Prologue - 32

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May 16, 2013
Malibu, Ca.


Life had turned around in such a short time. Donnie was home permanently now since Blue Bloods had wrapped, and apart from him meeting at a studio with the other New Kids a few times a week, we'd been playing happy families.

Savannah and Logan were three months old, and changing so much. Little Logan was Donnie's spitting image, right down to that damn hair line. AJ had joked he was going to give him hair plugs for his first birthday. I kindly told him to fuck off.

And Savannah, well she was the apple of Donnie's eye, and our little porker. She LOVES her milk, to the point she's this little chunky thing with whispy blonde hair and cute little dimples when she smiles. She literally has every guy we know wrapped around her little finger.

And Nick won't admit it but he has a soft spot for her. Majorly.

Elijah has settled in with us. It was amazing how well we all worked as a family. He wasn't affected from not seeing his mum at all, and apart from Xavier mentioning her a few times when he visited, Kim was never mentioned, nor thought about.

"You ready?"

I looked up from pulling a hat on Logan's head to see Donnie walking in, wearing a white pair of shorts and white wife beater. "Umm well I was, but now I see you wearing that and.."

"I'M READY!" Elijah ran through the room and over to where I saw sat, making me stop what I was about to say.

"I'm gonna put the stroller in the car." Donnie said with a chuckle, walking out the room. I lifted Logan on to Elijah's lap before picking Savannah up.

"Are they going to swim today?"

I looked down at Savannah, who was sucking on her fingers. "I think your dad wanted to try them in the pool. I packed them some swimming costumes."


I smiled as Elijah cooed at Logan whilst I cuddled my little girl before putting a hat on her head.

We were heading to Karsyn's for her birthday. It wasn't going to be a big thing, just a cookout and pool party at her place. I knew AJ was going, and the other Backstreet Boys with their wives and kids. Donnie had mentioned the other New Kids coming a few days before, but nothing else had been said.

"Ok strollers in. Who shall I load in first?"

"I can take Logan out." Elijah stood up, and carried Logan out the room, leaving me to look up at Donnie.

"So.. what was you saying before?"

I grinned before lifting Savannah up to my chest as I stood up. "Just that if given the chance, I'd so rip them clothes off you. Here.." I handed him Savannah as Donnie pretty much growled at me before leaving the room.

I loved to tease that man.



I'm 32 fucking years old today. 32! I remember when I turned 22! I had a Nick Carter birthday cake. Don't judge me. It was a joke from a friend in college. If only that friend could see me now.

It's my birthday and a few people are coming over. I didn't want any surprise thing like Nick did last year, even though it was probably the best birthday I ever had. Hell, I know it was. I don't think anything could ever top that. Plus that cake was amazing.

The past two months has been pretty busy. After coming back from New York, Emmileigh spent a lot of time here at my and Nick's house while Donnie finished up in New York and Nick went to London for a few days. While he was gone, we got Haley's passport, finally, and had everything changed on it.

After coming back from London, the guys ended up going to Japan and we went with Nick. To say the least, Haley is all American and isn't into foreign cultures. She wanted her Disney Channel. She wanted her McDonalds and she did not like not knowing what the Japanese were saying.

We made a stop on the way back from Japan in Charlotte, taking some flowers by my Mom and Alan's graves and stayed two nights. We took Haley to see Tony and his parents, who were visiting because there was a race that weekend in Charlotte. It went better than I thought it would. Nick and Tony didn't bicker with one another. I didn't have to kick Tony in the balls.

Since then, we've been back in California, just relaxing. The guys are going to be doing a few shows next month alone and there's talks of another NKOTBSB tour still. Then there's the Backstreet Boys cruise in July.

They have a packed few months coming up and I just hope Haley survives it all.

"AJ!" I heard Haley yell as I lifted my sunglasses up and looked to see AJ and Sarah walking in. They had that one date and nothing came of it, then our fake wedding at Kevin's, and now apparently they've really started dating. "Sarah, did you bring my Mama a present?"

"Yep," Sarah said, handing Haley a bag. "Look at you in a bikini," she said, walking up to hug me.

"I've lost a little weight since last summer, all the stress," I said as she sat down beside me.

"Hot damn!" AJ yelled, looking over his sunglasses at me. I just rolled my eyes. "Two hot girls, big boobs, ain't nothing as good as that," he said as Nick walked up, hitting him in the back of the head. "What?!?"

"Stop talking about my wife's boobs, you pervert," Nick hissed, before looking at me and winking.

"James is so cute," Sarah said as she watched Howie, James and Haley in the shallow end of the pool. "He's like a mini Howie."

"You girls want a beer?" Nick asked, walking over to us. Sarah nodded and Nick handed her a bottled beer. "Babe?"

"No, you know I don't want one," I said as he made a face at me and went to hand the beer to Howie.

"It's your birthday, drink," AJ said as I looked at him. "Hey, just because I'm a recovering alcoholic doesn't mean everybody has to be sober."

"I'd rather remember my birthday," I said, causing Sarah to laugh. "Me and drinking don't go well together, if we all remember the last real time I got drunk."

"Ooh, Joey Mac," AJ said as I glared at him. Leave it to AJ to remind me of that.


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