Chapter 7 - A Little Excited

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June 21, 2012
Malibu, Ca.


"Hmm.." I clicked link after link, looking at wedding dresses whilst bouncing Logan in my knee. I didn't really know what type of dress I wanted, and all the ones that were on this site were crazily big, and crazily expensive.

Logan gurgled from my lap, making me look down at him. He was fascinated with fingers, sucking on them happily and I couldn't help but smile when he looked up at me and gurgled louder.

"You happy huh?" I smiled and leant down, kissing the top of his head.

My thoughts went back to the conversation me and Donnie had had the night before. Donnie really sounded like he wanted another baby, and it was freakingly adorable.. but we weren't ready yet. Or, well I wasn't.

I wanted more kids for sure, and maybe if I hadn't of had twins I would consider having another baby so soon. But we had the twins, and even though they were easy to handle at the moment, once they got to the toddler stage we would be running all over the place after them.

How would we be able to take care of a new baby AND two toddlers?

"Your daddy is crazy.." I whispered against Logan's head before looking back at the computer screen.

For now I was going to focus on the wedding.

And maybe I needed to drag Karsyn out shopping. I really needed to find a dress I liked.



Haley came in to wake us up this morning, jumping on the bed because she was so excited to be home. I honestly didn't want to wake up. I had slept so good the night before. I guess knowing that I was pregnant and not having to worry about it, I was able to sleep.

Plus I was in my own bed.

Nick and I had made plans... he was going to call the guys and have them meet up at Kevin's... to celebrate the little tour being over, a cookout or something and we would tell everybody together.

But first...

"I want to go swimming in the ocean today," Haley said, sitting between us in bed. "Chunk wants to go out in the water."

"We can do that late this afternoon," Nick said as Haley shook her head. "Yeah, we're going to go to Kevin's a little bit and go swimming and eat and then we'll go home and go out and get in the water."

"Why do we have to go see them, we just saw them," Haley said.

"We have to tell everybody some news," I said as Haley looked at me. "You know how I went to the doctor yesterday?" She nodded. "Well, you're getting your wish."

"A pony?"

"A little sister," I said as she stared at me. "I'm having a baby."

"REALLY?!?" Haley yelled. "I get a little sister? WHEN?!?"

"Before Christmas," Nick said as Haley jumped over, hugging my neck tightly. "You happy?"

"I'm SO happy!" she said. "What's her name?"

"Uh, we don't know yet," I said, looking at Nick who shrugged. "We just found out yesterday. We haven't really picked out any names or anything. We just know it's a little girl."

"Does she have brown hair like you or yellow hair like Daddy?" Haley asked. "Will she look like me?"

"Uh, well, we don't know because we haven't seen her yet," Nick said. "She might not have any hair when she's born."

"Is she gonna come out of there?" Haley asked, pointing to my crotch. "Why isn't your tummy big yet like Emmi's was?"

"She had two babies, I'm just having one but it'll start to grow shortly," I said as Haley jumped off the bed. "Where are you going?"

"I have to go pick out which dolls I'm giving my little sister!" she yelled, running out of the room as Nick laughed.

"Well, at least she took it well," Nick said as I smiled. "I just need to warn everybody not to mention the fact that I'm finally having a kid or something because we have her and she's mine."

"Haven't even thought about names," I said as I laid back in bed. "I've never really thought about any baby names, ever. Haley was named after a Cabbage Patch doll I had as a kid."

"Is it sad I have?" Nick asked as I looked at him. "I like the name Journey."

"For a baby girl?" I asked, staring at him. "Are you on crack? Plus my Mom wrote in that letter that if we ever had kids not to give them a weird name. Maybe for a middle name, but not a first name."

"So I'm guessing naming her Princess Journey Carter is out of the question?" he asked as I rolled my eyes and climbed out of bed, walking into the bathroom. "What?!"

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