"Is this seat taken?" - Part Six

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Carlos POV :
"Thanks for helping me out , Guys !" Ben said and smiled .
"Sure , Ben !" I said and smiled in a friendly way . He was a nice guy to be friend with !
"Bye then !" Jay said and we walked out of the changing room .
We were walking towards me and Mal's dorm when Jay said :" You're giving her up really quick .."
"What ? Giving who up ?" I asked and stopped walking .
Jay looked at me , raising his eyebrows in a way which meant are you kidding me . I shrugged and he said :" Carlos ! Stop it ! You're acting like you don't even know her ?! You were argueing over her just this morning !!!"
I was so confused that I felt that headache again ; It felt like something flashed in my mind for a moment and then it was gone .
"Stop saying her ! What are you talking about ?" I said and narrowed my eyes . Did I forget that I have a girlfriend or something ?..
Jay widened his eyes and said :" Bro ! Are you cheating on Mal or something ! I'm talking about Mal ! Is there another girl you're dating ?!"
I blew my breath out in confusion and said :" What ?! Mal is not my girlfriend . What are you talking about ?!"
Jay looked at me in a unbelieving way and said :" You seriously forgot her ?!"
"I .. I don't even know what are you talking about Jay .." I said stuttering .
"That's disrespectful , man .." He said and walked away .
"You're insane .." I said and laughed looking at him . He was seriously messing with me .
I knocked on Mal's dorm room door and I heard her saying :" Come in !"
I opened the door and looked at her who was writing diaries . I tried to forget Jay's bad behavior and sat on my bed .
I murmured the song Ben was singing for Mal and started vibing .
Mal looked at me and laughed :" What are you doing ?" She asked and I felt like her voice trembled .
"Vibin' !" I asnwered and laughed .
"Why is your voice trembling ?" I asked .
Mal looked up and said :" Uh nothing .. It's just allergies ." I saw her nose that had turned red .
"Allergies ? I didn't know you had allergies .." I said .
"You want napkins or medicines ?" I asked and tried to do my best .
"No .. I think I'm okay this way ." She answered .
"Oh okay ." I stood up and started to murmur the song again :" Because my love for you is ridiculous ... I never knew ! Who knew ?! That it could be like this ?! My love for you is ridiculous .. My love is ridiculous !"
"Carlos ! Would you stop ?" Mal said as she sounded annoyed .
"Uh why ?" I asked .
"I don't like the song ! That's why .." She said and rolled her eyes .
She was really mad today . I sat beside her on the bed and said :" I'm guessing you're really mad today ." She didn't even look at me .
"Mal , Talk to me . I'm your friend and I want to help you .." I said . She looked at me as I could see her teary eyes . She slightly smiled and shook her head as an okay.
I put my hand on her shoulder and said :" We've been through alot together . We should not stop that now ." She stayed silent . I sat on the corner of her bed  , cross-legged and said :" You know ? I sometimes wished we weren't villian kids .. That way we could change .."
Mal put her diary on her knees and said :" What do you mean ?"
"I mean , I don't like to be bad ." I said in the most honest tone I could be .
"Uh..I .." She said , stuttering and she averted her gaze from me .
"Do you really like to be bad ?" I asked .
Mal pulled her purple hair behind her ears and said :" Maybe .. I  mean I'm so alike to my mother so .."
"Oh okay .." I said . Knock ! Knock !
"Come in !" Mal said .
Door opened and Jay and Evie entered .
"Hey guys !" I said and waved at them , smiling .
Evie was upset so I asked :" Evie , Are you okay ?"
She had her hands on her hips and she was looking at Mal .
"Yeah , I am . What about you , Carlos ?" She asked .
"I'm great !" I answered . Seeing Jay , I laughed nervously and rolled my eyes .
Evie said :" What ?!" And laughed seeing me laughing at Jay .
"Nothing . Jay was just messing around with me today ; alot !" I answered .
"What did you do , Jay ?" Mal asked . Jay didn't say anything and looked at me in a strange way .
"He told me that I had forgotten my girlfriend Mal , so fast . And I was like Jay you're insane . Mal and I are friends !" I said and laughed .
They all laughed awkwardly and I blinked a few times .
"You guys , are acting really weird today . You know that , right ?" I said .
"No , Carlos . We aren't .. Now , boys go to your own room . It's really late ." Evie said . I shrugged and walked out of the room with Jay .
As soon as we entered the room I layed on Jay's bed and stared at the ceiling . I could feel the warm pillow under my head .. It was soft and comfortable . I closed my eyes and ignored Jay sighing .
I opened my eyes and looked around . Was I in my mom's room ?! I looked around it find a way to escape but I couldn't find any doors . I climbed up a table and stood on it trying to jump off the window because it wasn't too high . I was placing my foot on the other side when I felt a hand pulling me down . I screamed and turned around to see my mom screaming :" Come here , You little boy !" I screaming asking for help but no one was there ..
My mother was so strong that she took me - just like a puppet - from my collar . She pulled me up and threw me to the ground as I was screaming in pain . I could feel her long sharp nails scratching my skin and making it bleed .
"Let me go !" I screamed and my mom looked at me in psychotic way ..
I screamed more and more but there was no way to escape .
"Carlos !" I woke up to see Mal standing beside Jay .
I felt my face's wetness .. It was because I've cried .
"M..Mal ?" I said and slowly leaned on my bed's headboard .
"You were having a nightmare again ?" She asked , whispering . I wiped my tears off my cheeks , wondering and panting .
"Yeah ..Um.." I said and sighed .
