Chapter 15 - Hey Soul Sister

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August 15, 2013
Hershey, PA


There's a lot of things happening today. For one, we're gonna find out the baby's name tonight. We have all ten names picked out and Haley is excited about picking it. It's kind of cute and I think it's helping her feel like she's a part of it.

Apparently there have been fans coming up to her, telling her to pick their name, because that means they'll obviously win a trip to London for the last show. Apparently she has told them she can't be bought.

She's been around Nick way too much.

Other than that, I'm meeting Amy, my half-sister, for lunch today. And here I thought all the sister crap was over with once my parents died and Haley was mine again. I really debated on it, and thought about it. I even researched her online. She's a middle school teacher and I saw her facebook page and even though I don't even remember what my father looked like, I guess even though I look like my Mom, I look like him, too because we could pass for sisters.

I think the whole thing has freaked Emmileigh out, too. We've talked since she snapped at me, but we've kept our distance. I think she thinks that Lucie is stealing me away and now she thinks I'm going to meet my sister and totally forget about it, which, is obviously stupid as hell.

I'm just curious. And I guess since the only real family I have is my Aunt and the fact that Nick is basically unattached to his family, if Amy isn't a psycho, Haley and the baby could have a aunt. I liked having an aunt when I was a kid. Sure, they have Emmileigh and stuff, but someone that's actually blood related.

"Mama, where are you going today?" Haley asked as she walked into the hotel room not long after we checked into the hotel. "Are you coming to the concert tonight?"

"Maybe, I don't know," I said as I sat down on the side of the bed. "Remember, I'm going to meet my sister that I told you about."

"Your real Daddy, like Tony is my real Daddy," she said as I nodded. "Is she going to be nice?"

"I don't know, I guess we just have to see how it goes," I said as she nodded.

"Is she coming to a concert?"

"I don't know, baby," I said. "She said she took some vacation time because she doesn't live here in Hershey but wanted to come meet me and you. So maybe if she doesn't tonight, she might tomorrow."

"Does she like go crazy after Daddy?"

"She had no idea who Nick Carter was until I told her to Google him," I said as Haley giggled. "But regardless of what happens, tonight, you pick the baby's name, okay?"

"I CAN'T WAIT!" she exclaimed, running out of the room.

Sadly, I was kind of excited, too. But nervous all at the same time. It was just her. Her mother wasn't coming and I didn't want her to come.

I was really nervous.



The past few days had been weird.

And I pretty much knew it was my fault. My husband was barely talking to me, my best friend was avoiding me, and my kids were sick of me. I was sure of it.

I was sat at the table on the bus, a magazine before me. Me and Donnie were supposed to be celebrating our birthdays in NYC in two days time, yet nothing had been mentioned since our fight. Was it still happening? Or was he just going to celebrate his own?

I felt a little sad, even though this was all my fault. I should of never hired Lucie. If I hadn't of hired her none of this would of happened.

I was desperate to fix things between me and Donnie. And I think I knew how.

Donnie walked through the bus, making me look up from the magazine to see him carrying both babies. He sat them on the floor before going to walk back out but I touched his arm. He stopped instantly and turned to look at me.

"Um.. hi." I gave him a small smile. I tried to read his body language but it was hard.

"Hi." He whispered back, making me relax a little.

"Can we um..." I licked my lips and sighed. ".. I want to fix this.. us. I miss you."

Donnie's shoulders visibly sag before he moved back, sliding into the seat opposite me. "I miss you too." His voice was quiet, almost like he was too scared to admit that.

"Can we fix this? I hate fighting. I hate that even though that bed is tiny in there it's like we're sleeping miles apart."

Donnie nods. "I know, baby I know." He reached forward and grabbed my hand. "I hate fighting with you.."

I looked down and nodded. "Can we go out tonight?"

"Huh? Baby look at me.."

I looked up. "Can we go out tonight. Me and you?"

Donnie smiled. "Of course we can. We're staying in a hotel, so we can leave the kids with someone there.."

"Karsyn." I whispered.

"Of course."

I smiled softly and squeezed his hand. "I love you."

"I love you too baby." He let go of my hand and climbed out the booth. I thought he was just going to walk past me as he headed out, but he leant down and kissed me softly before leaving.

Maybe I could work things out.


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