"Back to the Isle .." - Part Eighteen

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Carlos POV :
After singing set it off I was so tired that Ben let me sleep in Mal's dorm and not moving .
I was laying on my bed , slowly falling sleep ..
Mal grabbed my cheeks and said :" I'm sorry !" As her eyes were glowing ... Suddenly I remembered everything ; She kissed me and I kissed her back . It was a goodbye kiss .
Mal and I were really together ?..
She spells me to friendzone her and forget everything that happned and every single memory we had together .. So that I could forget her for a while .. But now I was the forgotten one . I had a nightmare :
"I want to be with Ben !" Mal said with her voice trembling nervously , as her tears were wetting her cheeks in compelete silence ..
She wants to be with Ben ?...I gulped and smiled looking at her . Forget the past , Carlos .
She has found the one ..
Now it's your turn ! Prevent your tears from falling down of your cheeks and let your dark destiny defeat you , let it kill you and destroy you .. Untill you become the despicable old Carlos again ..
You're gonna look into her rich slopping eyes , trying to act friendly .. Talking to her like every other girl out there , Knowing she's gonna be a queen , but not my queen .
Ben's queen ... Well I guess we aren't meant to be .
But she is unforgettable . She is everything I ever wanted .. Seeing her wearing her purple wavey hair in a bun , and seeing her body fitting into a purple sparkly dress like that would make me really happy if her words won't stab me like that ..
"Us being friends , makes me really happy ." She said and smiled at me , Evie and Jay .
Smile , Carlos .. Nothing's gonna change . She had burried the memories and you'll need to do the same ..
I gasped and settled down , panting . I looked at Mal who was smiling having a great dream ...
Wow .. What have I done to Jane now ?! She thinks I really like her ?! Mal lied to me saying you're my forever , Car and then she replaced me with Ben ?!
I remembered how I helped Ben with surprising Mal and I gulped .. I wrinckled my nose and sniffed swallowing my sadness ..
I had to leave here .. I couldn't stay here anymore , looking at Ben and Mal , being happy while Mal promised me .
Dude groaned and I smiled at him noticing he was the only one I felt right loving it ...
How could I leave him , here ? He was so cute and kind to me ..
Even Jay and Evie lied to me this whole time ..
I slowly stood up and wrote a letter :
I'm leaving , Mal . Me staying here without you doesn't make any sense .. You promised but anyways , Have fun with the new life you have created ..
I slowly held Dude in my hands and looked at the moonlight gleaming through the window . It was the best time to go .. I grabbed my bag and dropped the letter on Mal's desk ..
I snuck into the limo drivers' bedroom and grabbed the barrier's remote . I copied another one of that button with my 3D printer and placed the original one , on his desk again .
I mean , I didn't deserve Jane anymore .. I didn't have Mal anymore and none of my friends were loyal to me .. And this dog deserved to have a kinder and better owner .
I tiptoed into Jane's bedroom and put my letter on the desk .
"Dear Jane , Things happened and I realized that I wasn't good enough to be here .
I hope you forgive me .
Please take care of Dude , While I'm gone .
-Carlos "
I snuck out of the room and looked at Dude who was staring at me questioningly . Everyone was sleeping and snoring ..
I knelt down on the floor beside Dude and caressed his head , Saying :" I'm sorry Dude .."
"I am really sorry !" I said and leaned my fourhead on his to calm myself down ..
It felt like he sighed sadly but I had to ignore it . I couldn't take him with me . Isle was way too dangerous ..!
I waved at him walking out of the hallway .. I didn't even kiss Mal goodbye .
I didn't like her anymore or at least I didn't want to ..
I sat on my bike which was a metal red and black colored one . I rid it untill I arrived at the barrier ; The big gate .. Moonlight reminded me of Jane's bright skin , I should've admited .. She was lovely but I didn't deserve her . She had the right to marry a prince and be a queen not a VK's girlfriend !
I pressed the buttom and gasped as I saw it working as that golden sparkly bridge getting longer and longer .. I sighed and looked back , at the Aurodon Prep ..
Someday , This could be , This could be ordinary ...
Jane's voice echoed in my mind as I was passing the bridge leaning forward , Holding the handles firmly so I couldn't lose balance and fall down . Moonlight silvered the water's edge and it looked beautiful ..
I arrived at the Isle and turned back , pushing the button , seeing the whole bridge disappearing like nothing has happened ..
