Chapter twenty two: innocent.

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Before I recount the following events, I am going to maintain my stance as an innocent bystander. Just kidding! When ever was I innocent when it came to a prank. I love pranks. However, I only loved them as long as they weren't aimed at me. I have been known to dish out a mean punch when caught unawares and so anyone who knows me would never dream of pranking me.

After a long long night, the last of the guests trickled out and only four of us were left. Gina had insisted on sleeping over and Sheila asked me to stay and keep them company. I was already beat up and loved the idea of not having to take a taxi in the middle of the night. Titus had his housekeeper prepare three rooms for us in his ridiculously big house. However, barely ten minutes in bed had me sneaking out of my room.

My aim was to stalk into Sheila's room and possibly talk until we fell asleep. I always had trouble finding sleep in new environments. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I bumped into Gina. She had a sheepish look on her face when I pulled open my door to find her slinking in the corridor. We both got wide smiles as we continued to our destination. I knocked slightly before opening the door and entering to find Sheila curled up in the bed.

"Who's there?" She asked in the darkness.

"Aisha and Gina," I supplied.

Needless to say, our night ended in giggles and laughter. It was so much later that we all fell to the clutches of sleep. We woke up to find ourselves tangled up with each other and the beddings. Each of us went back to their assigned rooms to shower and freshen up. I was the first to finish since am not a fussy person and neither do I have some elaborate self care routine. I walked downstairs to wait for my friends to join me.

I have often heard the saying that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. I therefore take this opportunity and blame the devil for planting the idea into my mind(laughs evilly). The house was quiet as I sat on the couch stewing in my thoughts. A look around showed that someone had already been cleaning. I couldn't help envision myself as some rich woman with people working to make my life run smoothly. That was an idea I could work to implement.

"Why do you have that devious glint in your eye?" Sheila asked as she joined me on the couch.

"I was just wondering how many human rituals I'd have to do to be filthy rich," I laughed.

"Silly you," she said with a shake of her head. "Marrying a rich man would be easier than that. It is exactly what am doing," she told me in a playful voice.

"I knew it! You are just after my brother for the money. Make sure he doesn't make you sign the prenup," Gina put in as she plopped in between us. We all burst out laughing at the ridiculous allegation. I had found out that Gina had quite a wonderful sense of humor and was sweet to a fault. She also had a little devious streak that made me like her instantly.

"I want to scare Titus," I offered suddenly.

"What?" Sheila asked doubtfully.

"Yes, yes!" Gina exclaimed. "We should get back at him for all the times he played pranks on me as a kid," she said totally ignoring Sheila's disapproval.

"Let's go then," I said and got to my feet. I heard two sets of feet patter behind me as I walked up the stairs.

When we got to his room, I listened at the door. The shower wasn't on and so I knocked gently. If he was awake he'd hear and answer it. I remembered Gina mentioning how her brother was one of the heaviest sleepers she'd ever known. I pushed the door open slowly when I got no response. A peek inside confirmed that indeed Titus was fast asleep. We tiptoed inside and stood near his bed.

I tugged loose the shoelaces I used to tie my hair up. My two companions looked at me in question as I grinned. I passed one shoelace to Gina who stood at the opposite side of the bed. I motioned for her to tie down Titus other hand as I tied his right one to the bedpost. Once that little feat was accomplished I stood back and looked at the scene of my wickedness. This was going to be fun which is why I whipped out my phone and handed ot to Sheila.

"Start recording," I instructed. She looked hesitant but instantly complied when I pouted and gave her my best puppy eyes impression. She did roll her eyes so hard I thought they'd get stuck to show that she didn't like it. Once the camera was rolling, I bent down next to the sleeping guy's ear.

"WAKE UP THE WORLD IS ENDING YOU IDIOT!" I literally screamed and then moved away.

The reaction was instant. His eyes snapped open and he tried to sit up in a panic. On realising that he was tied down, he struggled frantically against the ties. The sudden awakening had him disoriented and it took him several moments to notice the three of us. In those moments he had managed to give us a show of a lifetime as his fear and panic was displayed on his face. His eyes had a haunted look as he struggled against his restraints. The minute he saw us all the fight left him and his expression turned into a glare.

"You!" Was all he managed to spit.

"Hi brother dear," Gina said with a laugh. "You should have seen your face," she teased. "Here, Sheila gimme the phone so I can show him."

"How did you get Sheila to help?" Titus questioned tightly.

"She loves me more than you," I taunted. He gave me a sour look and Sheila looked down in embarrassment. "Imma go take my stuff and leave. I have caused enough trouble for today. Am such a horrible person," I said honestly but with no real guilt. I stopped feeling guilty long ago when I realized it wouldn't stop me from being me.

"I hate you Aisha and your invitation to our wedding is cancelled," the groom to be gritted out.

"Sweet," I agreed with a smile. "I hate weddings," I stated simply.

"You are so annoying. And won't anyone of you untie me?" He asked.

"Sure," I said and quickly untied him. "These are mine after all," I pointed out. "Gina come on, lets go make some breakfast and leave Sheila to tend to her hubby. I feel like pancakes," I suggested.

"Good call. Titus loves pancakes and will probably feel less hostile if you make him some," she whispered as we walked out of the room. "You are so crazy," she added.

"I know," I replied knowing that it was true.

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