Chapter 30 - Perfect Day Off

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October 14, 2013
London, England


I can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday and last night. I can't believe after everything I've ever said and ever done, that I had another baby. Sure, I've been pregnant for months. I knew it was coming. I guess I'm just still in shock over it.

And a little boy at that.

Landon. I have a son. All of that pink stuff and all of those dresses and bows and that pink nursery.

And we have a little boy.

The doctor came in this morning and said that everything was fine with Landon's lab work except that he was anemic and was given some medicine and said that it should get better. But anemic? Considering he's early, that's all that was wrong.

I just can't believe that the baby is here... that he's here.

"Knock knock," I heard, looking over to see AJ walking into the room with a handful of blue balloons and a big teddy bear. "Nick's at the hotel changing and stuff. I saw him on my way out."

"I know," I said as he walked over to the bassinet, looking at Landon as he put the bear and balloons down. "Does everybody know yet?"

"Not sure, I saw some fans downstairs but Nick pretty much bi-passed him as he went in and I went out," AJ said as he looked at me and then at the baby. "Can I hold him?"

"Yeah, sure, I think he just woke up," I said as AJ lifted the baby up, holding him against him. "Scary, right?"

"That he looks like Nick? Fuck yeah," AJ said as I snorted. "So how's it feeling down there?" he asked, nodding toward my crotch.

"I just had a baby, AJ, I won't be having sex anytime soon," I said as he smiled, looking at the baby. "You need to get you one of those."

"Not anytime soon," AJ said as he shook his head. "I don't think Sarah and I are gonna work out," he said, looking at me. "Sorry to make that awkward since she's your friend and all."

"What happened?" I asked as Landon started crying and AJ looked like he was about to panic. "Here," I said as he moved closer to the bed, handing me the baby.

"I don't think she's the marrying and settling down type," AJ said as I tried to sooth Landon but I wasn't doing that great of a job either.

"Sweetie, I think he's hungry," the nurse said, walking into the room. I looked at her and then looked back at the baby. "Are you going to feed him?"

"I don't have a bottle..." I said as the nurse looked at me, shaking her head.

"Your breast..." she said, walking over to me and practically pulling the top of my hospital gown down.

"HELLO!" AJ yelled, turning around quickly, causing me to feel doubly mortified.



Nervous was putting it lightly.

I'd had a messed up night sleep, my mind going over my mum, and Karsyn falling and the birth. I might be telling people that I was ok, but I was lying a little.

It freaked me out that that happened.

And then we got woken up this morning by a call. The police wanted to talk to me, and get me to give a statement over what happened.

"You ready?"

I looked up from the couch in our hotel suite to see Donnie walk in, pulling a jacket on. I sighed and held Savannah closer to me. "No.."

Donnie gave me a soft smile before sitting beside me. "I can sit in with you. I'll be there the whole time."

I smiled and leant against him. "I know. I just.. don't want to see her."

"And you won't have to. We can go give the statement, then come back here.. or go visit Karsyn and the baby."

I leant forward, placing Savannah on the floor before standing up. "Ok.. lets go."

Donnie stood up and pulled me into his arms. "I love you."

"I love you too baby." Donnie kissed me softly before letting me go and going to tell Alma that we were leaving.

The drive to the police station was quiet. Donnie held my hand the whole time, and I spent it thinking about what to say to them. Did I bring up the past, or just simply talk about what happened the night before.

"You ok?"

I looked at Donnie and shrugged. "I will be once this is over."

We soon arrived, and despite me wanting Donnie to come in with me, they wouldn't let me. So i reluctantly followed a police officer into a room and was told to take a seat.

The whole statement giving thing was straight forward. They didn't pry, they just wanted to know the events of the day before. I told them everything before being told I could leave and they would be in touch.

I honestly couldn't wait to get back to Donnie. I'd hoped to have never seen my mum again, and then she turned up and hurt my best friend, causing her to give birth early.


I nodded as I approached Donnie and took his hand. We were just about to leave then a female police officer walked over.

"Miss Knightly.."

I turned around. "It's Mrs Wahlberg actually." I sighed, not caring that the officer blushed a little.

"Sorry.. Mrs Wahlberg, your mother has requested to see you. Usually we wouldn't allow it, but she's quite persistent."

I looked up at Donnie and sighed. I didn't want to see her.

"What does she want?" Donnie asked.

"Just to see her daughter, sir. You'll only be allowed in there for a few minutes anyways."

I bit my lips before nodding. "Fine. I'll go.."


I gave Donnie a small smile. "I'll be ok. A few minutes.. that's all. Then we can go."

Donnie smiled and went to walk with me but I stopped him.

"I should do this alone."

Donnie smiled. "I'll wait over on the seats over there."

I nodded and watched him walk back over to the seats he'd been sat on before, then followed the officer through the station and down a hall, where these huge doors were.

The officer opened the little window and told my mum I was here before telling her to sit on her bed. I watched as the officer opened the door.

"We'll leave the door open and supervise."

I nodded and stepped closer. Mum was sat on the small bed against the far wall, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. She looked a mess, and less high, but still a mess.

"I didn't think you'd come."

I stepped a little closer, merely standing in the doorway. "What do you want?"

"To see my daughter. What else would I want?" She sounded sincere, but the look on her face was completely different.

"Do you even know what you've done? Do you even care?" I folded my arms across my chest and glared at her.

"The silly bitch deserved it!" Mum spat out, sounding more like her normal self.

"Deserved it? She was eight months pregnant! You threw her down an escalator. Who does that?!"

"She got in the way. Not my fault."

I shook my head and sighed. "I hope to god you go down for this. You are a vile person. I'm ashamed to say you are the person who gave birth to me."

"I'm your mother."

I laughed and gave her a look. "You gave birth to me. That's it. You have never been a mother. And you never will. As far as I'm concerned you are dead. I don't have a mother. I'd rather have no parents then have you as a mother. I hope you rot in a jail cell." I turned around to leave, not wanting to be there anymore.

"You'll come running back. Whore's like you always do! YOU'LL BE BACK!"

I carried on walking away from the one person who caused my life hell.

I was never going to see her again. I would make sure of that.


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