I heard footsteps and quickly turned around to see who is there .. But there were just shadows , crows and owls singing ..
Here the horror begins again .. I quickly ran towards the place which kinda looked like it was me and my friends' room . Everywhere was dark and nothing could be seen .
I slowly slid my hand on house walls so I won't hit them when I finally arrived at upstairs and noticed some lights were on .. But they weren't shining , They were gleaming .
I heard familiar voices and stopped . I slowly stepped forward to see what's happening ; I saw Jay and Evie , kissing !
Evie was wearing a leather dark blue dress with black lines on it and Jay was wearing some clothes with more of a red and brown range ..
I was shocked of what were they doing .. Here , In the Isle !
Jay had his arms wrapped around Evie's waist , holding her tight kissing her on lips .
Evie finally leaned backward and flicked her hand on Jay's nose , chuckling .
"Charles ?.." I heard someone's voice from behind and quickly turned back .
I froze seeing the person behind me ; She was Mal ! But she had lighter purple hair than Mal does and it was kinda shocking to see her , standing there .
"Mal ?" I said .
Mal rolled her eyes and angrily said :" Not funny !" I wrinckled my nose and narrowed my eyes looking at how fast she changed looks .
"What's happening here ?" Jay asked walking towards us .
"What the hell are you guys doing here ?!" I asked and looked at all of them .
"Are you back again ?" I said , smiling at Mal .
"What is he talking about ?" Mal asked with her armscrossed , looking annoyed .
"What happened to Ben ?!" I asked .
Mal ignored my question and looked at my hair saying :" I feel like your previous haircolor was better .."
"Which one ?" I asked as If I was confused .
"The grey and bluish one ." Mal answered , smirking .
"You look like that dork , Carlos now !" She said wrinckling her nose .
"Dork ?" I said as I felt my heart broken .
"Is he sleepy or something ?" Evie asked and laughed wickedly .
"What has gone into you guys ?!" I asked and gasped looking at them ; They changed so fast ?...
Evie had dark straight blue hair with hazel golden eyes , Mal had light purple hair with plump lipstick on her pouty lips and Jay was wearing different colored clothes than usual .
"Excuse me ?" I heard this and froze as I felt like I said it myself . Everyone gasped looking away ..
I turned around to see a boy with same height as me and curly grey-bluish hair with freckled pale skin (paler than me) And black-white clothes .
"Do I know you , dork ?!" He asked stepping forward sucking a lolipop in his mouth .
He raised his eyebrows smirking ..
"Who are you ?" I asked looking into his brown eyes .
"Your worst enemy !.." He said smirked in a way I had never seen myself .
"Are you Carlos ?!" Mal asked from behind as I was confused .
"Who are you ?!" I asked and looked at Mal , Jay and Evie .
Mal flexed her head angrily and said :" So now you're acting dumb , huh ?"
"What the hell are you guys talking about ?! Who is this ?!" I asked pointing at the boy who looked like me so much .
"Ever heard of twins ?!" The boy yelled and hit me on my shoulder and I leaned backward , rubbing it ..
I gulped . Twin ?! I had a twin ?!
"Twin ?!" I said .
"Yeah , Twin ! But my friends can clearly see the difference ! I'm not dumb like you !" The boy yelled .
"Who are you ?!" I yelled standing still in front of him .
"We are better versions of you guys with different names . I'm Charles .." He said .
"Better versions ?! I don't understand !" I said .
"Well you don't have to understand everything . If you could understand everything you wouldn't date Mal afterall !" The girl who looked like Mal said , teasingly .
"Who are you ?" I asked , looking at her angrily .
"Maddie ! Maddie Bertha .." She said and I gasped ..
"Now ! Tell us , Why are you here ?! Where's your girlfriend ?" Maddie asked .
I stepped back and said :" She is not my girlfriend anymore .."
"She chose she really want to be with . It's Ben .." I said as I kept my head down .
"Are you jealous ?" Evie asked and I didn't answer .
"No.. I mean yeah . But like -" I said .
"Don't worry we'll fix everything bro ." Charles put his hand on my shoulder and smiled in a friendly way that warmed my heart .
"Really ?" I asked .
Charles smiled and said :"Sure , You're my brother ."
I smiled too and suddenly I felt something firmly hitting me head and I fell down , on the ground .

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