Chapter six: stranger danger.

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I put on my work boots as I got ready for work. I had a feeling that today I would need to step up and be in charge, hence the go getter shoes. Luckily, they complimented my look perfectly. I couldn't help but admire myself in the mirror. I do clean up well if I may say so myself.

Mondays always had me excited, especially because it signified the start of a new week. A new week meant another opportunity to annoy a lot of people and make new enemies, yay! Well, that is not the reason I loved Mondays. The real reason was because it meant I got to leave the house and bury myself in work. I never liked being idle as it made my thoughts run wild. I didn't exactly trust my subconscious to conjure positive thoughts.

I arrived at work earlier than usual and got down to my schedule. I would be having an extra busy week if the workload was any indication. "Sounds like my kind of week," I said to myself with a smile. I liked the prospects of being able to earn that bonus I had been aiming for for awhile. I rubbed my palms together in glee as I came up with a game plan. The HR weren't going to see this one coming and I loved that, a lot.

"Meeting!" The department head, Leslie, called.

"Uh, not now." I muttered under my breath and went to join the others. We were all gathered at the one end of our open plan office reserved for such spontaneous meetings.

"I have some news for all of you. I got a promotion and so you will all be getting a new boss. Aisha, step forward." Leslie went straight to the point.

"Me?" I questioned in disbelief making sure to point at my chest to emphasize my question.

"Yes you, Aisha. Am pretty sure there is nobody else with a similar name in this whole building," she confirmed. I stepped forward. "Guys, I present to you your new department head; Aisha." She said dramatically. A round of hesitant applause followed.

Several faces were turned to look at Leslie in confusion. We had a lot of questions including but not limited to: 1. Why didn't anyone inform us of a vacant position for promotion? 2. What criteria had been used to choose me for promotion? 3. Did that mean I had actually managed to outshine Jameson? Okay, maybe the last one was just me. However, we had a bunch of questions which was undeniable.

"Well, we have observed that there is an ongoing rivalry in this office which is why we didn't advertise the position. My successor was chosen based on merit," she elaborated. I smiled when she said I had been selected for my merit. I resisted the childish urge to stick my tongue out at Jameson.

"Excuse me madam, I don't believe Aisha is the best option for the position." Of course Jameson wouldn't take this without a fight.

"Jameson, I understand your concern." Leslie put in. "It has been decided that you have earned a promotion yourself and you will be moved to department C as department head. And now to introduce your new assistant department head, Bruce." She went on.

A tall man that I had never seen before stepped up front with graceful strides. I disliked him on sight. I mean, he had the audacity to be even taller than Jameson who already towered above me. The fact that he was made my deputy when there never had been a deputy before was like a backhanded slap. It made it look like the management didn't quite believe in my leadership skills.

I was about to comment as much to Leslie when I saw the bro hug Bruce and Jameson shared. Of course, they would know each other. A look around the office revealed quite a disturbing fact. The ladies were drooling over Bruce and some were fluttering their eyelashes 'seductively' while giggling. I mean you could say he was a classical case of TDH(tall, dark and handsome) but he wasn't all that much to fuss over.

"Madam, may I speak with you in private." I requested. I had to take a hold on the situation before it got out of hand. Thankfully, Leslie ushered me to her former office to talk.

"What is it Aisha?" She asked.

"Not that I am ungrateful for the promotion or anything, but why would you give me a deputy too? It makes me look incompetent and unable to lead," I voiced my thoughts.

"Relax girl. The whole assistant department head thing is just for show. You are the boss and all final decisions lie in your hands. The only reason he is here is in case there are a few rebellious people in the department who might not like that you got the promotion instead of them. The senior managers realise your potential and want to smooth your transition as much as possible. It looks like the plan is working with the way those ladies are sucking up to him. I mean even the guys look like they want to be all over him," Leslie shuddered as she said the last part, and not in a good way.

"Oh, I didn't think of it like that. I don't like that guy though," I said.

"Don't worry about him. He wouldn't try to contest your authority. And he will be easy to get under control. After all, you are the most devious person I know," Leslie explained.

"I am not devious," I defended. She gave me a look and I scrunched my face as I admitted, "maybe a little."

"Now go move your things into this office. You will love being the boss," she said.

Of course I would. I had been content with earning a bonus before but instead I got a promotion and an instant pay rise. Also, I wouldn't mind the extra benefits that came with the title. I just needed to continue being good at my work and more promotions would be mine for the taking. I just had to stop by human resources and deal with the paperwork and I would be the official head of department.

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