"What ?!" - Part Ten

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Evie POV :
"WHAT ?!" I screamed .
"I know , I ruined everything now . He hates me !" She said and knelt down on the ground , hitting her hands on the ground .
"Why didn't you read the time-reversing spell then ?" I asked .
"Because he pushed me back and left the room .." Mal said and wiped her tears off her face .
"Mal .. Mal .. Mal.." I murmured and sighed .
"E ! I have to do something ! Atleast these previous days we were friends but now he hates me ! I can't take this anymore !" Mal said and I remembered Jane ..
Mal , I think .. It's alittle late to make him forgive you ." I said .
She looked at me in a questioning way and I said :" Jane ; Carlos likes Jane .."
Mal gasped and covered her mouth , saying :" WHAT ?!"
I looked down and said :" He talked to her again this afternoon .."
Mal stood beside my chair and said :" How was he ?"
"Ultra happy !" I answered in the most honest way I could .
"But Evie .. I can't do anything right now ?! He can't love her ! He shouldn't ... We were gonna go back to the Isle !" She said and tried to prevent herself from crying , walking in a worried way around the room .
"And get back ..." She said in a very slow and inexpressive tone .
"Together !" She knelt on the bed besides me and started sobbing .
I leaned her on my shoulder and rubbed her arm , saying :" M , We'll find a way .. I mean I hope so .."
Mal's tears wet my arm and I did the only thing that I can do ; I just caressed her hair and whispered :" This is gonna all end two days later  .."
At night we fell asleep on our beds and we were so exhausted that even the wind which was blowing through our blankets and wipe them off our cold bodies couldn't wake us up .
"Evie ! Evie ! Evie ! Please wake up !!" I woke up to see Mal sepitting on the corner of my bed looking at a certain page .
"What is it , Mal ?" I said and runned my eyes so I can fix my blurred amd sleepy vision .
"Evie !" She said and pointed at a paragraph as I was reading it :"
Love breaking spell is permanent and optional (you can choose the end point) in case that person has fallen in love with you by a spell too .
If the person was truly in love with you , It may end by three or even two days .
I gasped and said :" Oh God ! Can it be today ? Is it the second day ?!"
Mal shook her head and said :" Yes ..."
"We should go and check him out or he'll kill Ben !" I said and quickly stood infront of the mirror so I can comb my hair and exit .
"Oh God , E !" Mal screamed and I turned around and looked at her , who had gasped and was holding the spellbook in her hand .
"What ?" I asked .
"It's writing here ; Breaking love spell's side effects { in the last days } are : headaches , fainting , Diziness and mood-swings ." She read .
"Fainting ?!" I asked . Then I remembered that today was his first day of sports class ; HOW LUCKY !
"Today was gonna be his first day of sports class and wow , we ruined it ." I said .
"We didn't ruin it . I did ..." Mal said and sighed .
I grabbed her hands and said :" M ! We don't have time for sadness ! Let's go and check if he's okay !"
Mal shook her head and smiled sadly :" Thanks for being here for me , E !"
"Welcome ! Now let's go !" I said and we ran outside .
We entered Jay and Carlos' dorm and we saw Carlos and Jay getting ready . Mal lokked ashamedly at Carlos as he just couldn't even face her .
"Good morning guys !" I said and smiled at Jay and Carlos .
"Hey .. Evie ." Carlos smiled slightly at me . I could hear Mal breathing heavilly ..
"I'll go with Carlos .." I whispered at Mal .
"Let's go , Car !" I said and waved at him . He shook his head and followed me out of the room .
We walked down the hallway as the awkward silence reigned between us .
"So , Car ! How are you today ? Did you sleep good lastnight ?" I asked and we stopped beside the chemistry class' door .
He smiled and rubbed his eyes saying :" Yeah , mom . I slept good .." and laughed .
I giggled and said :" Haha so funny ! So you're okay today ?"
Carlos raised his eyebrow and said :" I was okay yesterday , too ."
"No , you weren't . You were kinda mad when you saw Mal coming into the room !" I said and put my hands on my hips .
Carlos rolled his eyes and said :" I don't really wanna talk about it !"
"Car ... We are friends , right ? I'll be here for you whenever you needed to talk to someone ." I said and placed my hand on his shoulder , kindly smiling ,
He said :" I'm okay , Evie .. Thanks for asking !"
"Alright .." I said and sighed .
I wanted to walk into the room when Carlos said :" Evie ! Um.."
I turned and flexed my head in a questioning way .
"Can you help me with something ?.." Carlos asked .
"Sure ?.." I said as I felt unsure .
"Can you help me with sitting beside Jane ?.." He asked as I saw he was blushing .. No !
Now I was between two ways . Be a good friend to Mal and set her up with Carlos by letting her sit besides Carlos or I could be a good friend to Carlos and help him with this .
I could see love sparkles in his eyes and they were unresistable .
"Uh .. How am I gonna do that ?!" I said and continued :" Don't you remember what she told Mal ?"
Carlos narrowed his eyes and said :" I don't care ..."
"Carlos ! She called Mal a villian and bullied her !" I said .
"Oh yeah ?! Mal hit me !" He said with a louder and more angry tone .
