'I'll sing for you !" - Part Eleven

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Carlos POV: {its gonna be alittle musical so please open the video first so you can recognize the song}
I opened my eyes , painfully to suffer my headache even worse .
I saw Jane standing beside my bed and smiled painfully . As soon as she saw me her eyes' sparkles twinkled just like the stars and I asked :" Where am I ?"
"You finally woke up !" She said and smiled excitingly .
"Mhm..." I said and shook my head as I felt like my eyes were sleepy and Still it was hard to keep them open .
She slowly sat on the corner of my bed and said :" Do you feel better ?" And smiled in a friendly way .
"Yeah , I guess .." I said and scratched my head , saying :" What happened to me ? My head hurts so bad !"
"You passed out in the middle of the class .." Jane said and looked at me smiling sadly .
"Passed out ?!" I asked and she shook her head as a yes .
"I never faint ! How ?!" I asked and panicked ..
Jane shurgged and said :" You fell on the ground all of sudden .. I don't know what exactly happened .." I kinda remembered ; I had a little fight with Evie before that because she didn't help me with sitting beside Jane .
"Uh .. I kinda remember .." I said and rubbed my fourhead with my finger tips .
I was kinda better when suddenly I got the headache again and I shook in pain , firmly closing my eyes and biting my lips .
"Carlos ! Are you okay ?!!" Jane asked as if she was panicked . I couldn't even open my eyes . I wrapped my hands around my head and shook my head from aside to another which meant no .
"Here ! Take this medicines !" Jane said and handed some pills to me .
I swallowed them with water and leaned my head on the bed's headboard as I felt pills slowly curing my pain and I got relaxed and alittle sleepy again .
"What do you think I can do to distract you ?" Jane asked and I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her ; She looked like an angel without wings , blue marble eyes , pale skin and brown wavey hair and litteral perfection ; Nothing bad in her appereacne and so her character .. Her character was so precious and beautiful ; She was like starlight .. She reminded me of silver's beauty and deep oceans' color .
"Can you sing ?" I asked .
She widened her eyes in a stressed way for a moment and murmured :" Not really .."
"C'mon ! I'm sure you can .." I said and saw her pale cheeks blushing and turning pink ..
"But I just know one song !" She said and fixed her blue eyes on my face . They were shining in a really miracilous and rare way .
"Okay sing that one song then !" I said and laughed . Then suddenly I felt the headache again and wrapped myself in petal position just so I won't feel any other kinda body aches , like stomachache too.
"Okay okay !" Jane said and continued :" I'll sing for you !" She cleared her throat and sniffed a few times .
I stared at her and slowly leaned on the headboard again ; Jane slowly sat beside me , but this time , closer , which I kinda liked . She started singing in a low tone :" Hearing whispers in the night ..."
"Voices filling up your mind..." She continued as I looked at her proudly so she won't think she is singing bad ..
"You're like a ghost of you..!" Her voice was so powerfull and melodious .. The way she closer her eyes, singing each line was so soft ..
"You've been drowning in the rain .." She sang and fixed her blue big eyes on me and blinked slwoly , singing ..
"Slowly saving up the pain.." She was sitting beside me ; I leaned forward and looked at her , closer .
She blushed and leaned alittle back , saying :" So deep inside of you ; See the colors of the sky !"
The way her mouth opened and closed so she can talk and sing seems like a flower blossoming :"Slowly turn from black and white .."
"A rising hope, bright as gold ... And now there's nothing left to loseJane sang and I felt like she's becoming really emotional ; The way she looked at me , made me forgot all of my problems ; Her eyes sparkles could light up my gaze and vision so I can see the world better , the way she does .
"So we're breaking all the rules ... And they don't know what we know !" She closed her eyes slowly and I quickly moved forward so I can be closer to her .
"'Cause I can hear the thunder from afar ... A lightning in the dark !" She sang and smiled slightly ; She was finally enjoying her own voice I guess ; I could listen to that forever ..
"I can feel a fire come alive !" She raised her which didn't even tremble ; Her voice was so strong !
"So calm before the storm , So dark before the dawn !" I slowly placed my hand beside hers' so atleast I can feel it beside mine .
"Oh, I can see the fire in your eyes , Oh ...." She turned and looked at me all of a sudden ; She looked a tme in my eyes , repeating the same line all over again :" In your eyes , oh.... Oh, I can see the fire in your eyes ..!" When I looked into her eyes it was like I was looking through my soul who was locked in a unkown place for a long time ago ; And now that I find it , I was never gonna let it go .. There was nothing similar between a AK and a VK but I felt like we are so alike ... I just felt like we've both been through alot .
"In your eyes , oh .. Oh, I can see the fire in your eyes ..." She sang as I murmured , singing it with her .. I couldn't help it and slowly placed my hand on her hand , she stopped singing and looked at me and my hand , with confusion and fear .

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