I tried to forget my mother but that nightmare was just , too real !
"You can go to sleep , Mal .. I'm okay ." I said .
Mal's green eyes were alittle glowing that night but I had to let her go because she had to sleep . We had plans tomorow !
"Are you sure ? I can stay beside you ." She asked .
"Oh no , Mal ..." I said and smiled ..
She slowly stood up and said :"So ..Um , You want me to go ?"
"Yeah , I mean you're not gonna sleep beside me .. That's weird ." I said and laughed .
Mal smiled in a way that I felt like she was upset or something ..
"Okay then .. Goodnight ." She said and slowly walked out of the room , closing the door .
Jay murmured :" You shouldn't upset her like that .. Seriously ."
"What are you talking about Jay ?! I'm not gonna sleep with my bestfriend !" I said and sighed , moving my pillow .
"Bro you kissed her !" Jay said and I gasped .
"What ?!" I asked and stared at him with confusion waiting for him to laugh so I would make sure that he's joking but he was serious .
He sighed and settled down , saying :" What happened to you guys , this morning ? Did you fight in your room after you left ?! What did she tell you ?"
I was really confused .. I was scared that I've lost my memory or something ..
"What are you saying Jay ?! I don't get it ..." I said and rubbed my head .
Jay rolled his eyes and said :" Uh whatever .." and layed down turning his back on me .
I couldn't sleep untill 5 am and I was just overthinking the whole night untill my eyes couldn't stop them from closing and I slept .
But it didn't last long to hear someone screaming :" Carlos !"
I settled down quickly and started panting as my heart was beating fastly . I sighed and looked at Mal who was packing her bag .
"Carlos ! Finally ..! We have to get to class ." She said . I rolled my eyes and stood up . Standing infront of the mirror , I combed my hair and put alittle perfume on (knowing it was Jays' ).
"Lets go then !" I said and walked out of the room waiting for Mal . She came out and stood beside me , wearing a purple coat on a white shirt .
"Oh , You're on fire girl !" I said and girnned . Mal smiled and swallowed trying to avert her gaze from me ; Bro you kissed her ! Jay's voice echoed in my mind and I held my breath ..
"Mal !" I said and looked at her . She made a sound like hmm ?
"Would you talk to Jay ?" I asked and sighed , sadly .
"About ?" She asked with her arms crossed .
"He's been messing with me these days .." I said and wrinckled my nose , trying to forget how he misbehaved me yesterday .
Mal raised her eyebrow and I said :" I hope you won't misunderstand but he has been just saying that I've kissed you and why am I acting like really rude to you . Like I've forgotten you .." Mal widened her silver eyes and looked at me awkwardly . I knew it wasn't a good idea to tell her !
I stuttered saying :" No ! I don't mean it like that .. He told me that you were my girlfriend .  Please tell him to stop because I feel like I've got a desease and I've forgotten everything . He behaved me really bad yesterday and I kinda felt like I'm doing something wrong ."
Mal gulped and said :" Oh okay .. It's okay . I'll talk to him ; He's just being the typical Jay ."
But I knew he wasn't joking lastnight .
I saw Evie and Jay walking towards us and I waved at Evie . She smiled kindly and as she was walking , she glanced at Chad who was talking to Audrey .
Evie and Jay stood infront of us and I asked :" What class do we have right now ?"
Jay shrugged and didn't even look at me . Evie grabbed her notebook out of her bag and said :" Mathematics ."
I rolled my eyes and said :" Uh sure .."
"Jay let's go ." I said and looked at him .
Jay looked at me in a not very friendly way and Mal said :" Jay , Can you help me with something please ?" Evie wanted to say something when Mal interrupted and said :" You guys get to the class ." I shook my head and watched them as they were walking away .
I looked at Evie who was kinda confused . We were walking through the class when Evie asked :" Did you guys fight or something ?.."
"No .. We're alright ." I said and fake smiled . We entered a huge classroom tilled with benches and seats and ofcourse , students . Annoying princes and princesses ; That was what Mal said always about AKs.
Evie sat on a bench beside a guy with glasses on . I think it was one of the guys who played a trumpet on Ben's big game . I think his name was Doug or something like that ?
I sat on a bench and looked forward ; I was sitting on my own , waiting for Jay or Mal to come and sit beside me . I opened my notebook and tried to find a blank clean page .
I looked up , hearing very loud footsteps and as soon as I looked up , I saw Mal ad Jay slowly entering the classroom when suddenly a brunette girl bumped into them , running into the class and squeaked .
"Sorry sorry sorry ! Am I late ?!!!" She looked at Mal and Jay who were standing in the corner of the class leaning on the wall carefully . She had baby blue widened eyes and pale skin . She turned towards the teacher's empty seat and sighed .
"Okay . I'm not late .." She murmued and walked through my bench . She was wearing a dress in the same color as her eyes which suit her very well .
"Is this seat taken ?" The girl asked . I heard someone's gasp but when I looked around I could just see Mal's shocked face . I looked at her in a way that meant Is there any problem and she looked at me like what do you mean ? I didn't even look at you ...
"No it's not . You can sit ." I answered and the girl sat beside me and I think that was the best decission I made at the moment ...

Me (writer)Whad up guys !!! i missedddddddd publishiiiiiiiiiing Carlosssss POVVVVVVVVVVs so here you go !*clears throat* bye !

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Me (writer)
Whad up guys !!! i missedddddddd publishiiiiiiiiiing Carlosssss POVVVVVVVVVVs so here you go !
*clears throat* bye !

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