"Rotten to the core !" - The Start

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3rd person POV :
Mal Bertha ; The dragon girl , a.k.a Maleficent's evil daughter spray painted the wall , writing long live evil . She turned around and smiled wickedly :" They say I'm trouble , They say I'm bad !"
"They say I'm evil !..." She said and smirked . Then she walked down of the stone bench and bumped into two teen boys , on purpose .
"And that makes me glad ." She said .
Jay , Jafar's son , the typical playboy , climbed down a metal rusty ladder and jumped on the ground .
" A dirty no-good , Down to the bone .." He sang and glanced at the girl walking pass him , smirking .
"Your worst nightmare , Can't take me home !" He sang and walked into the tunel .
Evie Grimhilde , The Evil queen's daughter stood on the lunch table which was surrounded by hungry and starving people ..
"So I've got some mischief , In my blood !" She said and stepped on the table , full of dishes .
"Can you blame me ?.. I never got no love ." She said and bent under the first springs of the fence , staring at the boy admiring him , in a flirty way . She was a heartbreaker when it came to boys .. She just loved the one and only that she had chosen .
"They think I'm callous , A low-life hood !" Carlos De Vil Cruella's son , said outloud: ; He jumped out of his room's door and quickly grabbed a napkin , slipped it off the poor worker's shoulder walking away .
"I feel so useless .." He said passing through a tunel and as he reached the other alley , he caught an apple in the air which a little girl was passing it from a hand to another . He bit it and threw it back to the little girl , singing loudly with his friends :" Misunderstood !"
Mal and Evie walked down the street with their hands on their hips and evil smiles on their mouth :" Mirror, mirror on the wall !.. Who's the baddest of them all ?"
And they continued :" Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world !!!"
Jay did a backflip on a high area and smirked as he did it right while the cold breeze was blowing through his brown fuzz hair swaying it from side to another .
"I'm rotten to the core, core ! Rotten to the core ! I'm rotten to the core, core !" They all started singing , clawing their hands to a fence-door , to open the laundry's door .
"Who could ask for more ? I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door !!" They yelled , singing and walking on each laundry table , stepping on all of the wet clean clothes . Mal threw a shirt into a worker's face and he got so clumsy and scared seeing her , that he plunged his head into the water bucket on the table .
"I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the ...I'm rotten to the core !" They all sang exiting the laundry running wild everywhere .
Mal sheered the clothes infront of her , hardly and smirked :" Call me a schemer , Call me a freak !"
She pulled a curtain to aside which was covering a man bathing after she drew a purple M on it .
"How can you say that ?!! I'm just unique !" She said and smirked after she had her pouty lips pursed into a duckface .
Jay slid off the roof and jumped beside a couple's table . He grabbed the genie bottle off the table and asked them :"What, me a traitor ...Ain't got your back ?.."  He held the bottle infront of the old woman's cup in a way which looked like a complinment .
"Are we not friends ?" He asked and smiled at the woman .
"What's up with that ?!" He laughed and rolled his eyes walking away from them .
Evie walked towards a worker boy who was spreading out some clothes on the clothesline .
"So I'm a misfit , So I'm a flirt !" She said and grabbed the boy's tie and pushes it towards herself as the boy was staring at her like every other boy in the Isle ... They all loved her . She was gorgous ! As Evie let his tie go , He stumbled and tried not to fall .
"I broke your heart ..? I made you hurt ?" Evie asked and smiled sadly as the boy was still scanning her body without blinking ..
Carlos , jumped on the fruit tables and kicked a apple bucket which made apples fall to the ground :" The past is past ! Forgive, forget !" The shopkeeper lady yelled :"Give me my apple !"
"The truth is ,You ain't seen nothing yet !!!" Carlos said and sat on the wheelbarrow which was filled with alfalfas .. He chuckled looking at the furious woman .
Girls sang again :" Mirror, mirror on the wall !!! Who's the baddest of them all ?" They bent on a metsl rusty railing ..
Evie looked at Jay who was hanging from a lifter and flipped her hair back , smiling .
"Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world !!!" Girls sang as Mal was staring at Carlos smirking and her eyes glowing ...
"C'mon !" Carlos yelled and laughed . They ran into the street running down , dancing ..
Carlos looked at the air yelling wildly .. He wasn't the same Carlos anymore .. He was Mal's boy . Maleficent's daughter's boyfriend ! He still was scared of his mother but he didn't see her at all . He always stayed with Mal whole day and she won't feel disturbed .
They loved eachother ... And he was so much stronger than before !..
"I'm rotten to the core, core ! Rotten to the core ! I'm rotten to the core, core ! Who could ask for more ?" They all sang with the whole Isle's people beside them , dancing .
"I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door !" Mal glanced at Carlos and smirked ... Seeing him beside her and safe ...? and knowing that he knew that she loved her ?.. Made her happy .. So happy that she could dance the whole day .
"I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the ...I'm rotten to the core !" They sang this final verse and stopped dancing with their own special postures .
If you haven't really read the Furst book , carefully let me introduce you the characters again ;
Carlos De Vil , the boy standing beside Mal , Cruella De Vil's son who used to get abused by her . He is also still scared of dogs but he is so cool and cute . He has this white curly hair with dark routs and his typical outfits are usually leather , red , black and white !
Mal Bertha , A.k.a Carlos' girlfriend , is the group leader . She is Maleficent's daughter and she had this green silver rich eyes with long dark eyelashes , pouty lips and violet hair . Her typical outfits are leather also but she wears outfits in range of purple and green colors .
Evie Grimhilde , The girl standing beside Mal , who is looking at herself in the mirror right now , Is The Evil queen's daughter . She is a flirt but she loves someone . Like she truly loves someone and I hope y'all know who am I talking about ... YOU SHOULD'VE READ THE FIRST NOVEL :"(
Whatever .. The lastone I'm gonna introduce is Jay , Jafar's son . A.k.a Isle's playboy .. But he is so attractive to be honest . He has brown straight long hair and almond dark eyes ..
Shiny teeth like cartoons that show themselves while he smirks or tries to flirt ..! He loves someone too and he has been less flirty with other girls of the Isle since he has met her ; I'm talking about *whispers* Evie !

! He loves someone too and he has been less flirty with other girls of the Isle since he has met her ; I'm talking about *whispers* Evie !

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Me (writer)
*clears throat* Okay um.. I know this isn't a great start but I promise I'll try to please you for the continue . I actually hate 3rd person POV so this chapter was so weird . I'm gonna write first person POVs don't worry !😂
But thanks for reading again . Its such a honor to have u guys as readers ..:")

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