"She won't do anything wrong.." - Part Four

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Jay POV :
I walked around to see everywhere . It was really cool to be honest !
Green places with huge trees and blossoms ! It smelled nice .. I don't know what had I ever smelled that was that nice !...
You know in the Isle , There aren't really good smelling things ; There are all rotten fruits and stinky clothes .
I stared at the big green field that was full of people playing soccer . Imagine , Jay .. Playing sports there , Would be really amazing . To win each game and make the people bow ..! I really want to be there as a usual student ..
"Hi !" I turned around to see an asian girl with black short hair . She had a kinda tan-skin and slanted dark eyes .
"Hey ?" I said slightly smiling .
She stepped forward and said :" I'm Lonnie . Are you one of the new transformers ?"
I shook my head as yes and smirked , saying :" Yeah , I'm Jay ."
Lonnie's eyes sparked in excitment and said :" Oh my Gosh ! Really ? Do you want me to show you different parts of the school ?" It was strange that she liked mt that much . Especially the Isle .
"Okay ." I said and followed her into different halls and fields and cafeterias.. It was a really huge place . As soon as we entered the sport class my eyes caught a bunch of swords in the corner of the class .
Lonnie looked at them admiring and said :" You like swords fight ?"
I grabbed a sword and looked at it's sharp silver tip , saying :" Woah ! This looks awesome !"
"Yeah !" She said and looked a the sword with sparkle in her eyes .
"How do you guys do this ?" I asked and tried to stay balanced holding the huge sword in my hands .
Lonnie grabbed another sword and bounced around just like a professional . I even didn't know how to use a sword but she was sword fighting like a real fighter .
"Wow !" I said as she was walking towards me laughing .
"Who are you ?" I asked .
"Daughter of Mulan ." She said and proudly smiled . Wow .. Well atleast she was proud of who she was .
"What about you ?" She asked and slowly slid the sword out of my hand so she can put it back where it was.
"Um... I'm son of Jafar ." I said and tried to keep my head up .
She opened her mouth as if she realized something and said :" Cool .."
"Uhm.." I said and averted my gaze .
"Lonnie !" I heard a musculan voice faraway behind me and turned around ; There was a blonde boy standing in the corner of the sport class looking at Lonnie in a threatning way .
I narrowed my eyes and looked at him in a questioning way . You could say he was not such a nice guy towards VKs from the way he looked at me .
"Lonnie ! It's breaktime , we should go !" He said and tried hard not to look at me. Was I a monster or something ?
"Come and sit with us today , Lonnie . Some people may make you uncomfortable !" He said , throwing shade on me . I rolled my eyes and looked at Lonnie . Boy walked out of the room and I said :" You know what ? Thanks for showing me everywhere . Now I need to go too !" I walked away .
"Bye Jay ! It was nice to meet you !" I heard Lonnie saying this ; Yeah sure ! Liars ...
I walked out of the sport class and went through my dorm room with Evie . Evie was putting make up on and murmuring the song we sang in Mal and Carlos' room . I didn't know I had that much skills to be honest . But it's kinda upsetting that even in the end I couldn't kiss her !
Atleast we danced ...
"Hello !" I said and entered the room . She turned around and didn't say anything .
Again , she turned towards the mirror and put her lipstick on .
I sat on the bed beside her mirror , looking at her .
"I met a girl now ." I said and waited for a respond .
She turned around and blinked few times and said :" Okay ! Who was she ?"
"Daughter of Mulan !" I said and grinned .
Evie flipped her blue hair back and I saw the red earings in her ears ; The ones I gave her .
"That's cool." She said and sat on the chair , turning around , towards me .
"How do I look ?" She asked . She was wearing a leather blue dress on a white shirt . She had her Isle boots on and her cheeks were pink as usual . Her pouty lips were covered with a glossy red lipstick .
"Perfect as usual !" I said and stood up . She had to look up to look at me in my face ..
I slowly raised my hand and slowly touched her lips . Atleast I could touch them , right ?
She grabbed my hand and said :" In your dreams , Jay !"
I sighed and looked at her , walking out of the room . I followed her out untill I saw Mal and Carlos standing in the corner of the hallway . Carlos wasn't so happy . He had her head down ...
I stood beside him and hit him on his arm , saying :" Whats up ?"
He looked at me and said :" Nothing much !" And fake smiled .
Mal whispered :" I made this love spell cookies and I'm gonna give them to Ben ."
