"Be Together .." - Part Sixteen

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Mal POV :
I gasped seeing Carlos standing there .
"Are you okay ?" He asked and walked towards the table . I continued combining the cookie's cream .
I nodded crying while I knew that I didn't seem to be okay .
"Are you sure ?" He asked and placed his hand on my back , rubbing it .
"No , I'm not .." I said and dropped the mixer in the bottle , keeping my head down .
"Where are the others ?" He asked and looked around .
"Where were you ?!" I asked ignoring his question ..
"I was auditioning .." He responded .
I looked at him feeling a girlish perfume's smell filling my nose .
"What audition ?!" I asked and wiped my tears off my face .
"Uh.. Acting audition ." He answered and scratched his neck nervously .
"Oh really ?" I asked and rolled my eyes , Combining the cream again , So I can forget the reason I was sad for .
"Uhm .. Mal , Are you okay ?" He asked in a worried tone as he had narrowed his brown sparkling eyes .
"I'm better now . What you auditoning for ? What show ?" I asked and averted my gaze from him , Looking at the chocoa cream .
"Well um.. I thought Ben would've told you because he had written the story . It's about a princess from the Aurdon who falls in love with a VK and her mother won't let her marry the VK because she wants her daughter to marry a prince and this kinda stuff , y'know ?"
He explained and shrugged in a exhausted way .
"Interseting .. Who plays the princess ? Who plays the VK ?" I asked because I knew they'd never let Carlos (as a VK) Play the main role .
"I'm the chosen VK ." He said and I dropped the mixer into the cream , Again .
"What ?!" I asked and widened my mouth in a confused way . He nodded , blushing .
"Who ? What ? Who's the princess ?!" I asked and looked at him with my eyes widened as I couldn't believe they had let him play as the main role !..
"It's Jane !" He said outloud happilly , in a admiring tone
I gasped .. No , This couldn't be true .
"I feel so lucky today , to be honest !.." He continued as I felt something strange in his tone ; Something rare .. The way he talked about me in the Isle , Now was replaced with him talking about Jane !
"I think she likes me too .." He said and leaned on the table , looking at the front door which was making irrr irrr unpleasant noises .
"No Carlos ! You know she doesn't !" I said and gasped noticing what did I just say ..
"What do you mean ?" He said and stood up , looking at me with confusion , flexing his head to aside .
"I mean you shouldn't get attached to her ! Don't forget ; Love is weak and we aren't .. We are rotten .." I said and grabbed his arms firmly so he looks at me in the eyes and won't get distracted thinking of Jane .
He didn't compelete my sentence saying to the core . Instead , He said :" I know you don't believe in everything your mother says .."
I raised my eyebrow , In a questioning way and looked at him ..
"You don't really think that love is weak .." He said and smiled in a heartwarming way ..
"I can still remember the times you whispered about Harry to Evie , in the Dragon Hall .. And I know you liked him . That wasn't a gang activity or anything that you call .. That was a relationship !.." He said as I wished he could remember us too ..
I could feel my eyes tearing up thinking about what happened to Harry .
"He cheated on me !" I squeaked .
"Who told you that ?" Carlos asked with his armscrossed in a sarcastic way .
"My mother !" I answered and he rolled his eyes , sighing .
"She probaply was lying .. Harry really liked you ." He said and averted his gaze .
"No , You did !" I said and knelt down on the ground as I knew I couldn't keep this hidden from him .
Carlos wrinckled his nose and said :" What ?!"
"Look , I ... I had to do something ." I said and gulped as I felt my voice gone and I'd lost the ability to talk .
"Do what ?" He asked , still confused .
Suddenly we heard footsteps coming toward the basement and Carlos gasped with fear .
"We have to hide !" He whispered as I was panting .
We looked around to find a good place to hide and finally found somewhere .
We hid behind the basement's food shelves .
Carlos slowly looked back and said :" It's Jane !"
I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm saying :" Hush !"
"I don't think she'll do anything seeing us here . She's not her mother !" He whispered and let my hand go .
"Carlos !" I said and pulled him towards me making him face me , with a very small distance between .
He swallowed and leaned backward , Saying :" Mal , Stop .."
I averted my gaze , letting his hand go .
"Is anyone there ?" Jane said with her soft but exhausted voice .
We stayed quiet .
Finally she exited and Carlos walked away from me .
"Don't you get it , Carlos ?! If she understands our plan she'll never forgive you !" I said .
He nervously laughed and said :" Ha ! First you kiss me , Then you grab my arm and pull me forward without leaving no distance ! And then you act like nothing has happened !" I gulped .
"Stop acting weird , Mal ! You do this everytime and I feel uncomfortable !" He said outloud .
"I'm sorry .. I didn't mean to ." I murmured .
"Whatever . Let's just go and sleep . Tomorrow is our last day here afterall .." He sighed and walked out of the basement . I grabbed my cookie from the table and put it in a plastic bag ; It looked good to be honest ; It had chocolate cream on it and a few chocolate chips .
I walked out of the room after Carlos , and we slowly entered our dorm .
He was untying his shoelace when he asked :" Do we really have to leave here ?"
"Well if we want to please our parents , Yeah .." I answered .
Carlos sighed and took his gloves off , saying :" You know they'll never be proud of us .."
He was right .. My mother had always made excuses about me being a good villain .
"Why do you want to stay ?" I asked hopelessly as I could guess the answer .
