Chapter Three: Hope!

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Chapter Three: Hope!
“Arcadio!” I heard the voice again, and this time I knew how to respond. I was a lot closer now so I replied with a nervous “Hello? Thank you for helping me.” Laughter echoed around me; whatever it was, it thought I was funny. “There is no need to thank me,” It continued chuckling, “because you are going you help me.” I suddenly didn’t feel so confident anymore. How ironic, I knew there had to be a catch. "Before you make me do anything, tell me who you are and what's going on!" I demanded, unknowly jesting a sense of annoyance in my tone. I heard another loud laughter followed by, " I am what I am, and who you want me to be, power and wisdom in the flesh, what you seek but what you fear" as he spoke the last line a felt a little uneasy, I wasn't sure yet but I somehow knew that he was not joking, but I decided to shake it off and reply with a sarcastic, " was that meant to be a joke?" I crossed my arms trying my best to show him that I too was being serious, he may have known how to help me but at this rate I wasn't going anywhere.

I paused quietly and that's when it hit me, as if I was blindfolded and had only just been freed from my shackles. The rest of my class! I was the only one here but back in class I saw a few of them. I inelegantly dropped my hands by my side, clenching them with all my might. How could I be so careless and selfish? I shrugged my head, slowly lifted it immediately after, looking towards the origin of the light. "Please, tell me where my friends are?"

At first there was silence. Not even a laugh. I didn't say a word either, but the suspense was eating away at my mind. Questions popping in my head like wrapping paper, all going unanswered. I took a deep breath and belted in a might tone, “! Tell me now!

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