Chapter 11 - O-Town

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August 3rd, 2013
Orlando, Fl


As soon as I woke up I knew my body was aching. I tried to stretch and felt the muscles pull in my legs.

I'd had alot of sex the night before.

I looked beside me in bed and frowned when I didn't see Donnie there. The room was extremely silent as well. I sat up and gathered the sheet on the bed before standing up. I wrapped it around me before walking through to the suite.

I hadn't really had a chance to look around the entire suite the night before, and boy.. it was huge! There was a kitchen, a dining area and a sitting area. Donnie wasn't in any of them. I turned around and looked out the window and spotted him on the balcony, wearing his dress pants and on the phone. I stepped outside without him noticing and sat on the chair out there as he spoke.

"So they are ok, no trouble?"

I smiled, realising he must have been speaking to his mum, checking up on the babies.

"Ok, well I'm not sure when we're leaving..." Donnie smiled. ".. Mom!"

I chuckled, knowing how funny his mum could be. She was obviously teasing him.

"I know..I love you too. Kiss the babies from me and Em. Bye." He hung up and played with his phone a few moments before spotting me

"Jesus Em!" He shook his head, chuckling before walking over. "How long was you stood there?"

I grinned. "Long enough to know your mom was teasing you."

Donnie laughed and pulled me close. "She told me not to rush back. I think she forgets we have a flight to catch. By the way Karsyn text me this morning to say they were boarding their flight to Florida, and Elijah behaved."

"Hmm good.." I leant up and kissed him. "So how long before we have to leave?"

Donnie walked me inside. "A few hours. It's already 11.. check out is at midday but I managed to swing it a few hours extra. You hungry?"

I nodded. "Yup."

"I can order room service.."

I giggled. "I'm not hungry for food..." I grabbed his hand, letting go of the sheet, making it drop to the floor as I pulled him into the bedroom.

"Fuck.." He muttered, making me giggle.



I love Orlando. I always have, I always will. I always tried to come and see the boys here because I always felt like it was special, because it was their "hometown." Howie and AJ had their families at the arena as soon as we arrived. I met their mothers and they were both so cute you could just pinch and eat them, especially Howie's Mom.

Haley and I were sitting on our bus. I wanted to talk to Emmileigh and see how last night went but I was giving them a little space. I had my space in Hawaii, she needed hers in her wedding bliss.

You look so happy!

Well I am.

Both Haley and I look up at each other, hearing Nick and a woman's voice. I can tell instantly that it's Jane Carter, er... whatever her last name is now. I knew she had remarried twice since she and Bob had divorced.

"Be good," I whispered to Haley.

"You too," she whispered back, pointing at me as I rolled my eyes. My eyes went back straight when Nick slid the back door open, motioning for me to come out.

"Come on, Haley," Nick said as I walked past him and through the kitchen department of the bus, seeing Jane stand there. She looked just like she did in every picture or video I had ever seen. I looked back at Nick, seeing him walk up behind me, carrying Haley. "Mom, this is Karsyn and this is Haley."

"You have that pregnancy glow," Jane said, walking up to hug me. "It's good to finally meet you."

"You, too," I said as she looked at Haley and back at me.

"So who is your Daddy again?" she asked, looking at Haley who wrapped her arms around Nick's neck.

"Nick is my Daddy," Haley said, eyeing Jane.

"Tony Stewart, the NASCAR driver, is her biological father," Nick said as Jane looked at me. She knew I had more money than Nick who she couldn't have been thinking I was a golddigger. "But I adopted her, so I'm her Dad now."

"And then this one," she said, putting her hand on my stomach. "When are you due again?"

"End of November, beginning of December," I said. "There's no exact date because I'm not sure when I got pregnant."

"Nick is..." she said, her voice trailing off.

"Yes, Nick is the father," I said, almost hissing. "If you must know, I have not slept with anybody but Nick in the last almost four years."

"Karsyn," Nick said, looking at me. It was already starting.

"Hey Nick," we heard, looking over to see Elijah running up on the bus. "I'm heading to Universal with Jon and Jordan."

"And who is this?" Jane asked, looking at me again? "How many kids do you have?"

"Mom, this is Elijah, Donnie Wahlberg's son," Nick said, looking at me and then his mother. "That's fine EDub.. make sure your Dad and Emmi know."

"They do!" he said, grabbing his baseball cap and headed back out the bus.

"Oh," Jane said, looking at me and then back at Nick. "I just can't imagine Nick being married and having kids. He's still a kid himself."

"I'm 33 now..."

"And how old are you, Karsyn?"

"I'm 32."

"I'm six," Haley spoke up, causing Nick to snort.

"Hey Nick!" we heard, looking back to see Kevin walking up. "Oh, Jane... Nick, we need you inside really quick."

"I'll be right back," Nick said, glaring at Jane as he put Haley down and walked off the bus. Haley headed back towards the back here we were before and I stood there alone with my mother-in-law for the first time.


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