Carlos shook his head and tried to smile . We followed Mal till she stopped beside her locker . We all knew that Ben always asked Mal , if everything was okay or not so it won't matter where she is standing . Ben would find her ..
Finally we saw Ben walking towards Mal . I cleared my throat and turned towards Carlos and Evie .
Carlos was looking at Ben hopelessly . I tried to hear what Mal was saying .
"Hi Benny boo !" Mak said and Ben responded with a hey .
Benny Boo was Audrey's nickname for Ben and it was really funny !
"I just made a batch of cookies . Double chocolate chips . You want one ?" Mal said . Evie sighed , whispering :"how romatinc !"
I couldn't stop myself from cracking up but Carlos was just listening .
"Uh , I would like to . But I got a big game and I don't eat before big games but ... Thank you so much ! Maybe next time !" Ben said .
"Ok he doesn't want to .. Let's go now ." Carlos whispered and Evie grabbed his arm hushing .
"No ! Yeah .. I compeltely understand ." Mal said . Ben stopped and looked a ther in a questioning way .
"Be carefull of treats offered by the villian kids ." Mal said
"No .. No .. No .." Ben said and tried to convince her .
Mal interrupted her :" Sure ! Every kid in Aurodun does that .."
"No .. No .. No ; That's not it .. I really do have a ..!" Ben said .
"No , I get it ! You're cautious and smart !" Mal said and took the cookie out of the plastic bag saying :" Oh well , More for me I guess ." And as she wanted to eat it , Ben grabbed it and took a bite from it . Mal looked at him with confusion waiting for something to happen . Me , Carlos and Evie walked towards them .
"Hey look .. I totally trust you .." Ben said chewing the cookie .
He was standing right infront of Mal's locker wearing blue suits as his green eyes were fixed on Mal's face .
"How are they ?" Mal asked as her hands were on her hips and she was smiling in her usual wicked way .
Carlos stood beside Me and Evie . Ben didn't even look at us ..
"They are amazing ! They are great .. Great . You know ? They are chewy .. Walnuts ?.." Ben responded to Mal . Mal's pale skin was glowing golden in the sun's light and she had her green eyes fixed on Ben ; I could feel Carlos' jealousy .
Ben continued :" You know ? I love walnuts .. And the chocolate chips...Chips ." He stopped talking and cleared her throat , looking down trying to focus .
"I'm sorry .." He said ..
I stood right beside him trying to understand if the spell is working or not .
"They're warm .. Soft and sweet .." He murmured and slowly looked at Mal . Mal was smiling in a cringy way !
"Mal ? Did you always had that golden flex in your eyes ?" He asked and smiled as he was looking at Mal's eyes ; It was disturbing but atleast our plan was working .
Carlos was breathing really hard and loudly that I could feel his anger .
Ben wanted to have another bite from the cookie when Mal grabbed it and put it back in the plastic bag .
"How you feeling , bro ?" I asked and rubbed his shoulders .
"I feel .. I feel .. I feel like , I want to sing your name ; Mal ! Mal !" Mal threw the plastic bag towards me and I caught it as she was covering Ben's mouth with his hand so he cannot scream saying Mal . Carlos couldn't stand anymore and walked away .
Us four , entered Mal and Carlos room and sat quietly .
"I can't do this anymore !" Carlos said .
Mal looked at him and sighed .
"This is not good , Mal ! You didn't see how he was looking at you ?!" Carlos said and stood up pointing at her with anger .
"Carlos , Calm down . There's nothing between me and him .." Mal said and stood up . She grabbed the bottle of water she had put on the table since morning and gave it to Carlos saying :" Everything's will be okay . Just calm down ."
Carlos slowly grabbed the bottle and drank it in one sip . He layed on his bed and wrapped the blanket all over himself , murmuring and nagging .
"Guys , You shall go . We want to rest right now ."
I shook my head and looked at Evie . We exited Mal's dorm and walked into ours' .
Evie looked upset .
"What happened ?" I asked .
Evie looked up and said :" I feel like Mal's not gonna do a great thing ."
"What do you mean ?" I asked and sat beside her on the bed .
"She told me that she has to do something that she feels it's not right but she just has to do it !" She said and pulled her hair back and sighed .
"She didn't even tell me what she's gonna do .. I'm scared ." She murmured .
I didn't want to make her stress even more so I just bent down and looked at her , saying :" Evie , You know she's a smart girl . She won't do anything wrong ." As I felt unsure about what I was saying ..

Me (writer)Her what do you think Mal's gonna do ?What do u think will happen next ?Write down in the comments ❤❤❤👇👇👇Byeeee <3

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Me (writer)
Her what do you think Mal's gonna do ?
What do u think will happen next ?
Write down in the comments ❤❤❤👇👇👇
Byeeee <3

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