Chapter eleven: new enemies.

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Getting in to see the CEO was much easier than I had expected. Apparently, he had anticipated my visit. By the scowl I received from his personal assistant, I had a rough idea of what to expect. He would probably be in a happy mood, feeling like he had accomplished a great deal. He was right in thinking as much, only that he hadn't accomplished what he had hoped to. He had managed, however, to annoy me a great deal.

I was met with a self satisfied smile once I entered his office. He looked fifty shades of pleased to see me and for some reason that made me want to slap him silly. I settled onto the chair opposite him and took several calming breaths. I looked around the office, not seeing anything but just trying to get my mind into focus. I didn't want to be angry when I told him my mind because that would make me rude and a tad bit hurtful.

"Do you like what I have done with the office?" He asked hopefully.

"Yes, it looks good." I answered just out of politeness. I didn't exactly care what he did with his office.

"I assume you got my flowers," he stated. Surprisingly, his smile got even bigger which I didn't think was possible. It must have hurt to stretch his mouth that wide.

"Well,about that. I know your intentions were good but I do not appreciate the gesture," I began.

"You are not a flower person. I could get you something else," he interrupted. I was getting more impatient and it was harder to reign in my temper.

"I don't want anything, Jacob." I used his name to show that I was being serious. "I am a grown up and what am trying to tell is that, your affection is not returned. I do not want you to keep trying to win me over or whatever it is that you are trying to do," I got it out in one ramble.

"I don't understand," was all he had to say.

"You don't have to understand, Jacob. All you need to know is that I want you to not make a move on me anymore," I laid it out clear.

"You are such a daring woman. Do you know how many women I have to turn down everyday? And then you come here and give me a lecture for trying to be romantic. If this is your idea of playing hard to get, then you missed the mark. You have gotten your wish. I won't bother myself over you anymore. Now leave my office," he replied angrily.

I got up and left really fast. He had very ugly veins popping up his face and he had gotten really red in rage. I flew out of the office in a panic. As soon as the door closed behind me I looked up to see his PA settling back into her seat with a guilty expression. She pretended to be busy arranging the papers on her desk. I narrowed my eyes and approached her.

"Were you eavesdropping?" I challenged. She surprised me by breaking into a smile.

"Yes, I was. And am glad I did too," she confirmed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?" She asked right back.

"Why are you glad that you eavesdropped?" I elaborated.

"That guy is such a womaniser. You don't know how many women come to see him up here everyday. Hearing your boss have sex everyday is not pretty," she said with a disgusted face.

"If you don't like it, then why were you listening in?" I countered.

"Because it didn't sound like you were having sex in there. I was curious to know what you were doing instead," she said with a grin.

"I was in there for barely five minutes," I said in confusion.

"Most ladies are barely in there for three," she shot back and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"You're disgusting," I told her.

"Not my fault. I had to get a thick skin to survive working with the man," she defended. "I have never seen him so angry and I have been his PA for two years. Congrats girl, you have outdone yourself."

"He can join the long queue of guys I have turned down," I shrugged. "How come he has never gone after you?"

"Because my husband would probably cut him up into pieces," she said with a laugh.

"You're married. But you are just my age," I stated.

"When you find the one for you, it doesn't matter how old you are. Love is a beautiful thing," she said dreamily.

"I have to go," I said quickly before getting away. I didn't want to get pulled into a conversation about love. I would probably just say something that would make her hate me. I was already making enough enemies as it were and didn't need anymore.

If I thought my day couldn't go any further downhill, then I was being a blind optimist. The minute I got to my department, I knew something was wrong. I was getting some rather colourful glares and a lot of murmuring was going around. I made my way to my office and hushed whispers followed in my wake. Whatever was going on was not good.

"Bruce, to my office." I called out to my deputy. "What is going on?" I questioned as soon as he got into my office.

"There is a rumour that you are the CEO's fiance," he answered.

"And the origin of this rumour is," I prompted.

"Someone saw the bouquet of flowers he sent you. And then you went up to see him and everyone assumed that there was something between you two," he explained.

"Why are you being so forthcoming with answers?" I asked in suspicion.

"Because I wouldn't want for it to be true. I like you myself," he said in a straightforward manner.

"I will give you the same reply I gave the boss; I have no interest in relationships and love affairs. Now get back to work and would you please tell everyone to stop gossiping during working hours," I said. Thankfully, he tilted his head and left. Wow, I sure had a talent for making trouble for myself.

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