"love is weak".." - Part Nine

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Jay POV :
Dorm room opened and Evie came in , panting looking worried .
"What happened ?" I asked .
"This is not good .. This is not good .. This is not good ..." Evie murmured walking around the room .
"What is not good ?!" I asked and wrinckled my nose .
" One ; Mal is out with Ben ! Two ; Carlos is outside holding a dog , standing besides JANE ! Three ; When I was going downstairs 30 minutes ago , I heard Mal screaming and now , If Carlos still loved Mal - Even as a friend - He wouldn't talk to Jane so friendly and last but not least ! This means that they had an arguement !" She said and sighed.
"Understandable .." I murmured and raised my eyebrows .
"Jay we should do something ! We can't let Carlos be with her !" Evie said and pointed at the window .
I stood infront of the window and looked outside ; Carlos was talking , smiling at Jane and she had that blue dress on again .
"I don't think he has a problem with her .." I said and shrugged , looking at Evie .
Evie sighed angrily and said :" You know he'll be really mad if he understands he is under a love breaking spell , don't you ?!"
I rolled my eyes and said :" Ofcourse I know but who knows ? Maybe he really likes Jane ."
"He shouldn't .." She murmured hopelessly .
"You know what , Evie ? You shouldn't really worry about them ." I said , trying to convince her to calm down .
"I wish I could be relaxed as you ..." She said as her hands were on her hips .
"Evie ! We aren't their parents ! They are old enough to choose whatever they want !" I said . She stayed silent ..
" I have never understood why Mal chose to be in a relationship when she knows she can't handle it and her mother says that love is weak .. I mean she .. can be really moody sometimes and that will ruin everything !" I said .
Evie looked at me and slowly sat down , near me , saying :" Mal never said that "love is weak" is a right sentence and she never believed in that .." She sighed and I slowly approached her by sliding near her , to confort her . She was a really good friend to Mal .. "Whenever Mal and I were alone in her room , she always tried to act like her mother but I could see how she wanted to be good and and I'm sure she believes in love and true love .. She just .. doesn't want to admit it ; Because she always wanted to please her mother !" She said with her voice going up and down , sadly . I slowly rubbed her back and calmed her .
She continued :" One day , she came to my house and I could see how excited and happy she was and when I asked her about what happened she said that she kissed a boy and I asked who and she said that I kissed Harry hook the son of Captain Hook . I was shocked because she was really happy and I was happy for her but I kinda knew that wasn't right .. I kind of understood that Pirates aren't right for her but she chose it and I respected it !" Evie said and looked at me . I was confused of what she was sayjng and how comfortable she was in my arms .
"What happened after ?" I asked .
"Then , all of a sudden , one day when she came to my house again , I could see how sad and tired she was and her face was wet and I could see her teary eyes and red cheeks ! I could understand that she had cried . When I asked her about what happened she just told me that love is weak I should have understood it sooner and when I asked her why and what happened ?..." She said and sniffed .. She was really emotional talking about Mal .
"She didn't want to answer and I understood that Harry did something to her but she never really told me about what did he do !... She came home and told me she was sad and she had broken up !.. After that we understood that maleficent hypnotized her so she can believe that love is weak but after the staying hypnotised timezone ended , we could see that she was still enjoying believing in love being a weakness and she could see how pleased and happy her mother was so she just continued being like that and I always knew that she was just acting !.." Evie said and sighed sadly , embracing her legs and nervously moving .
"Didn't you guys ever asked Harry about it ?.." I asked .
Evie said :" Well .. There was a rumour that Harry cheated on Mal with Uma and we all believed it because it was possible but Uma wasn't that kinda girl so .. I heard this from Maleficent when she was gossiping with my mom in the livingroom .. And ofcourse our parents , My mom and Mals' , are the only people who know this .."
I got angry of the idea of Harry cheating on Mal !
"You know ? I really think we should tell Carlos about the spell so he won't compeletly let Mal go .."Evie said and continued :" I don't really think she wants to lose her boyfriend again .."
I shook my head and said :" I guess you're right .."
Clank ! Door opened and Evie bounced to aside ; Carlos entered the room holding a puppy in his hands .
"Look what I got !!!!" He yelled and caressed the puppy's head in a really calm and brave way .
"Carlos weren't you scared ?" Evie asked .
"Yeah I was but .. He is not scary !" Carlos said and put the puppy on the ground . He knelt down beside the puppy and caressed his head , saying :" He is a good boy ! Aren't you ?"
I laughed and said :" Where'd you find it ?"
"In the hallway ." He answered .
"Guys .." Carlos said and settled down on the ground , playing with the dog .
"Have you guys ever liked someone ?" He asked .
I looked at Evie but as soon as I understood she is not looking , I averted my gaze .. Ugh , Jay .. She'll never love you so stop trying ..
"Yeah.." Evie answered as I was staying silence ..
"What would you do if you knew that , that person doesn't love you back ..?" Carlos asked . I didn't notice that his eyes were really baggy and tired that day .. He was exhausted and didn't seem to be okay ..
I certainly glanced at Evie and said :" I would still try .. We all a have a chance to achieve our loved ones ." Evie glanced at me and for the first time , I felt like I could see something soft and kind in her eyes , looking at me .
Evie quickly looked at Carlos and said :" It depends on who she or he is , though !"
I rolled my eyes and layed on my bed , looking at the ceiling .
"Evie !" Door opened and Mal ran in .
She looked at everywhere and as soon as she saw Carlos she just averted her gaze and said :" Evie would you come for a minute ?"
I could see that Carlos wasn't really happy seeing her ... Evie said :" Sure !" And exited the room holding Mal's hand .
As soon as they closed the door , I jumped off the bed and sat beside Carlos .
"What happened ?" I asked .
Carlos gulped and slid back in an awkward way , saying :" What what happened ?"
"Did you guys argue or something ?" I asked .
"Mal and I you mean ?" He asked and scratched his neck nervously .
I shook my head as a yes saying :" Bro , I saw how you guys looked at eachother .. Maybe I can help . Just tell me !" I said .
"We were fighting with Mal .." He murmured , looking at the ground , thinking .
"About ?" I asked .
"She wanted me to find a way to the muesum and grab the wand so this roleplaying thing would and she wouldn't act like a princess , anymore ..." Carlos said and continued with that low sad tone :" I told her that it's not right for us to do it alone but she was really sure about it . I reminded her that we'll need you guys' help hut she said that she doesn't care and she just wants to end this !... Then she hit me on my chest and I hit the library . She was yelling just like my mother when I yelled saying stop being like my mom , Mal . Then .." He stopped .
"Then what ?" I quickly said .
"She .. She ..." Carlos gulped ; It seemed like he was short of breath and hid chest went up and down in a way which looked like there was a heavy thing on his chest and he was choking . He covered his eyes with his hands , rubbing them as if he couldn't believe the thing that had happened ..
"She kissed me !" He said and I gasped ; Wow , Mal .. Thanks for ruining everything !

Me (Writer)Thanks for reading and supporting me no matter what !Write down your opnions about what do u think wilk happen next !!!

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Me (Writer)
Thanks for reading and supporting me no matter what !
Write down your opnions about what do u think wilk happen next !!!

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