Chapter seventeen: dates and exes.

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Sheila and I were pretty much back to being friends. I had made myself be as accommodating as I could. I was however regretting my decision to let myself be pulled into this idea of a date. Sheila had done a lot of begging to get me to accompany them to a dinner. Even though both of them did their best to integrate me into their conversations, I didn't feel very comfortable. It mostly because I really hated being in a public place when I could have been safely tucked away at home.

"Please, can I go?" I asked for the hundredth time. Sheila and Titus shared a look before laughing at my expense.

"And what makes you think my answer from the last time you asked, which was just ten seconds ago, has changed?" Sheila teased.

"You know I could just get up and leave?" I threatened.

"I actually know for a fact that you can't," she replied in good humour. I knew I was being a baby but I really wanted to get out of there. I had a bad feeling about it all.

"What makes you so sure?" I challenged.

"Only because am your best friend. So you can't abandon me here and I also know you don't want to leave and get all the attention on you as you walk out," she stated.

"That sounds like so much logic. Please tone it down because am really tired and its too late at night to be using your brains," I complained.

"You are such an amusing woman," Titus injected. My only response was a glare sent his way. "Sheila dear, why don't you let your friend go home and rest. She is clearly tired," he tried to convince my stubborn friend.

"I see what you're doing," she said suspiciously. "You are trying to impress Aisha while at the same time manage to get me alone with you. Two birds, one stone. You crafty old man," she chided lightly. I narrowed my eyes at said man as I considered Sheila's words.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I am only trying to be nice. And am not that old," he said raising his arms in defense.

"You're like what, fifty?" I suggested. I took a quick sip of my juice to hide my grin as a very offended look appeared on his face.

"Aisha!" Sheila exclaimed in a fake shocked voice. I could see she was trying so hard not to laugh.

"I am barely forty two I will let you know," Titus said seriously.

"Describe barely. Does it mean ten or so tears past your forty second birthday or?" I pushed. Okay, this was the most fun I had had all evening. I wasn't exactly thinking much about being a good friend and not offending my best friend's date.

"Sheila, your friend isn't being nice." He turned to Sheila for help only to find her clutching her sides in silent laughter. My own laughter couldn't help finding its way out at his confused look. Slowly, a look of recognition made its way to replace the confusion. "You two are just making fun of me, aren't you?"

"You finally got the memo," I said in between laughs.

"This is the problem of spending my time in the company of young people when I should be with people my age. I totally deserve this," he said in a fake hurt voice. My eyes widened at his really good impression of hurt and I knew I had more respect for him now. At least he had a sense of humor and wasn't some stiff old guy.

"I actually like you more for that," I pointed out.

"For what?" He feigned innocence.

"Your acting," I elaborated.

"I have my moments," he said. He then lifted his shoulders in a comical show of confidence and rubbed some invisible dust from his shoulder. I could now see how Sheila could stand him. He wasn't too bad.

"Aisha?" I voice pulled me out of my analysis. I looked over my shoulder to see who was calling and came face to face with my worst nightmare.

Standing there, looking even more beautiful than I could remember was Charlie. He was the boy I had once been in love with, only now he was a man and not any less attractive. With him was a most gorgeous woman and I quickly pegged her as a model. Together they looked like a power couple straight out of a movie and I felt more self conscious than I had in a long time. It didn't help that the young woman who looked barely twenty was sneering down at me.

"Charlie," I said with a false smile. He might have broken my heart once but I wasn't about to show that I was rattled by him.

"It has been so long. How have you been?" He asked with faked interest.

"I have been doing quite well. Meet my friend, Sheila and her date, Titus. Who is your friend?" I said out of courtesy.

"Actually, am his fiancee." The woman piped up.

"Congratulations," I said enthusiastically. They both looked like they deserved each other.

"Haha, this is Brenda. She is just my girlfriend, but really loves to stake her claim." Charlie's words made Brenda shoot me a venomous glare. I wondered how much she knew as to warrant her less than friendly behavior.

"Well, that is nice." I said. I didn't know what I would say without giving out what I was thinking.

"So what do you do for a living?" Charlie asked with a smile. For some reason I felt like his smile was more of a mockery than anything else.

"She is a top manager at Raymond's consultancy firm," Titus chipped in. I shot him a thankful look, Charlie's challenging look had rubbed me the wrong way.

"And you are?" Brenda asked in a snotty voice.

"Only the CEO of Diamond ltd," Titus said confidently. Both Charlie and Brenda looked shocked at the discovery. I could barely hide my smirk as they excused themselves. They did need to leave before they embarrassed themselves in at attempt to embarrass me.

"Never knew I'd need a knight to come rescue me," I said to Titus.

"I didn't like them. They look like a pair," he said.

"They are," I confirmed.

"Was that him?" Sheila finally asked.

"Yeah. And he got more beautiful," I added.

"Sure didn't make him nicer," she observed.

"No it didn't," I agreed. I looked to see Titus watching our banter in confusion. The guy would have a really hard time keeping up with the pair of us.

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