Chapter sixteen: audacity.

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Even the best of people get second thoughts about decisions that they have made. My only doubts so far was having not realised sooner who my friend was. She always had a hopeful glint when a guy tried to hit on us when we were together. I had never gotten to know what that hope was because for some reason, the attention almost always fell on me. She must have secretly despised me then for turning down men without a care when she craved the attention for herself so much.

I was having a rather difficult week since several of my subordinates had gone down with the flu. Less workers meant more work with fewer people to do it. It didn't help that this unfortunate event coincided with the last week of the month. I had had to reshuffle work assignments and even take up more work myself. So far, I had managed to get the situation under control and would have the work pile up done by Thursday in time for a lazy Friday. I could feel a sense of accomplishment build up in me.

I was humming a happy tune as I walked to my office. I had decided to eat out for lunch. With the extra work, I had to take some home with me and didn't get time to dabble with my cooking. Eating out cost more but it wasn't too bad when it was for a few days. I planned to stay late in the office instead of carrying work home that day. I didn't expect, however, to find someone waiting outside my office.

"Sheila," I greeted formally.

"Hi Aisha," she said enthusiastically. I narrowed my eyes at her in suspicion. I knew that excited look and didn't want to guess what might have caused it. Instead I just pretended not to see it.

"How may I help you Sheila?" I questioned.

"Why are you being so formal? Its me, your girl. I just came to say hi, I figured that by now you would have calmed down enough to hear me out," she said excitedly.

"Why do I get a feeling that you are going to find a way to really annoy me?" I asked her.

"Because you know me so well. And please hear me out before deciding whether or not you want me as your friend again," she requested.

"Okay, woman. Will you stop begging?" I said and clicked my tongue in annoyance. Why did this woman have to be so persistent? "Come into my office, you can talk as I work."

"So, you remember Titus?" She prompted.

"Who? Which Titus?" I feigned ignorance.

"Haha, very funny." She said sarcastically. You couldn't hang around me for long and expect not to pick that bad habit. "You know the guy that you blame for the demise of our friendship," she teased.

"Watch how you tread," I reminded her.

"Oh am sorry. I keep forgetting that we're no longer friends and am no longer allowed to make fun of you. Anyway, he and I are going out officially now. That is why I came to see you," she explained.

"You have my blessings if that is what you want," I said barely looking up from the papers in my hand. I was grateful I had them to target my growing annoyance on. It looked like I would actually be finishing early with the adrenaline I could feel rising inside me.

"Aisha," she whined. "Why must you be so cold? I thought you'd be happy for me because am finally getting a chance to find love. You told me there are good men out there and I think Titus is one of them. Say something Aisha," she tried to convince me. I looked up from the papers and stared at the wall behind her. She must have thought I was considering what she'd said.

"Got it! That is exactly what I have been missing. Now I can get rid of this work pile by this evening," I blurted out.

"You weren't listening!" Sheila shouted as she glared at me heatedly.

"Of course I was," I replied shortly.

"Then what did I say?" She challenged.

"Something like me being supposed to be happy for you. And that you think Titus is the good guy in this story. Did I miss anything?" I asked even as I rapidly dealt with the papers.

"I also said you were cold," she corrected.

"Yeah am cold. The heaters in this office have been faulty for a while now," I answered. I chuckled in amusement when I saw her grit her teeth in frustration. I wasn't taking her serious and this was irritating her. However, I knew she wasn't going anywhere until she had me onboard. Might as well have my fun.

"You are a horrible person, Aisha." She jabbed. My grin must have rubbed her the wrong way because she immediately became offensive. "I know you well too and I know that you are actually happy that am here. If you didn't enjoy my company then you would have already asked me to leave. So, you can either keep pretending that you are still mad at me or we can just kiss and make up."

"Eww! I don't want to kiss you," I said in disgust. "I have no idea where you've been. Thanks for planting that utterly horrifying picture into my head."

"Oops! My bad," she said in amusement. "You are still so childish," she observed.

"What did you expect? That I was going to suddenly become this super mature and adult woman? You know me, I have refused to grow up and that's it." I reminded her.

"Girl, I miss you. And am sorry I was such a terrible friend. I just haven't felt such feelings in so long that I got lovestruck. I am getting myself together and I want to do better for you. Friends are forever, men come and go. And am really terrified so I don't think I can do this by myself," she said. I could see the honesty in her eyes.

"I knew you had ulterior motives," I teased.

"Don't all people?" She shot back.

"Touche," I laughed.

"Friends?" She asked.

"Sure. But if you ever behave like you did, I will slap you so hard you'll get amnesia." I threatened.

"And you should," she agreed.

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