Chapter 35 - April Fools!

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April 1st, 2014
Los Angeles, Ca


We were now fully living in our new house.

It was weird at first, but after a few nights I was starting to get used to how the house sounded. It's little creaks and sounds. We'd been in the house over a week and slowly but surely we were unpacking.

Well, mainly I'd been unpacking. Like today. It was barely 6am and I was in the new babies nursery, setting various toys up and putting the clothes away that I'd washed ready to be worn.

I loved the nursery. Being that we had no idea what we were having everything had been decorated in a neutral theme.

The walls were half white and half brown, with a green border running between the colours. On one wall, where the crib was sitting against, had safari animals drawn on. Lions, Zebras, Giraffes and antelope. The room had taken on a Lion King kinda theme, with the shelves on the far wall holding an old simba stuffed toy that I'd had as a teen.

We already knew we'd add colour themes things to the room, depending on if we needed pink or blue.

And I really had no clue what we'd be needing.

I packed the bag I was taking to the hospital with the clothes I wanted for the baby before heading back into mine and Donnie's room to take a shower and found Donnie sat up in bed.

"Where were you?"

I smiled. "Babies room."

"Again?" Donnie chuckled and yawned before laying back down.

"Yea.. It's all done now." I moved around the bed, sliding my socks off before pulling out my outfit for the day. I glanced at Donnie. His eyes were shut and he looked to be falling back to sleep.

I knew what the date was, and I wondered if Donnie realised what day it was.

April Fools day.

Nothing like playing a joke, right?

I sat on the bed and placed both hands on my stomach. "Ohh.. shit.."

"Hmm?" Donnie groaned.

"Shit.." I muttered, rubbing my stomach.

"You ok?" Donnie sounded half asleep.

"No.." I sighed for affect. "I had a pain.."

"A pain?"

I felt the bed shift as Donnie sat up. "Yea.. my backs aching real bad too."

"You think the baby is coming?"

I pretended to get up, and made a loud gasp before sitting down. "Oh my god yes.."

"FUCK!" Donnie shot out of bed, making me turn around to see his naked ass bent over as he picked up his sweat pants. He yanked them on before looking at me. "Is the baby bag packed?"

"Yea, but.."

"I'll go get it. Wait here." Donnie rushed out the room, and suddenly I felt bad.


I stood up as Donnie rushed in, bag in his hand.

"I can call Karsyn to come round and,... what you doing?"

I walked around the bed and gave him a smile. "Donnie.."

"Emmi.." He watched me for a moment before dropping the bag on the floor. "No.."

"Happy April Fools?" I raised my eyebrows, looking at him.

"April fucking fool? Emmi! For fuck sake!" He glared at me before heading into the bathroom and slamming the door shut, making me jump.

Yea.. bad idea.



I was in love with the new house. It took the people Nick hired about four days to paint all the rooms and get the carpet and stuff down and then we started moving in. I had new furniture that I bought moved in since we were keeping the beach house. We had new bedroom stuff and pretty much new everything except for the office stuff and that kind of stuff.

I admit I missed the beach house, but I loved being next door to Emmileigh and Donnie. Haley and Elijah had the treehouse outback and Donnie had fixed it so that they both could use it.

Nick and I had pretty much done it in every room of the house before finally moving in, so it was all broken in. It's weird. We've been going at it like rabbits lately and I'm not sure why, but I'm not complaining. It kind of reminds me of when we were on tour that first time.

Today he was busy downstairs in the basement, installing the studio he was putting in and Haley was at her new school that she had started. It was her first time going to school since she lived in Charlotte with my parents.

So Landon and I decided to head down to the shop to work a little. Nick had came up with some ideas for some t-shirts that he helped designed and I had to call and make sure they got the designed that I had sent them the day before over e-mail.

"There's my boy!" Sarah said as I walked into the shop, which had a few customers in it. I put Landon's carrier on the counter and Sarah immediately started talking to him and he cooed back at her. "God, I think he's gotten bigger since the other day."

"He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I'm scared to know how much he weighs now," I said as Sarah took him out of his carrier, holding him. "Have they called about the t-shirts with Nick's designs on it?"

"Yeah, they got them. I checked the e-mail and approved the proof," she said as I sighed and nodded. "That's okay, right?"

"Oh yeah, that's fine," I smiled, looking at her. "Any word on AJ?"

"No, and there won't be," she said as I sighed. "We can be friends, but that's it. It's just not going to work." I sighed, knowing they had went out to dinner the night before.

"Eh, it was worth a shot," I said, looking over at a couple of girls in the corner. "Fans."

"How can you tell?" she asked, wanting to laugh.

"They keep eyeing us," I said as he snorted.

"Come on Landon, let's see if they need any help," Sarah said, walking over to the two girls as I sat down behind the counter, looking at the cute little pink dress they we had up in the window.

I kind of missed the fact that I could buy all of that pink stuff when we thought Landon was a girl.

I shook my head, coming out of my thoughts.


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