Chapter twenty: warm hearts.

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I couldn't remember the last time I had been this happy. My dearest friend was getting married and Titus was going to throw the biggest engagement party. Sheila had thrown a fit when she found out that he hadn't bothered to involve her in planning. She had given him an hour long lecture while I watched like a proud mom as she made him feel sorry for being chivalrous. I ate through several bags of crisps as I let the drama unfold.

"Okay Sheila babe that's enough. The guy has apologised so many times that if he apologises again I will slap him," I interrupted.

"But he didn't involve me in planning the party," Sheila complained.

"That might be because it was supposed to be a surprise," I said in my most sarcastic tone.

"You hate surprises," she whined accusingly.

"I do. But it was your choice to get married. Apparently, he is the One and you can't wait to spend the rest of your life with him. The man is as romantic as they come and you knew this even as you said yes. So you, my dear, are up for loads of surprises for the rest of your probably miserable life," I said with a wolfish grin.

"I am not going to be miserable," Sheila protested.

"You already are miserable. Otherwise you wouldn't have wasted our whole hour pointing out what an independent twenty first century woman you are. And it is only going to get worse from here," I chided.

"I am not miserable!" She yelled all of a sudden.

"Yeah you aren't," I agreed cheekily. Poor Titus looked so confused and heartbroken that he would have to cancel the party even though he had already made all the preparations.

"I just don't know if am ready to be shown off to all those people Titus invited. I thought I could put off the scrutiny and judgement till the wedding but he had to go and ruin that. I am now going to face them this weekend," Sheila said as her voice cracked. I chuckled as my tactic worked. I had annoyed her into telling us the real version of the story.

"Ooh baby, come here." I said and pulled her into a hug. "I will be there with you all along and so will Titus. If anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way I'll be there to make them regret it. And only a fool would think bad of you. Anyone can see how you two are like lovestruck teenagers and go green with envy. Ssh don't cry," I consoled. I could hear her take in some rapid breaths as she tried to calm herself.

"Am so scared Aisha," she admitted.

"I know. But you are going to be fine," I reassured. She pulled away and I smiled at her teary face. She always found a way to look adorable even in the worst scenarios.

"I don't know what I would do without you," Titus said as he came to pull Sheila in for an embrace.

"You would crash and burn that's what you would do," I said.

"Thank you Aisha," Sheila added. "We couldn't do this without you. Somehow you are the one who helps us to find our balance," she continued.

"Aaw you guys are too sweet. Am just glad to be of help. Now, if you will excuse me I would like to get away from your drama," I prompted.

"Its okay. You have done more than enough," Titus agreed.

"See you," I called over my shoulder as I went back to my office. I couldn't believe that my lunch break had been overtaken by some love drama. I was deep in thought as I walked towards the lift. I didn't look up even when I got into the lift and so I had no idea who got in with me.

"Hi friend," a male voice startled me from my reverie.

"Hi Jacob honey," I said with my most false voice.

"Bad time?" The CEO questioned in amusement.

"I wish," I scoffed.

"Is this how you usually talk to your friends?" He asked.

"I only have one friend and she has already used up my daily allocation of patience," I gritted out.

"Jeez woman, calm down." He said. Before I knew what was happening I had whirled around angrily to face him.

"Don't you ever, ever tell a woman to calm down. Do you hear me?" I growled at him. As the lift doors opened I realized that I was standing dangerously close to him while glaring angrily. "Um, this is my stop. Have a nice afternoon dear friend," I said awkwardly. I then bolted down the hall and into my office. I couldn't believe that I just threatened my boss. I heard a knock on my door and a small scream escaped me involuntarily. "Come in," I called out.

"So, I get that we weren't done with our small chat." I heard behind me. Jacob had decided to follow me.

"Jacob," I stated.

"You were giving me some pointers on how not to talk to women. I have never really been good with women since none ever want to stick around me," he said in a remorseless voice.

"That might be because you are a rake," I shot back.

"I am not!" He rushed to say. I narrowed my eyes at him as he tried to look as innocent as possible. After several seconds passed without me relenting one bit he started to shift uncomfortably on his feet. "Okay, I might be a ladies man." He agreed reluctantly.

"What? Am so shocked," I said dramatically. "And I thought you were a virtuous young man with clear intentions," I jested.

"Oh stop it," he interrupted. "By admitting that to you doesn't mean you get to make fun of me."

"I thought we were now besties and we tell each other our deepest darkest secrets," I teased.

"What are your secrets?" He retaliated.

"I am a weirdo," I said proudly.

"That isn't a secret," he disagreed.

"Neither was yours," I pointed out.

"Touché," he shrugged. "Let me get back to work now. Have a lovely afternoon my dearest Aisha," he bid me as he left. I shook my head in disbelief. Who would have thought that I'd be surrounded with so many friends? Maybe being a grown up had its perks.

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