"I do whatever I want to !" - Part Twenty

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Carlos POV :
I walked towards the yard . This place was so green !
Suddenly I heard footsteps and turned back . I saw Charles who was angry , looking at me with hatred . I GOT CAUGHT !
"What are you doing here ?!" He asked madly and stepped forward , flexing his head .
"None of your buisness !" I yelled at him and stood infront of him, , Looking at him in the eyes , bravely .
"How did you come here ?!" He yelled . raised Maddie's spellbook and showed him my hand which was wearing Maddie's ring , saying :" I have my own ways .. Now go back to where you belong to !"
"What did you do to Maddie ?!" He asked looking kinda worried .
"I said go back to where you belong !" I repeated , yelling , pointing at the barrier ,
"People love me .." He said and smirked .
"No ! They love me !" I said and clenched my fists . They liked him because he was acting like me ! It was like I was yelling at my mirror .
"Are you sure ?" He asked and laughed , continueing :" Jane doesn't love you anymore !"
I narrowed my eyes with unbelief and said :" You're lying .."
"You know ? She kissed me I mean ." He said and grinned . Kiss ?!
"What ?!" I said angrilly ,
"Yeah .. It tasted really sweet though . I don't get why didn't you kiss her ?" Charles said as his lips were still weairng that victorious smile .
"How dare you ?!" I said and grabbed his collar , groaning .
"I told her who was I and where were you .." Charles said in a calm tone as I slowly let his collar go ..
"You won't believe but she didn't really care . She said that she likes my attitude more !" Charles said and laughed nervously .
"You're lying !" I said as my voice was going up and down like stormy waves ... She actually liked Charles more than me ?!
He stepped forward and grabbed his collar , saying :" Smell this ! Do you know the perfume ?" Showing me his collar .
I slowly leaned forward and slowly sniffed . I gasped , saying :" What did you do to her ?!"
"Or what did she do to me ?.." He smirked . I felt cheated on , Broken and useless ... How dare she .... UGH !
"You.. You ..!" I said and groaned , hitting him on his chest ."Go Carlos ! Go back to where you belong !" He said and smiled wickedly .
"She didn't kiss you ..! SHE DIDN'T -" I yelled and he suddenly pushed me back ; I got thrown into the barrier . The spellbook slipped out of my hands and fell on the ground ! I screamed And Charles quickly picked it up .
"Carlos !" I heard Jane's voice and turned around .
I saw Charles hiding the spellbook behind himself , saying :" Hey Jane !"
"So .... Carlos . You know tonight is cottilion , Are you going ?" She asked and blushed .
I hit the barrier and tried to catch her attention but they were both so far away from the barrier . I hit the barrier harder but now I had no where to escape .. I was there , trapped with no help . I just lost my future girlfriend . I gave her up to my evil twin ..I looked at them . Charles slowly held her hands and kissed one of them and I sighed hopelessly .
Turning around I saw the bridge again . I was gonna stay here , forever ...
I scratched my chest were my heart was beating and started singing :" When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might take my place ..." I walked towards the Isle , Passing the bridge .
"When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might take my place .." Which was already taken by my long lost brother .. Which I didn't even know if it existed ...
"Make that money, fake that bunny, ache my tummy !" I was hungry , thirsty .. I missed Aurodon . I had show tomorrow and Charles was gonna play my role !
"On the fence, all the time ..!" I climbed up our house in the Isle and entered our core four room .
"Paint young honey, face so sunny, ain't that funny .." I sat on the edge of our house's rooftop , thinking ...
"All my friends always lie to me !" I remembered the things I did for Mal and Ben and gulped ...
"I know they're thinking ; You're too mean, I don't like you, fuck you anyway !" And now Charles was there .. Maybe acting rude or polite to my friends which affected my future relationship with them ..
"You make me wanna scream at the top of my lungs !" I layed down on the rooftop , looking at the dark gray sky as wind was blowing through my face .
"It hurts but I won't fight you !" I stood and looked down to the Aurodon which was far away from me .. But still I could imagine Charles and Jane holding hands ..
"You suck anyway !" I kicked a rock down the rooftop and heard it's cracking sound .
"You make me wanna die, right when I ..." I stepped forward , standing on the edge of the rooftop so I can jump off and die but ... I couldn't and stepped back .
"When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might take my place !" I walked down into the room . Looking at the spray paintings Mal made .
I had this colorless white hair in the painting with black lines and dots on ny face as my freckles ..
"When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might take my place..." I grabbed my red spray paint which reminded me of Mal and the first time she was teaching me ...
"When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might take my place !" I gulped and settled down on my bed swallowing my pain .
"When I wake up I'm afraid, somebody else might end up being me.." I threw the empty spray paint on the other corner of the room .
"Keep on dreaming, don't stop giving, fight those demons ..." I closed me eyes and took a deep breath ... Calm down , Carlos .. There should be a way .
"Sell yourself , not your hopes and .." I sang walking out of the room .
"If they see you when you're sleeping..." I cleared my throat and walked down the stairs :" make them leave it.."
"And I can't even see if it's all there anymore so !.." I tiptoed in some places .. I was still scared of my mom. If she found me , She would definetly kill me .
"You're too mean, I don't like you, fuck you anyway .." I walked infront of the barrier again ..
I imagined Charles infront me and Myself telling these to him :"You make me wanna scream at the top of my lungs !"
"It hurts but I won't fight you !" I couldn't fight him . He was wicked and smart !
"You suck anyway .." But I needed to act confidence because that was the only way to win ..
"You make me wanna die, right when I ..." I was walking down the street when my eyes caught my mother shopping from the furshop in the middle of the alley and I stopped :" Being me can only mean feeling scared to breathe .."
"If you leave me then I'll be afraid of everything !.." I needed my mother ; A kind person in my life but I didn't ... Did she know Charles ?! Did she lie to me ?!
"That makes me anxious, gives me patience, calms me down ..!" I hit the barrier again but no one could hear me or see me ..
"Lets me face this, let me sleep and when I wake up .." I knelt down on the ground and sighed ...
"Let me breathe .."
{Song name : Afraid by Neighborhood}
I ran off the bridge to find a way to escape .. I couldn't waste even more time !
"Hey !" I bounced back hearing Harry Hook's voice .
I turned around and froze with fear seeing his ice-blue eyes and that usual aggressive look . I gulped and tried to act calm , rolling my eyes with my armscrossed , saying :" What is it ?"
"What are you doing here , dork ?!" He said , smiling wickedly .
"None of your buisness hook !" I said .
"Oh really ?" He said , smirking .
"What if I said I could get Charles off the Aurodon and get you in there with one condition ?" He said , stepping forward , pointing his hook at my chest . I leaned backward ...
"What ?! How do you know that ?!" I yelled and my voice cracked . He was so taller and stronger than me , which made me scare a little bit . He was breathing heavilly , blowing his hot angry breaths into my face . He laughed aggressively and suddenly leaned forward putting his hook on my chest , With her blue eyes widened , smiling in a psychotic way .
"Do you want to go back to the Aurodon ?!" He yelled and I nodded .
"Then follow me .." He said , bowed and walked away . Never thought that he could help me . Mal Bertha's Ex , I mean ..

Me (writer)Thanks for reading !!!

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Me (writer)
Thanks for reading !!!

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