"I put a spell on him.." - Part Five

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Mal POV :
Carlos was laying on the bed quietly as I was looking at my spellbook pages .. I couldn't believe what I was gonna do .
Carlos , please forgive me .. This is all for us . So we can go back to or house in a pleasing way for our parents.
Its gonna be done soon .. Just let me do this .
"Carlos ." I said and turned around , seeing him laying on the bed in petal position looking at his knees . He had his curly hair tossed up and his eyes were baggy today .
I sat beside him watching his sleepy sad face , Looking at me .
I slowly held his hand and said :" Stand up , Please .."
He slowly sat down , looking at me . I made him stand up and looked at him in the eyes ; His brown big puppy dog eyes .
"What ?" He said as I was staring at him in the awkward silence . I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him ; This was my last kiss with Carlos .. I had to wait untill everything was done just to kiss him again .
He kissed me back as he had his arms wrapped around my waist .
Everything was gonna get distroyed because of our parents and yeah , That's the hugest reason for hating my mom . I was so sad and scared that I felt my eyes tearing up kissing him .
I slowly stepped back and looked at him , slowly touching his cheek .
"Why are you crying ?" He asked in a questioning way , slowly wiping my tears off my face , with his finger tips .
"I'm sorry , Carlos ! I'm really sorry .." I said crying as I felt my eyes glowing . Carlos saw my eyes glowing and stared at me , getting hypnotized .
"Mal .. I.." He said and stuttered . He didn't continue ..
" This heart I bound , With my dark spell .. Set if free and make it well !" I said and felt my tears wiping down my cheeks fastly without me taking control of them .. I felt like I was shivering but I had to do it.
I continued as I was shaking :" Break the chains , that make it mine . So that true love's light may shine !"
I whispered :" Till everything's done ." Carlos stared at my glowing green eyes , slowly blinking and frozen .
Suddenly his eyes got closed and he stepped back rubbing his head , saying :" Uh..."
"Carlos !" I said and made him sit down . He layed down and shrieked in pain as I sat down beside him wiping my tears off my face so it couldn't look like I've cried .
You did it , Mal .. He doesn't love you anymore ..
He rubbed his forhead and looked at the ceiling . As soon a he saw me , he squinted and settled down , asking :" Where's everyone ?"
"Everyone ?" I asked .
Carlos streched his arms and answered :" Yeah , Where are Jay and Evie ?"
"They're in their own dorm ." I asnwered .
He wrinckled his freckled nose and said :" Uh cool !"
He stood up and tried to walk away but he lost his balance and almost fell on me . I grabbed his arms and said :" You're falling . Sit down now Carlos !"
"Why am I so ..Dizzy ?" He asked and rubbed his forhead again .
"Because you need to get some ... sleep ?" I said and looked at him .
He sighed and said :" I think I'm gonna go and see what is Jay doing ."
He stood up and walked towards the door .
"Carlos !" I said and he turned around .
"Uh.. Nothing ." I said and looked at him who was laughing and walking away .
As soon as he closed the door , I started crying . What have I done ?!!
"I know , It's time to say goodbye , Too hard to let go ..." I sang and looked at Carlos' bed which was infront of me .
He is never gonna forgive me for what I have done !..
I sobbed and clenced my fists , crying and shaking .
Slow down , Mal . Eveyrthing's gonna be okay after you grab that wand ..Then you can go back to Isle and break the spell and get back together with him ..
"Mal ! I have an idea for Carlos-" I heard Evie's footsteps coming into the room and saying that so I wiped my tears off as I knew it still looked obvious that I have cried .
I turned around and she saw my wet face immedietly . She ran towards me as her eyes were widened in fear and worriness .
She sat beside me and said :" M ! Are you okay ?" Looking at me sadly .
Wow Mal .. How are you gonna explain it to Evie ..?!
"Do I look like I'm okay ?!!" I said and leaned my face on her shoulder , crying .
"Mal , Please don't cry . What happened ?" She said and caressed my hair .
"You're not gonna forgive me , E ! I ruined everything .." I said and leaned back .
"What did you do , Mal ? I'm listening .. Please talk to me . I'm worried !" She said and looked at me .
"Evie .. Please don't leave me after understanding what I've done .." I said and tried to convince her .
"Okay here we go .. What happened ?!" She asked .
"I ... I did something not really right ." I was saying , stuttering when suddenly I heard a door knock and quickly turned around ; It was Ben .
He looked at me in a sorry way and asked :" May I come in ?"
Evie looked back and bounced to aside in a scared way , saying :" Oh .. Sure..."
Ben walked in and stood infront of us .
"Um.. Sorry for disturbing but , I heard your voice when I was in hallway . Is there anything I can help you with ?.." He said .
I fastly looked at him and sniffed saying :" Oh no ! I'm alright . Its just allergies !" And I stood up . Evie looked at me in a questioning way .
Ben stared at me in a strange way and slightly smiled . He fixed his hazel eyes on mine as I could see his long brown lashes osculating just like a butterfly's wings ; Slowly and beautiful .
I cleared my throat and said :" So .."
"I have a big game now . It would be a honor if you come and watch it ." Ben said .
"Uh.. Sure . We're going , E ?" I said and looked at Evie who wanted to punch me in the face for not telling her the truth and the thing I've done .
She faked a smile and said :" Yeah sure !" And we walked out of the room as Ben was walking towards the field's gate .
We sat in the audience seats and I stayed quiet . The whole people were screaming in eapxcirment waiting for Ben and his team to come to game . I just looked at the field and as soon as I saw Carlos , I froze . He was wearing a blue uniform like everyone as his slim and short body was standing besides Ben ! He smiled at Ben in a friendly way and Ben walked up to a stage like place . Evie turned and looked at me , saying :" Is that Carlos ?!"
I gulped and said :" Yeah ..." I scratched my arm in a stressfull way and tried to avert my gaze but the way Ben and Carlos were acting friendly around eachother (mostly Carlos) was so annoying .. and It was my fault . Carlos would kill me if he understood I've put spell on him .. But it was for us ... I didn't really like Ben ! Or did I ..Suddenly Ben walked up on a platform and I froze because of what happened next ...

