Chapter nineteen: chance meetings.

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I was headed for lunch with Sheila when she gave me surprising news. Apparently, our CEO wanted to see me in his office as soon as I was available. The reason as to why he hadn't given this information to me personally was also quite unknown to me. I just shrugged and walked with my bestie to our usual lunch spot. She filled me on her life as I did so on mine. The time flew past like it always did when chattered together.

"See you later," I told her as I got into the lift. I stopped at my floor to drop our dishes in my office before proceeding up to the CEO's floor. As I made my way to his PA's desk I couldn't help but wonder why I had been summoned. The last time I had been here, it hadn't ended very well and I dreaded the chance that something similar would happen. His PA saw me and broke into a smile.

"Just my favorite person in this building," she said with a genuine smile.

"Hi..." I trailed off as I realized that I didn't know her name.

"Jennifer. My name is Jennifer, Aisha." She said. I could see that she was very amused and proud of herself for knowing my name when I didn't know hers.

"Yes, Jennifer." I said her name so that it would stick in my mind. I easily forgot people's names. "Why am I here?" I voiced my concern

"You don't know?" She wondered.

"No, should I?" I asked self-consciously. She laughed at my bewildered expression.

"Don't look so terrified. You are not in any trouble as far as I know. It is about the incident that happened in your office yesterday," she enlightened me.

"But I didn't file a case against them," I replied in confusion.

"We up here know everything. We hear everything," she said solemnly.

"Oh," I said and laughed. She looked really funny with her serious expression and wide eyes.

"You got my joke," she said surprised.

"Yeah, it would be very hard to miss it." I pointed out.

"Most people don't," she said with a shake of the head. "You should probably go in there now. Its time you quit stalling," she suggested.

"I probably should," I replied dejectedly. I didn't really fancy being alone with Jacob since he had such a temper.

I walked up to the closed door and knocked gently. A little part of me hoped that he wouldn't hear and I could go away without having to see him. I was incredibly disappointed when I heard him urge me to come in. I didn't know if he already knew it was me. As soon as I walked in his face lit up into one of his rare breathtaking smiles. I couldn't help smile back at him hesitantly. It was in my best interest not to annoy him.

"How are you Aisha?" He greeted.

"Am very fine, thank you sir." I answered formally. In all honesty I was quite nervous. I knew this meeting could ruin my career if at all he deemed it fit.

"Don't look so tensed. I did not call you here for reprimand. If anything, I am quite amused by how you handled yesterday morning's incident. I never knew that you were that crafty and smart," he said in admiration. His smile was still on his face.

"Uh, thank you." I said. I didn't know what else to say to his praise.

"I, however, must point out that you were misinformed by thinking that you could effect action against the participants and win. There are no company guidelines that prevent investigations on colleagues for malpractice." He was watching me closely and must have noticed my smile before I managed to push it away. "And you knew this all along," he concluded.

"Yes I did. But they didn't and so they bought my bluff," I said honestly.

"That was a risky gamble you took there," he said thoughtfully.

"Actually, it was an educated guess. I have worked with Jameson long enough to know that he isn't the kind to sift through boring company policy. And he hates feeling challenged so he wouldn't form friendship with people who know more than he does. I was well within my turf," I affirmed. Jacob chuckled as he shook his head. He appeared rather amused by my antics. It was definitely a welcome change to his glare when I had last been in his office.

"You are a very surprising woman," he declared. "I have newfound respect for you," he told me as he held out my hand for me to shake.

"Um sir, aren't you worried that maybe they were onto something in suspecting me of malpractice?" I asked the question that had been eating at me all along.

"Not at all. I have had your integrity vouched by a good number of people and your already existing rivalry with said party is a dead giveaway," he explained.

"Oh, okay." I said sheepishly. "If we are done here I would like to take my leave," I said politely.

"Of course, don't let me hold you. Go on ahead," he replied.

I got to my feet and walked to the door with a confused look on my face.  I couldn't believe that this was the same unpleasant man I had encountered before. He had changed drastically from that presumptuous and disrespectful person I had come to think him to be. I was just about to swing the door open when he called out to me. I turned around to hear what he had to say.

"I am sorry about how acted the last time you were in my office. It wasn't one of my proudest moments and I would like it if you try and forget it. I am not usually as cranky or temperamental like that. I was having a hard time adjusting to this company and took it out on you. Could we start over as friends?" He asked in a surprisingly tender voice.

"Friends?" I asked in alarm.

"Its okay if you don't want to," he interjected quickly.

"Oh no, its not that. I have never been friends with a man," I laughed.

"Being friends with a man isn't all that different with being friends with a woman. We can still braid each other's hair and gossip," he said jokingly.

"I don't gossip," I defended.

"Now you do," he proclaimed. "See you around my new friend. And get back to work now. I don't pay you to stand around with your mouth hanging open," he pointed out. I hastily left the office with my thoughts frantic. Something very weird was happening and I didn't know what just yet.

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