"Well .. You know I like Jane . Maybe I don't really want to take over the world with evil .." He said and I nodded .
"Yeah .. Right ." I said and turned my back on him , hanging my coat from the door .
"I think it's time to switch our dorms .." He said and stood up .
He was just walking out of the room when I couldn't stop myself from murmuring :" Time stand still , I order you . No minutes pass untill I'm through . Doing what I have to do , Time stand still I order you !" I pointed at right , left and down .
Then I quickly turned to see Carlos stopped infront of the dorm's room . The door was opened and he was just stepping out of the room . I walked towards him as I had gulped , trying to swallow my pain , So I can forget who has I lost ... Who has forgotten me .
"Let me escape in your arms ..." I started singing , standing infront of Carlos , looking at his smooth freckled face .
"Baby I'm yours, baby I'm yours .." I slowly caressed his cheek as my tears were caressing mine .
"Love don't come easy at all .." I continued .
"I miss you so much, I miss you so much .." I didn't want to admit that I liked Ben because I knew it was impossible but Carlos ?.. I lost him . I gave him up with my own hands .
"Tell me is this freedom, baby ?" I didn't deserve Carlos ! I pulled my hand back to keep myself deprived from touching him and loving him ...
"Chasing after danger, making my heart beat .." I sang and quickly turned my back on him . I couldn't look at him in the eyes anymore and stop myself from loving him ..
"Maybe if the stars align ..." I sang and leaned on the wall behind , looking at him with regret and heartache ..
"Maybe if our world's collide .." Maybe if his spell could be broken , he could come back .. To me and love me .
"Maybe on the dark side we can be together !.." I walked out of the hallway , murmuring with my trembling voice :" Be together .."
I turned back and glanced at Carlos again . He had his big brown eyes fixed on the front wall and his pouty lips were widened , panting ..
"Maybe in a million miles, on the highway through the skies.." I said and walked away hopefully singing :" Someday soon we'll be together .."
I hid behind Ben's room's door , listening to him snoring slowly . I looked at him , hiding behind the door , singing :" He was a dreamer at heart .." I walked into the room , sitting beside him on his bed .
"Chasing the stars, chasing the stars .." I slid my hand on his brown soft hair as he was slightly smiling , dreaming about something ..
"Rain spread to the sun .." I looked at him , smiling sadly and averting my gaze , feeling guilty ..
"I miss you so much, I miss you so much .." Carlos was the person I could be the one for . But I didn't deserve him . Jane did ...
"Tell me is this freedom, baby?" I sang and knelt down on the ground , beside Ben's bed looking st his face .
"Chasing after danger, making my heart beat .." Looking at his long eyelashes that were softly laying on eachother .
"Woah !" I sang and quickly turned around , sighing and walking out of the room .
"Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our world's collide .." I sang outloud , walking in the hallway , on my own , as the moonlight was gleaming on the floor through the windows .
"Maybe on the dark side we can be together, be together !" I walked through the balcony , the place VKs should never enter , wondering about tomorrow ..
"Maybe in a million miles, on the highway through the skies !" I walked in the balcony and looked at the fullmoon , as It's white light sparked enchanted lake's edge and I could see it from faraway ..
"Someday soon we'll be together.." Maybe being with Ben wasn't as impossible as I thought ..?
"We'll be together.." I slowly stepped on the edge of the balcony , standing up there , looking down as I wanted to jump off , thinking about how miserable my life was .
I always though about my first love , Harry Hook . It was always the most strange one in my relationships .. The way we were both hanging out in the Isle , doing fun things , It was so strange but in a good way ..
"we'll be together.." I repeatedly sang this line , thinking about what we maybe able to do if we stay in Aurodon . I imagined Carlos being mad at me after he understands I've spelled him and dumped him to be with Ben .. Then he will get together with Jane and nothing wil go good .. I will burn in fire of jealousy seeing Carlos and Jane happy , knowing I can't do anything .. Just like now , standing on the most dangerious part of a balcony , on the edge , experiencing imbalance , carelessly looking down at the enchanted lake comparing the beauty of the Aurodon with the Isles' .
"Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our world's collide !" I slowly stepped down and walked out of the balcony .
"Maybe on the dark side we can be together, be together .." I stopped walking , reaching Carlos who was standing still in front of the door .
"Maybe in a million miles, on the highway through the skies .." I held his hands slowly and squeezed hsif fingertips on my hand because I knew he will never himself , truly do it again ...
"Someday soon we'll be together.." I sang and slowly hugged Carlos so I can atleast feel his perfume embracing me .
{Song name : Be together by Major Lazer }
I stopped singing and said :" I know you'll never forgive me after all this ends but I still love you .."
I wiped my tears off my face and walked into the room , murmuring :" Minutes can pass now , I'm telling you . I'm giving you the permission breaking the spell I put on you , doing what I have to do , Minutes can pass now , I'm telling you ."
I heard Carlos' footsteps sound slowly fading and getting away .
I layed on my bed , singing slowly :" Someday soon we'll be together .." crying and shivering because I didn't know which one was I talking about ; Ben or Carlos ...

Me (writer)Thanks for reading the story

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Me (writer)
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