When Ben walked down I could see Carlos and Jay cheering downstairs .
I could still feel Ben's hands wrapped around my waist and his gaze touching my face .. The way I laughed automaticly and kinda blushed was so disgusting .. If my mom was here , She would never like that !
"That was cute !" Evie said and as soon as I turned around to widened my eyes for her , she cleared her throat and said :" What is Carlos doing there ? Dancing and cheering when Ben has just sang a love song for you ???"
It was the time . I bit my lips and turned around .
"E ! Look I had to do something ... I had to put a spell on him !" I said and Evie raised her eyebrows as I could still see jealousy in her eyes for seeing Audrey kissing Chad . She kinda liked Chad so ..
"I put a spell on Carlos .. But it will be okay ! It's gonna end !" I said .
"Wait , What did you say ?" She asked .
"I... Put the love breaking spell on him .. So he could forget me . I didn't want ot watch him hurt anymore ." I answered and gulped .
"Mal ! How could you spell your boyfriend ?!" She said and I covered her mouth hushing .
"Evie ! I had no other way .. Please understand !" I said and tried to held my sadness inside and convince her .
"Mal ... Look at him !" She said and I turned around to see Carlos talking to Ben and laughing in a really friendly way .
I pursed my lips and said :" Do you think he's gonna forgive me ?"
"I don't know Mal ... I can see that Jay is kinda shocked seeing him like that too .." Evie said and sighed .
"I kissed him .. Before I let him go ." I said as my voice trembled .
"Mal , Look .. Um , Maybe you're right. Everything's gonna end afterall . So don't cry ." Evie said and rubbed my arm as she was holding my hand .
"I think I'm gonna go to my room." I said and slowly walked away ..

Writer (me)Do you think Mal did the right thing ? Xx write down in the comments <3👇👇👇

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Writer (me)
Do you think Mal did the right thing ?
Xx write down in the comments <3👇👇👇

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