"What has gone into him ?!" - Part Twenty One

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Evie POV :
I was sitting my room when Mal came in .
"Evie ! Evie ! Evie !" I turned around and saw her who was walking around the room nonstop , murmuring things .
"What is it ?" I asked .
"He knows everything !" She said and suddenly grabbed my arms .
"Carlos ?" I gulped .
"Yes ! Who else would I be talking about ?!" She squeaked as her eyes were glowing again .
"How did he react ?!" I asked .
"Very bad ! Terrible !" She said .
I sighed :" M ?! What happened ?"
"He told me that I started a dirty game and he'll take his revenge too !"
I gasped and said :" What ?!"
"What am I gonna do ?! HUH ? He doesn't even act like past anymore ?!" She yelled .
"Why don't you talk to him ?" I asked cleverly .
"He doesn't want to ! He hates me !" Mal said and covered her fourhead with her hands , keeping her head down .
"Uh .. I don't know what to do !" I said .. Well I was the smarter one so my friends kept coming to me to get help . Mal was the angry and grumpy one , Carlos was kinda like me but he was mostly hungry and bored and Jay ?.. He was just so flirty and he couldn't help us with that !
"What are we gonna do ? We all know he doesn't really love Jane ! What if he wants to break her heart too ?!" Mal said repeadetly and I rolled my eyes .
"Check what is he doing at night . Maybe we'll find a way .." I said .
Mal glanced at me as her purple hair was fallen over her face and her green eyes were silver and calm right now .
"Where's he right now ?" I asked .
"I don't know ..." Mal shrugged .
"Guys !" Jay entered the room .
"You know where Carlos is ?" He asked and took his beenie off his head , throwing it towards his bed .
"No ..But we have bad news ." I murmured .
"What ?" He asked and leaned on the table .
"He knows everything !" Mal said and sniffed , saying :" And he is not happy !"
"Ugh ..." Jay groaned and said :" I knew it ! I knew it !"
I flexed my head looking at how mad he was at himself for lying to Carlos , In a sympathic way .. He closed his almond dark eyes and said :" Wow ! Now he hates us !"
"I don't think he has any good plans with Jane too .." Mal murmured .
"What do you mrean ?" Jay asked .
"He wants to take revenge ! He didn't say anything about loving Jane !.." Mal said .
"Wow ! So our nicest guy of the group is the bad guy now ?" Jay said and suddenly door opened .
Jane entered but she was really happy ! She squeaked with excitment and said :" WE'RE OFFICIAL NOW !"
I looked at how happy she was and I smiled , asking :" What ?"
"Jarlos ! Is official ! He wants to be my boyfriend !" Jane said and screamed out of happiness .
"Jarlos ?" Jay said and laughed .
"Jane and Carlos !" Jane said and happily stood beside me , hugging me out of happiness .
I looked at Mal who was cofused and scared . She widened her eyes and nodded with unbelief .
I gulped and hugged Jane back as I had my nose wrinckled thinking about how bad Carlos' plans could be .
"We're going on a date, today !" Jane leaned backward and said this .
I faked a smile and said :"Wow ! I'm happy for you !"
Jane pulled her brown hair back and said :" How does this look ? Should I pull my hair back ?" I nodded without even knowing what she was talking about.
"You look perfect !" I told Jane and slowly pushed her out of the room. Jay called Mal and I from the hallway and said :" Guys !"
We exited the room and saw Jay .
"He locked the door before going with Jane .." Jay murmured .
I raised my eyebrows and said :" Then open it with your keys !"
"I have keys but he never locks the door ." Jay said and grabbed his keys out of his pocket , opening the door .
We entered Jay and Carlos (Which was also Jays' and mine ) room . The room was so messy ..
"This spell thing has compeletly changed him . If he wants to choose an outfit he just picks it up . He doesn't drop everything on the floor !" Jay said and groaned .
I picked some clothes and placed them in the wardrobe . Then I saw a coat that I've never seen Carlos wearing it . It was made of black and white leather and there was nothing red in it ... There was a fake fur on his right hip for accessories , that resembles a black tail with white tip.
"Guys ?" I said and showed them the coat , saying :" Is this his' ?"
Jay narrowed his eyes and nodded as no .
"That doesn't even look like something he would wear !" Mal said and pointed at the jacket .
I was gonna put that back in the wardrobe when I felt something heavy moving in it and I stopped . 
"Hmmm .. What is this ?" I murmured and placed my hand in the jackets' huge inner pocket . A BOOK ?!
I grabbed the book and looked at it .
"Mal ? Is this yours' ?!" I asked .
Mal came forward and said :" No but whos' is this ?!" She slowly slid her hand on the leather book cover ..I turned the book and said :" Maddie's spellbook ?"
"Who's that ?" Mal grabbed the book and looked at it . She opened it and turned some pages and suddenly she stopped .
"What the ..?!" She said and she looked at a certain page . I quickly sat beside her to see the pages and this was the first photo :

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