"How ?!" - Part Nineteen

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Mal POV :
I woke up and looked around . Carlos was standing infront of the mirror , combing his hair .
"Good morning , Princess !" He said and I slowly settled down .
"Hey ! How dare you call me like that ?!" I said and laughed tiredly .
He rolled his eyes and turned back to the mirror . I was surprised that the spell was still working ...
"Whatever , I'm going to the practice .." He said and stood up .
"What practice ?" I asked and rubbed my eyes.
"Forbidden love show , I guess .." He answered and I nodded remembering the show .
"Where's Jane by the way ?" He asked as I felt like he doesn't talk like himself . But I was tired so it would all be a misunderstanding .
"Probaply in the acting class .." I said and shrugged .
"Are you guys gonna come and watch the last audition ?" He asked .
I gulped and answered :" I guess so .. Just text us ."
"Okie Dokie , Princess ! Bye for now !" He said and smiled , walking out of the room .
I laughed and looked at him going away .
I slowly settled down and grabbed my leather jacket . Suddenly something fell out of it's pocket and I caught it in the air ; Wow .. The ring which Harry gave me back in the Isle as My first one ..
I mean he was my first love so ... I was never gonna forget how we were back in the Isle .
But suddenly things happened .. I remember seeing him with another girl and what was I excepting ?! He was a compelete pervert ..
But seeing that ring brought lots of memories back to my mind . It was like I was back in the Isle for a moment ..
The way he touched my cheeks gently with his hook , Filled my stomach with butterflies .
He was always gonna have a place in my heart ... Although he cheated on me .
"Mal ?" I turned and saw Jane standing at the front door , looking frustrated and nervous .
"Hey Jane ! What's up ?" I smiled and asked.
"What does this mean ?" Jane said and stepped forward handing me a letter which this text was written in it :" Dear Jane , Things happened and I realized that I wasn't good enough to be here .
I hope you forgive me .
Please take care of Dude , While I'm gone .
-Carlos "
I gulped and said :" What is this ?" Jane shrugged sadly ..
"He's probaply pranking us !" I said and laughed awkwardly . Or is he ....?
"Because he was here and going to audition for you guys' show ." I continued .
"Really ?!" She said and squeaked happilly .
I nodded and watched her walking out of the room .
I got up and put my usual clothes on .. I exited my dorm and looked for Carlos . I walked towards the acting class and finally saw him . Ben was sitting on the front row with a notebook in his hand . I entered the class and slowly called Ben .
"Hey Mal ! Come and sit with me !" Ben said , waving at me .
I slowly walked towards him and sat on the seat besides him .
Carlos entered the stage and Jane hugged him , squeaking in a excitng way , saying :" Why did you scare me ?!"
Carlos raised his eyebrow and grinned , asking :" What ?"
"You pranked me !" Jane said , handing him the letter.
Carlos grabbed the letter and read it , saying :" Yeah .. I wanted to prank you ." He put the letter in his pocket and gently grabbed Jane's hand which was kinda an unexpected act from Carlos who was so shy !
"Shall we start ?" He asked and Jane slowly slid her hand out of his' in a shy way .
"Sure ." She murmured .
"I ship them .." Ben said whispering and I held my breath thinking about the fact that he is still spelled .
The audition started and Carlos and Jane ran towards eachother , In a worried way .
Jane acted sad and worried , holding Caroos' hands , saying :" I can't marry you !"
Carlos gulped and flexed his head , saying :" But .. But why ?"
"You're not a prince and that's what my mom wants ! She wants me to marry a prince !" Jane said and her voice cracked . She had her hair done again , fallen all over her shoulders as she was wearing a blue dress with babyblue laces on sleeves .
"But maybe someday we can be .." Carlos murmured and slowly leaned forward .
"Together.." Jane leaned forward too . It looked sor real , Loke they were actually in love ..
"Jane !" The man in the background yelled , playing The king or Jane's father's role.
"I should go !" Jane said and slowly let his hands go .
"Jane ! Wait !" Carlos said and fixed his big brown eyes on her .
"I have to show you something .." He continued . Jane slowly walked towards him and looked at him as if they weren't acting .
"Guys ! Cut ! Continue from the part the last time Carlos couldn't act in !" Ben said and raised his hands . What part ?
Carlos turned and looked at him in a questioning way , raising his eyebrow .
"So we should ?.." Jane said and blushed , with her blue eyes widened and her skin getting paler and paler !..
"Kiss .." Ben responded and I gasped .
Calm down , Mal .. There's no problem . Afterall he's not gonna kill you after the spell was gone ..
Carlos grabbed a ring box and opened it , showing it to Jane .
"Would you marry me now ?" He asked and held Jane's hand . She didn't answer ..
Carlos gently grabbed her cheek and kissed her . Jane kissed him back as he softly wrapped his arm around her waist , deeply kissing her . Probaply , If I was the Mal back in the Isle , I would punch Jane is the face but it looked like they are truly in love... I was too . I really loved Ben ... and I hoped he loved me like the way I am too .
Jane slowly leaned backward and looked at Carlos , blushing with confusion as her eyes were widened and she was heavilly breathing ..
Carlos smiled and slowly slid the ring on Jane's finger . Jane squeaked and hugged him and he leaned his face on Jane's shoulder ..
Ben stood up and clapped for them , saying :" Great !"
He held my hand and made me stand up and clap too .

After the show Carlos and I entered the dorm and he went to bathroom . I sat on my bed and suddenly my eyes caught a letter .. Was this Janes' ?!
I read it :" I'm leaving , Mal . Me staying here without you doesn't make any sense .. You promised but anyways , Have fun with the new life you have created ..
-Carlos "
What was this ?! This couldn't be a prank ! He couldn't be this mad at me and stil stay !
Suddenly I head a door-opening clank sound and turned around and gasped . Carlos looked at me in a not very happy way ..
I stood up and sadly walked towards him , Saying :" When did you understand ?"
He blinked a few times and looked at the letter , saying :" Do you really care ?"
Yeah , He knew it !
"Look Carlos .. I had to ." I said .
He smirked but he still looked angry . He rubbed his nose with his thumb in a way it looked like he was mad ..
"You know , I never really cared ." He said and I looked at him with confusion .
"I always loved Jane , not you ." He said and pointed his hand at me as his looks were as mean and heartless as I've never seen .
"I enjoyed kissing her but I always knew you loved Harry .." He said and I gasped .
"Even when you kissed me infront of him , you were still thinking about him !" He said and raised his eyebrows .
"But Carlos .. I .." I said as my voice was trembling .
"You started this game and I'm not gonna let everything go this fast . Just wait untill I make her mine !" He said .
"Carlos , What has gone into you ?!" I said and clenched my shaking fists .
"A better and stronger version of myself !" He said and walked out of the room ..

"A better and stronger version of myself !" He said and walked out of the room

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Me (writer)
Well I'm guessing you know who this boy really was so..
I'm not gonna spoil anything !
Byeeee <3

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