Chapter 16 - Second Birthday Together

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August 17, 2013
New York, NY


I woke up snuggled under the warm covers of the hotel room bed. I rolled over to feel for Donnie and frowned when he wasn't there. I sat up looked around. The room was empty, but there was a envelope and a bunch of flowers sat on the table by the window.

I climbed out the bed and walked over to the table, picking up the envelope and smiling at the flowers. My name was written on the envelope in Donnie's handwriting, making me smile softly. I tore it open and sat on the chair by the table.

The card had a picture of a dog that looked alot like Lumpy on the front. I smiled and opened it up.

"My Emmi,
Happy Birthday my beautiful wife.

"No one else comes close to you
No one makes me feel the way you do
You're so special girl, to me
And you'll always be, eternally"

Love, Your Husband XOXOXOXOX

P.S. Twug ;)

I smiled and hugged the card to me before placing it back on the table. I could hear my babies babbling from the next room so I grabbed Donnie's hoodie from the floor and pulled it on before walking out the room.


I smiled, hearing Donnie kiss at someone before I walked into the main room, seeing Elijah, Donnie, and both my babies wearing party hats.


I smiled and walked over to them.

"Thank you!" I moved over to Donnie and hugged myself to him. "Happy Birthday to you too." I closed my eyes, feeling Donnie hold me close before kissing the top of my head. I reached for Elijah and hugged him close before giggling at the babies, sat in their chairs on the table. "They look adorable!"

Savannah was trying desperately to get her hat off, whilst Logan just chilled out.

"Can we do presents now, dad! I got you both something GREAT!"

"Not yet bud. Presents are for later."

I looked up at Donnie. "Later?"

He nodded. "We're having a huge party. Kids and everyone's gonna be there. It's gonna be great."

I smiled before hugging myself to Donnie. Today felt like the first normal day in ages.

I hope that lasted.



Gracie Julianne... that was going to be the baby's name. I'm not going to lie... I really like it. I thought this whole contest was going to gives us some crazy names but I never once thought about naming her after my Mom. And the fact that Haley recognized it too made it all the better.

So that was taken care of. The baby wasn't the baby anymore, or Princess, her name was Gracie and I had spent yesterday traveling to New York City and hanging out with Amy on the bus.

We talked a lot, but never really talked much about our father, mostly because I think she knew deep down how much I hated him. She showed me pictures on her laptop of her Mom and the kids in her class and her three dogs and was always nice enough to totally skip pictures of him.

And Haley had taken to her really well. She even went into detail to Amy about how I was her Mama, then her sister, and now her Mama again, which I ended up having to tell Amy about it all... and I found out one thing about our father.

He was a fucking Tony Stewart fan.

I found humor in that because my Mom always said after finding out that Tony got me pregnant that he reminded her of my father. Gag me.

But today was Donnie and Emmileigh's day. It's crazy to think how much has changed since Nick and I came to New York for their party. We were both married. I was pregnant. Emmi has the twins. My parents are dead and Haley is my daughter again. I have a fucking sister.

"Karsyn, you okay?" Nick asked, walking into the bedroom of the suite, handing me a glass of chocolate milk. "Here."

"Just thinking," I sighed. "Where's Amy?"

"She took Haley down to the shop in the lobby to get a muffin," he said as I nodded. "I like her. She's a lot like you."

"Watch yourself."

"Not like that, damn," Nick hissed. "Don't go all Emmi. I just meant, you're a lot alike but she doesn't seem to have your temper. She seems more laid back."

"She must get that from her mother because Mama said I got mine from him," I said, taking a sip of my milk. "I like her, too. It's going to suck when she leaves Sunday, but she can visit, I guess."

"She seems to love kids," Nick said as I nodded. "When Emmi brought the twins over yesterday and how she is with Haley and she seems excited about the baby."

"I guess that's why she's a teacher," I said as Nick snorted. "I'm glad you talked me into contacting her."

"Well, I figure I don't know if my family is ever going to come around, our kids might as well have some real family members and not just the extended family," Nick said as I crawled over, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Don't worry, you're hotter. Even miserable and pregnant."

"You like the name right?" I asked as he nodded. "And you're announcing the winner on the website this afternoon with the video?"

"Yep," he smiled. "Not gonna lie, I'll be glad when Amy goes back home so I can have some hot sex. She's kind of ruining it," he whispered as I raised an eyebrow. "Unless...."

"They won't come into the bathroom if the door is locked," I whispered, grabbing Nick's hand and dragging him into the bathroom.


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