I sighed and looked at Jane who was sitting on a bench in the last row , looking at the empty seat beside her .
Suddenly Carlos said :" You know what ? Nevermind ! I knew you won't help .." moodswings ...
"Carlos I -" I said and he walked into the class , looking around , searching for an empty seat .
I looked at the end of the hallway ; Mal and Jay were coming too .
I glanced at Carlos again , who had bent down to help Jane with picking up her pencils off the ground ! Oh god he was really acting like a loverboy around that girl !
He slowly stood up and put Jane's pencils on the table as Jane smiled thankfully and said something I couldn't hear . All the students were talking !
Mal and Jay almost reached to me and stood beside the door . Mal was still upset and Jay was kinda mad .
"Where's he ?" Mal asked , murmuring .
I pointed to the class , where Carlos was standing , beside Jane's table .
Mal was about to enter when something happened ; I saw Carlos' smile slowly fading from his lips , His skin turning as pale as his eyes , even his lips were barely there. Then he limped and stumbled backwards before He lost his balance and crumpled like a puppet , suddenly released of it's strings ; He fainted .
Mal gasped and ran inside . I ran after her inside the classroom and we saw that Jane was already knelt down on the ground , beside him , checking h‌is pulse with her fingers , softly wrapped around his neck .
I sat on the ground beside her and tried to wake Carlos up . I could see in Mal's face , how she wanted to touch his cheeks and caress them , kiss him on lips and wake him up but she couldn't ..!
Jay said :" We should take him to the healthroom !"
"I'll lead you guys !" Jane said and tried to sound polite .
Mal looked at her with jealousy and pursed her lips with anger . I hit her with my elbow and whispered :" M , Don't look at her like that !"
Mal sighed and hit me on my arm . She turned back towards Jane and Carlos and said :" Come on Jane ! Show us the way !"
Jane slowly stood up and looked at Carlos who was laying on the ground .
"I'll call my mom and they'll take him to the restroom !" She said and smiled .
I showed her my thumb as an okay and smiled in a friendly way ; She was the only way for us to wake Carlos up !
She called her mom and yes , Fairy Godmother was there before a few minutes passed !
There were students surrounding us and staring at Carlos but Fairy godmother pushed them away and we entered the Healthroom .
She asked :" What happened ?" Having that usual polite smile on her face .
"He fainted !" Jane answered quickly .
"Any activities that he may have done which aren't good for him ?" Fairy Godmother asked and Mal looked down ashamedly .
"Nope . He didn't do anything .. Does sleeping count ?" Jay said and shrugged .
Fairy Godmother didn't even answer his dumb question and said :" He might need to sleep more . Jane will look after him , right ?" She looked at Jane as I felt Mal's fists shaking ...
"Sure , mom !" Jane said and stood beside Carlos who was laying on the bed .
I could see how admiring she was looking at Carlos ; Maybe she liked him back ?.. This was not good !
Mal slowly let my hand go and stood beside Carlos' bed and looked at him , in a worried way .
"Mal , I wanted to apologize .. I didn't really mean to say those . I don't what was gone into me .." Jane said and gulped , looking sorry as her lips were pursed into duckface .
"No problem , Jane !!" I said and pinched Mal on her elbow so she atleast fakes a smile .
I grabbed Mal's arm as she kept her head down and we walked out of the room .
"I hate Jane !" She murmured angrilly .
Jay looked at me from the other side of the hallway whispering I'm gonna tell her .
I raised my eyebrows as No and entered the class with Mal and Jay . Mal sat on the seat in the corner of the class beside Jay , covering her face with her hands .
I sat beside Doug , who was really worried and couldn't wait to ask questions about Carlos and if he is okay .
As soon as I sat down , he asked :" Is Carlos better now ?" And fixed his glasses which were slipping off his nose .
"Well I'm not there right now so .. I don't know ." I answered and slightly smiled ; He was a good guy .. I couldn't dare to misthreat him .
He smiled awkwardly and said :" Oh right ! Do you know the reason he fainted ?"
I shrugged and said :" No ... I don't know ."
I felt really bad lying to him but he did something that was unforgettable and kinda .. Cute ?.
He slowly slid his hand beside mine which was on the bench .. I looked at his hand and his warm smile that was the only thing that I felt like conforted me that moment ..?
He put his hand on mine and slid his fingers on my hand slowly , saying :" I'm here for you Evie .."
I raised my eyebrows , Because for the first time in a while , I saw something really rare in someone's eyes .. Looked like Loyality and love ... I gulped and slightly smiled .
"I apologize for the way Chad talked to you .. You know he can be so charming but -" he said .
"Not a lot of there , there !" We both said and I giggled .

Me (writer)How you like the story so far ?Just a reminder : Stay safe and love yourself { And ofcourse read my stories } lol jk

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Me (writer)
How you like the story so far ?
Just a reminder : Stay safe and love yourself { And ofcourse read my stories } lol jk .
Have an amazing day n bye <3

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