Chapter 29 - Something There That Wasn't There Before

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October 13, 2013
London, England


I don't think I've ever wanted to get to a hospital as fast as I did just now. It felt like the driver was taking forever. Haley was upset and scared and Donnie and Sarah had came along with me. I had so much shit going through my mind. What the hell happened to cause her to fall? Donnie said steps?

I talked to the lady at the front desk, telling her my name and that my wife is in labor and I needed to get back there but apparently shit here is different than it was in America.

"Name?" she asked.

"Carter... Karsyn," I said out of breath as she nodded, telling me to follow her.



they just took nick back im here with haley and sarah the others are on thier way

"Nick's on his way back," I said, holding Karsyn's hand tightly as I put my phone away.

"Karsyn you need to push," the doctor said as Karsyn glared at him, shaking her head.

"I have to wait," Karsyn cried as she laid back on the bed after pushing. "I really can't, I have to wait. You said he was on his way back. I have to wait."

"Karsyn, I see a head, now would you might pushing," the doctor said as Karsyn sat back up, crying, holding onto my hand. "One... two... three... push."



"She's right in there," the nurse said as I tied the paper gown they made me put on and opened the double doors to see Karsyn screaming. She stared at me and smiled and I rushed over and looked between her legs and I strated to feel light headed.

"Carter if you don't stop looking, you'll never have sex with her again," Emmileigh said as I rushed over to Karsyn, seeing a bandage on her head and kissed her.

"One more push," the doctor said Karsyn held onto my hand and started to push. I was so freaked out, I didn't know what to say or do. She let out another huge scream and I felt all the blood rush from my face until we heard a baby cry.

"Your little boy," the doctor said, holding up a baby. I stared at it and looked down, seeing... yes, a little boy.

"A boy?!?" Emmileigh and Karsyn shouted at the same time as I just stared, watching the doctor hand the baby to the nurses who rushed it off.

"The nurses are gone to make sure everything is okay with your son, but he looks to be in good condition. His lungs sound good," the doctor said as we stared back at him. "What's wrong?"

"That... that was a penis," I said as the doctor nodded. "We kept being told we were having a girl."

"Sometimes that little thing hides," the doctor smiled, patting Karsyn on the leg. "Good job. Someone will be in with your shortly to get cleaned up."

"You have a little boy," Emmileigh said, reaching over to hug Karsyn who I think was still in shock. Emmileigh walked over to hug me and I was too in shock to hug her back. "I'll go tell the others."

"Thanks," Karsyn whispered as she looked up at me. "No Gracie."

"That would be a gay name, baby," I smiled, leaning over to kiss her lips. I ran my hand over her head and she winched. "What the hell happened? Are you okay?"

"We were taking the subway, tube, whatever thing back to the Arena and ran into Em's Mom and we got into a fight and she pushed me down the stairs," I said as Nick glared at me. "They arrested her, though. I'm okay. I just, the baby is early..."

"You heard what the doctor said, his lungs sounded good," I said, trying to look over in the other room. "I think I still hear him crying. Fuck, a him. A boy. We have a little boy. What the fuck are we going to do with all that pink stuff?"

"He can wear pink," Karsyn smiled, trying her best not to cry. "You look good in pink."

"I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner, we didn't know," I said as she nodded. "Sarah said she finally got all the texts and calls when the concert was over. So did everybody else."

"It's okay," she smiled as I leaned down to kiss her again.



I left Karsyn's room with a stupid smile on my face. And as I closed the door I looked up to see pretty much everyone looking at me expectantly.

"Well?" AJ looked about ready to burst.

"Mum and Baby are fine." I said softly, watching everyone relax a little.

"Aww how did she look?" Sarah asked, making me smile.

"Well she.. had a penis."

"WHAT? How does that work?" AJ looked confused, making us laugh.

"She means the baby turned out to be a boy, idiot." Donnie smacked AJ upside his head before walking over to me. I accepted his embrace the moment he wrapped his arms around me. "You ok?"

"A little shaken." I looked up at Donnie.

"What happened?"

I sighed and rest my head against his chest. "My mum.." I felt Donnie squeeze me tightly.

"Where are the babies?"

I looked at Alma. "In the daycare down the hall. Here.." I reached into my pocket and took a card from there. "Could you go get them? They have the stroller."

Alma nodded and took the card from me before going to get the twins. I relaxed into Donnie's arms and closed my eyes.

"Did she hurt you?" Donnie's lips brushed against my forehead as he spoke.

"No.. she tried to. God I can't believe what happened." I whispered, seeing Haley sat with Sarah. "The nurse said they were taking the baby down to the small nursery they have here. We should take Haley there." I looked up at Donnie, who nodded.

"Haley, did you want to see the baby?" I asked as we walked over to her.

"Is she here?"

I knelt down infront of her. "The baby is here yes." I smiled at her. "But you know what? When the doctors did those scans to check the baby they made a mistake."

"It's not a baby? Did mommy have a kitten instead? We could call it fluffy!"

I laughed and looked at Haley. "No sweetie. They told mummy and daddy you were having a sister, but actually.. the baby was a boy. So you have a little brother instead."

Haley's eyes widened. "Really?!"

I smiled and nodded before looking at Donnie as he bent down.

"You know what that means, right?"

Haley looked at Donnie and shook her head, waiting for his answer.

"Means you're still the only Backstreet Princess."

The smile that covered Haley's face made me grin. She jumped up from her chair and grabbed both our hands.

"I wanna see him I wanna see him!"

Donnie chuckled and picked her up. "Let's go. But you can only look through a window."

Haley pouted, but I could see her still very very excited. I followed them down there, but watched from a small distance as Donnie looked through the window with Haley. One of the nurses opened the door and spoke to them, and I realised she was asking what baby they were looking at, for a moment afterwards they moved a bassinet closer to the window.


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