Chapter 9 - One Week

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July 28th, 2013


In a week I'll be Mrs. Emmileigh Jane Wahlberg.

In a week everything will be how it should be.

In a week I won't be as stressed as I am now.

I now understood why brides brought their mothers in to help with the wedding plans. I was literally doing this on my own, with small inputs here and there from Donnie and Karsyn. It was totally getting to me.

Yet I wasn't even sure why. Church and Venue was booked, My dress and the bridesmaid dresses were safely tucked away in Karsyn's closet. We were booked to fly to Boston on the 2nd, and the wedding was on the 3rd.

The only down side to it all was the day after the wedding we were flying down to Florida to kick off the tour, which started on the 5th. I wasn't too fussed we weren't getting a honeymoon. I was just excited to finally be married to Donnie.

So everything was pretty much set in stone. We just needed to get to Boston with the dress and everything safe and sound.

"Morning beautiful!" Donnie walked into the kitchen, grinning at me before grabbing a slice of toast from the table.

"Morning. Coffee?"

Donnie grinned and moved closer, kissing me. "I'll have to get one on the way. I'm late for rehearsals. Come by for lunch?"

I hugged him. "Sure." Donnie hugged me for a moment before rubbing my back.

"I gotta go babe. I'll see you at lunch." Donnie kissed me again before grabbing his keys from the side and yelling bye as he left.

It had pretty much been like that all week. I'd barely seen him, and I missed him.

And it was going to be like that until tour was over.

My phone ringing broke my thoughts. I smiled when I saw Karysn's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey Bitch."

"Hey yourself, whore. So.. plans for today?"

I sighed. "Nothing other than phone interviewing tutors for on the road and meeting Donnie for lunch. You still want Haley to be tutored with Elijah."

"Ooh, yea. How many you gonna talk to?"

"Well theres a guy from New York.. he seemed ok, but the one from Georgia with some amazing references. I think she'll be the one we go for, but obviously we can't meet until the tour so I'm hoping these phone interviews work."

"I'm sure they will. Well, Nick's gone to rehearsals too. Wanna meet before lunch?"

"Sure. I need to sort out the babies and do these phone interviews.. but.. meet at the studio? Or come to mine, as I'm closer."

Karsyn chuckles. "Well as you put it so nicely.. sure. See you soon!"

I put my phone back on the side when Karsyn hung up and headed upstairs to get the kids dressed.



"Babies!" Haley yelled as we walked into Donnie and Emmileigh's house. The twins were getting to that fun stage, where they laughed at everything, but anything would make them cry.

I sat down on the sofa as Emmileigh finished getting their diaper bag ready. My back was starting to kill me. Carrying a baby that's decided not to pop out of your stomach means the baby likes pushing against your back and it was really starting to get to me. I'd started showing a little bit more. I couldn't wear my normal jeans anymore or shorts, so instead of going and buying new clothes, I was sticking to dresses for the time being until I got a little bigger, then I would do some shopping.

The only thing that bugged me is that I still hadn't felt the baby move yet. Everything was fine. Her heartbeat was good and fast, she was growing, but the doctor said that her space was getting tight and that meant that I was really going to explode soon and that's probably why I hadn't felt anything yet.

"Be glad you're not having twins," Emmileigh said, sticking four bottles into the huge diaper bag. "Two of everything."

"One vagina and one penis though," I said as she snorted. "Oh, by the way, when you get a chance, check Nick's website."

"Oh God, why?"

"We've started a contest," I said. "A baby name contest. The winner gets a free trip to the last show on the tour. We're gonna pick the 10 names we like best and then let Haley pick the final one."

"I get to pick the baby's name!" Haley shouted as Emmileigh laughed.


"Seriously," I said. "I can't decide and she's not going to be named Princess. How did the tutor thing go?"

"Oh, I found the perfect one," she said. "You'll like her. She's from Georgia. She has a doctorate degree but prefers to tutor privately and she's open to traveling. Her name is Lucie."

"Hey, I'll split the cost with you and Donnie if she'll tutor Haley, too," I said. "I don't think I can deal with first grade math problems." Emmileigh snorted, shaking her head. "Seriously. She's getting too smart for me and they want her to do some second grade stuff they said on our visit the other day because she ranked so high on that test she took."

"I'm sure with a doctorate's degree, she can tutor two kids," Emmileigh said. "Her southern accent sounds like yours, though. She did tell me she was a Backstreet Boys fan."

"Bitch better lay off my man," I said as Emmileigh looked at me. "Sorry, I get defensive. Where's Elijah?"

"Out with his Xavier right now," Emmileigh said as she threw the diaper bag over her shoulder. "Alright babies, let's hit the road and go see Daddy."


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