. I didn't want the doubts they had had in me to resurface especially now when I had began to earn their respect. As I walked out of my office I was surprised to find the whole department waiting. They were gathered around in our meeting area. A round of applause greeted me as I walked up to them.

"What is up with you?" I asked with a laugh.

"That is for showing them who is boss in this department," Bruce answered.

"Who was eavesdropping our exchanged?" I questioned.

"All of us," they chorused. I couldn't help bursting into laughter. These people were quite nosy and didn't seem to think it inappropriate.

"Well, since you already know what is going on, I would like you all to get back to work. We have several bonuses to earn. Think how gratifying it will be to get the prize of best department for this quarter of the year," I reminded them.

"Yes!" They all agreed. With that, everyone set back to work ready to win a war. They were psyched up and ready to prove that it was honest work that made our team the best.

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