"Maddie's revenge .." - Part Twenty Four

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Maddie POV :I looked at the broken TV , listening to Mal saying :" Wow so that's our happilly every after

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Maddie POV :
I looked at the broken TV , listening to Mal saying :" Wow so that's our happilly every after ..." Laughing .
I groaned with anger and stood up .
"What are you doing ?!!" Jacob asked .
I kicked the TV so I can break it , yelling :" Happilly ever after , huh ?! I'll show you that !"
I heard door clanked and turned to see Ivy entering . She smirked and said :" We have news ..."
I groaned :" What is it ?!"
"So appereantly , Harry and Mal used to date back in the Isle .." She said and I let a sigh out , narrowing my eyes as I felt impressed .
I nodded as continue and Ivy put her hands on her hips and said :" I saw them singing in the pirates' ship . Harry is still madly in love with her !" She chuckled , teasing , rolling her hazel golden eyes as I was thinking ... Uhm.. Interesting !
"But Mal has already replaced him with king Ben .." Ivy said and leaned backward , flipping her hair back .
"Rejected !" Jacob said , airquoting his hands , smirking ...
"Guys !" We heard Charles' voice from behind the door and Jacob quickly opened the door . Charles was panting and he had his eyes widened , not even once blinking !...
He held his stomach and said :" I don't feel okay .."
I ignored what he said and turned back to Ivy saying :" Thanks Ivy ! That information will be usefull .. I'm guessing ."
"Yeah !" She said and continued :" I mean , If Mal got back together with him , Ben would really get pissed , Huh ?" She smirked as I was finally understanding what she meant .
"I'm in charge then .." I said and grinned looking out , through the window .
"Where does Harry live ?" I asked , looking at Ivy as she was sitting beside Jacob , Whispering at him , flirting and laughing .
"Ursula's fish and chips ." She responded .
"Uhmm..." I said and turned to see Charles shivering on the ground , in the corner of the room .
I knelt dow  infront of him and said :" Don't worry , Charles  .. I'll make sure they understand what will happen if they hurt my friends !.."
Charles sighed and painfully smiled .
"But I need some of your skills !"  I said and he raised his eyebrows .
"Wait for us to get into Mal's room , I know it's gross and something that you won't even like looking at it but take some pics , Okay ?!" I said as I knew he couldn't deny my command .
I could easilly kick his ass if he did so ...

I walked out of the room and ran downstairs , Looking for the nearest way to get to Harry . (Charles was gonna be there at time !)

Finally I was there ; Hiding behind a column , Looking at Harry . He was good but not my type .. Because I didn't have a type . I hate love !..
Harry took his hat off and sat on the stairs infront of the Cafe's intro .
"Hey !" I whispered and hid beuphind the column again as soon as I noticed him , Looking towards the column .
"Hello ?" He said and slowly tiptoed till the column as I felt his breath getting heavier and more near each second ..
Suddenly I stepped to left as I was trying to hide from him as I didn't know he was standing in the left side of the column !
I gasped as his hook hit my shoulder .
"Mal ?!" He said and widened his marble eyes . To be honest , They were really strange . That eyecolor was just so rare ..
"Harry .." I murmured as I was reviewing the plan in my mind ..
"Where's Ben ?" He asked and looked around , scanning everywhere , doubtfully .
I wrapped my hands around his neck and said :" I left that dummy .. He was too good ." I smirked , looking at him in the eyes so he falls for me , Thinking I'm Mal .
"But .. He was here . You were there , Holding his hand , running away . Is this a joke ?!!" He said , panicking trying hard not to show it by averting his gaze from me , looking back at the cafe .
"If it is a joke then stop it .. It's not funny !" He said and leaned forward , widening his eyes trying to warn me .
All I did was what I had to do .. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the dark alleys ..
I was walking , holding his hand , as no one was there .. It was just the two of us ..
Finally we stopped and Harry leaned back on a wall and said :" Seriously , Why are you back ?"
I caressed his cheek and said :" You look upset . You want me to go back ?" And I pursed my lips into a duckface . 
"Mal ! You're playin' with me ?!" He said in his psychotic tone .
I stood on my tippy toes and grabbed his cheeks and kissed him on lips ; I'll show you happilly ever after , Mal .. You'll regret every happy moment , you're spending in Auradon .
Just wait and see how am I ruining everything ...
I was touching his cheek bones , Anguishing his brown short curly hair , slowly taking off his hat as he was kissing me back . I slowly leaned back and looked at him , Who was smiling ...
He suddenly grabbed my waist with his hook and whispered , Looking down at me in the eyes :" So you really want me ?.."
I tickled his cheek with my fingers tips , Whispering :" Are you really gonna ask this ?"
"Yeah , I mean I -" He said as I cut him short and kissed him again .. But this time it didn't last soon . We entered Mal's house and I finally stole his heart again . I'm sure you've understood what happened ...
We were in Mal's room till the end of the day , Doing stuff as I was proud of how I'm acting really good . Finally it was midnight ...
I had leaned my head on his chest , Laying on Mal's tiny bed . I was tired and shaking from cold ..
He had his arms wrapped around my shoulders and my waist , Rubbing my back , taking heavy breaths ..
I slowly looked at his face ; He had his eyes , half opened . I kissed him too much that I was short of breath . I wrapped my legs around his waist and smirked at him , Who had his tired blue eyes fixed on my face ; Mostly my lips though .
"I love you ..." I said and laughed .
"Me too .." He responded in a exhausted tone .
As soon as I heard his snoring sounds , I got up and tiptoed till the table in the corner of Mal's room . I grabbed his hook and quickly looked back to see him , Hugging Mal's pillow , Thinking that's me . I slowly opened the door and closed it behind myself , Rolling my eyes and rubbing my lips , Trying to get his kiss's taste off my lips so I won't throw up .
"You got the pics ?" I asked , turning and looking at Charles .
He smirked and said :" Yeah !"
"Okay .. Lets go ." I said and ran up my friends' house stairs and entered the room , Slamming the door to the wall .
I walked on Jacob and Ivy , Kissing and I gasped .
"Ewww ! Stop !" I groaned .
Ivy and Jacob leaned back and glanced at me with confusion . Jacob laughed and leaned back , closing his eyes .
Ivy slowly stood up and said :" Maddie ! What happened ?"
I rolled my eyes and said :" I did things ... Like I kissed him ."
Ivy flexed her head with compassion and said :"Awww !"
I rolled my eyes and said :" It was gross .. I still don't understand how can you guys do it everyday ??!"
Ivy laughed and didn't say anything ..
She turned and layed on the couch .
"Guess what I got now ?" I asked , hiding the hook behind me .
Jacob opened his eyes and said :" What ?"
"I'M GONNA HOOK Y'ALL !" I said making my best Harry impression , Widening my eyes and pointing the hook at them .
Ivy screamed and laughed , Saying :" Maddie ?! What the hell ...?"
"What are you gonna do with it ?" Jacob said and slid his finger on the sharp tip of the hook .
"I have my own plans , Guys ... I'm so different than my sister ." I said , grinning wickedly , looking forward .

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