Chapter twenty three: fever.

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I don't exactly believe in Karma but the moment I got home from Titus's I got the flu. I had felt the symptoms coming up but had ignored them hoping that they would just go away. As you may have guessed already, the symptoms didn't abate which explained my predicament come Monday.

I was a mess of a runny nose and a sore throat. My head throbbed unpleasantly and I had the urge to crawl into a hole and die. I had never let an illness get to me but I eventually had to call in sick. The HR lady I talked with couldn't hide her surprise since I had never used any of my sick days before. I then lounged on the couch and took a nap.

Two hours later I woke up and found that the medicine had kicked in while I slept. I got up and went to the kitchen to prepare some tea. I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that even my throat had stopped hurting so much. I had my breakfast and a quick shower before sitting down to scroll through the channels.

I had never been home on a Monday and I soon realized that nothing on TV held my attention. A glance at the clock showed that it wasn't even 10 a.m yet. A devious smile formed on my lips as I decided to surprise my workmates. There was no way I could survive till evening in that dull house. I would probably jump off the balcony for lack of a better thing to do. Two days off for the weekend were way too much free time as it was. I didn't need any more idle time.

In my usual fashion, I was ready in five minutes and out. A short bus ride later and I was at my workplace. I stopped by Sheila's desk to tell her I'd changed my mind about staying home. She took one look at me and burst into laughter. She always found it hilarious that I despised free time so much. She then shooed me away since I was apparently taking up her time when she should have been working.

I arrived at my floor and found the office quiet at work. I felt really proud that I had managed to inspire the unruly bunch into diligent workers. I had a proud smile as I strutted to my office. I must have been really silent in my walk since none of them took notice of me until I was at my door. I reached into my bag to fetch my keys and that is when they turned to look at me.

One lady, Mary, speed walked towards me but I just shook my head and pushed the door open. The scene that greeted me had me turn around to check the reaction of my team. They were all studiously ignoring me while Mary was hurrying off back to her desk. Aha, so this was what she was rushing to warn me about.

I walked into my office and closed the door behind me. The culprits were busy pulling on their clothes in a hurried way. Neither of them could hold my gaze and I knew that if I had been in their shoes I'd have been as embarrassed. (I can feel your curiosity building up.)

So here is the scene I walked into:

Oliver, the office's womaniser and certified rake had a woman bent over my desk. They were both missing any top clothes and the bottom half of their clothes were either pulled down or up for better access. If the looks on their faces was any indication then they were having a really good time until I decided to show up.

Once they had managed to hurriedly get dressed, they stood before me while staring at their shoes. I honestly didn't understand what was so interesting about their footwear but am not much of a fashion guru. I had a good idea that they expected me to give them a lecture but I quite enjoyed their silent discomfort. I was on the verge of giving in to the urge to burst into laughter when Bruce rushed in.

"Madam I didn't have anything to do with this. It was not me who gave them the key to access your office," he quickly spat out.

"Hi Bruce," I greeted him with a warm smile. My voice came out hoarse but you could clearly hear my amusement.

"Hi," he replied hesitantly.

"So if you didn't lend our dear friends here you key, how did they get in?" I asked him.

"I, uh, work in the maintenance department," the lady chipped in. I had to give it to her. She wasn't nearly as shaken as she should have been after getting caught in a place she shouldn't have been doing something that didn't belong in a workplace.

"She has a voice," I said in a fake surprised voice. "I mean why on earth would you choose my office for such disgusting and disrespectful purposes?" I probed.

"We thought it would be fun. And honestly it was a lot of fun," she replied boldly. Wow, I just had to respect her courage. However, I didn't feel very happy about having my office used as an impromptu motel room.

"Well in that case, you won't mind accompanying me to HR as I file my complaints against you. I can think of a few of my rights that you have infringed," I announced. I didn't exactly care for her brash attitude especially after I had tried to be civil about the whole incident.

"So you are going to report us?" Oliver squealed.

"Of course I am. You didn't think I was just going to let this disrespect slide, did you?" I asked in confusion. Maybe it was my fever but these pair really had no boundaries. "Bruce, come along. You are my witness. Also, what kind of deputy are you? Just letting people run wild while am away," I said as I walked away from my office. I really needed to sit down since I was beginning to feel dizzy. Maybe I should have just stayed home.

Author's note.

Hello my dear readers. Thanks for stopping by yet again. And in case you are wondering where this story is headed, so am I. All I know is that this is not a love story and never was. I don't think life is all about falling in love and getting married which is why I started writing this book about my crazy Aisha and her weird friends and colleagues.

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