Chapter 2 - Work It Out

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May 19th, 2013


Since Donnie had been back from New York, I'd started hitting up the gym a few days a week. I was desperate to get rid of the excess baby weight I knew I was still carrying, and now he was home I could leave the kids with him and not put them in the creche. I'd been running my ass off on the treadmill for around ten minutes when someone poked my arm. I nearly fell off the thing when I saw Nick standing beside me.

"What.. the.." I paused the machine and braced myself on it as he stood on the machine beside me looking amused. "Carter.."

"I didn't know you go here."

I wiped my face with a towel before picking up my bottle of water. "Does your wife know you're perving on her best friend working out."

"She dream fucked your boyfriend."

I laughed before taking a sip of water. "I didn't think you came to the gym anymore?"

"What? Why? I make an effort to stay in shape." Nick looked himself over, making me laugh.

"Have you seen your ass?"

"You look at my ass? I'm so telling Karsyn." Nick pulled his phone out.

"Don't bother. She knows." I sipped more water before looking around.

"Damn you girls. So.. what's your work out plan?"

I shrugged. "To get rid of the fat."

"Girl, you have no fat."

I poked my tongue out at him. "I feel fat."

"Well you're not. Donnie was even commenting on how hot you were the other day, when you were in your bikini."

I looked at Nick and smiled. "Really?"

Nick nodded. "Yea. Infact I think we all admired you."

I gave Nick a look. "I don't know whether I should be flattered or freaked out, but thanks."

Nick chuckled. "Well, I'll leave you to your workout. You know, if you ever need a workout buddy.. I'm your man."

I laughed and turned the treadmill on. "Have you seen my Fiance? Between you and Donnie..."

"Yea yea.. the offers there." Nick interrupted, making me laugh. "And geeze.. way to make a guy feel good. I take back everything I said about you before."

I laughed and waved him off before focusing on running.

Nick was weird.



I was sitting on my computer while Haley played some math games on the other computer. I had posted some photos I had taken of Chunk on the beach to my blog which I had totally been neglecting. I had to get better at it though. Kevin had asked me since I was going to be traveling with them to update fans with stuff on their website.

Apparently he didn't like the lack of updates on there, which can't say that I blame him.

"Can't I play the Barbie game? It's summer," Haley whined as I looked over at her.

"Sure, log out of that and go to the Barbie game," I said as she giggled. Just as I hit send on the blog post, I heard the doorbell. "Stay here, I'll go get it."


I got up from my desk and walked towards the front door, looking through the peephole and froze - it was Donnie. I hadn't seen him since my sex dream and I knew he knew.

I heard you walk up to the door...

"Sorry," I said, opening the door to see him with a stroller full of Savannah and Logan. Elijah ran inside thankfully, as I could already feel myself blushing.

"Don't worry about the sex dream, I didn't come here to rape you," he said, pushing the stroller into the house. "I tried calling but you didn't answer."

"Oh, I forgot my phone upstairs," I said. God, I could barely look at him.

"Can you watch them until Emmi gets back from the gym? She should be back anytime now and I've got to head to the studio," he said as my ears perked up. "Don't ask any questions." He leaned down, kissing each twin and looked back at me.

"I need to know...." I said as he walked up to me all seductively and I froze. Then he cracked up laughing. "Dude, that's not funny."

"Oh it is," he smiled, pinching my cheek as he walked past me and out the door. I took a deep breath and shook my head, looking down at Savannah and Logan who stared up at me.

"Your Daddy is so mean," I said as Savannah immediately started cackling. "Yeah, you think it's funny too, but wait 'til you have sex dreams about your Uncle Nick, and then it's not so funny."



I pulled up at the house, taking a big sip of my bottle of water and got out of my car. I was beat from working out and needed a shower. If I was lucky, Haley would be asleep and Karsyn could clean me in the shower and maybe a little somethin' somethin'.

But as soon as I walked into the house, I spotted Karsyn on the sofa, holding Logan and I felt my heart sink a little bit.

"What's Savvy and Lo doing here?" I whispered as I looked to see Savannah asleep beside on her on the sofa.

"Donnie had to run to the studio and Emmileigh was at the gym," Karsyn whispered back.

"Yeah, I saw her there," I said as I took my t-shirt off, causing her to look at me. "Do I look more buff?" I flexed my arms and she glared at me.

"You look nasty," she said as I rolled my eyes. "Go shower before you cause the whole house to stink."

"I remember the time when you liked anything my body did, including stink," I said as she chuckled.

"I never liked your stinkiness," she said as I leaned over, trying to kiss her but she moved her face. I won, kissing her lips, causing her to laugh. "Stop, you're gonna stink up Logan."

"Where's Haley?" I asked.

"Playing on the computer," I said as I walked out of the living room and into the computer room, seeing her earphones on. "Peek a boo," I said, moving her earphones as she smiled.

"Oh, Daddy, you stink," she said as I frowned.

Maybe I did stink.


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