"Auradon Prep !" - Part one

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Mal POV :
I turned around and looked at Carlos . He was staring at me at the same time ; I grinned remembering him yelling wildly in the street like that .
He smiled at me and I answered it with a wink .
Suddenly I heard a sound and all the people ran away , left us four , alone with my ... mom ; Yeah , Maleficent ..
"Hi mom !" I said watching my mom's bodyguards A.K.A knuckleheads stepping backward so my mom stands forward .
She had her purple glossy lipstick on and the evil smile ; It was like her lips' typical dress .
She ignored me saying hi to her and screamed :" There are news !"
I looked at Carlos in a questioning way .. Evie twriled her hair around her fingers and looked at my mother in a not really good way ; She never liked Maleficent .. I mean , who did ? My mom liked herself because everybody hates her .
"You fools have been chosen to go to a different school !" My mom said pointing at us with her finger as I was looking at her purple polished long and sharp nails .
Different school ?
"Auradon prep !" She said and I gasped , looking back at other three of us trying to escape as mom's bodyguards were holding them tightly so they couldn't .
"What ?!!!" I asked and wrinkled my nose .
Maleficent didn't answer .. She just blinked in silent in a bored way , looking at me ...
"I'm not going to a boarding school filled with prissy pink princesses !" I said angrily and my voice cracked .
"And perfect princes !" Evie said and stepped forward looking at the horizon daydreaming about castles and kingdoms !.. I looked back and saw Jay who was looking down . Evie saw him too and said :" Ew !"
Jay sighed and said :" I don't do uniforms !" And rolled his eyes .
Carlos stepped forward and slightly grabbed my arm in a way my mom wouldn't see and leaned his head on my shoulder , saying :" I heard somewhere that they allow dogs in Aurdon .. My mom says they are rapid packin' animals who eat boys who don't behave .." He said and fixed his eyes on the ground without blinking in a feared way .
Jay made a dog imperssion and Carlos got scared and bounced back . Jay laughed but I was worried about the Aurdon thing ...
I hated to lie but I kinda was curious about how it was there but I knew that they won't like us . The people in there are so selfish and even sometimes meaner than us ; I believe ..
"Uh.. you think small , pumpkin !" My mom yelled and looked at me .
"Knuckleheads !" She said and snapped her fingers , walking through house .
"Mal !" She sang my name in her usual evil tone and I sighed and ran after her .
As I arrived at the door my mom stepped in , moments ago I felt someone holding my arm and as I turned around , I saw Carlos . He was kinda shaking with fear ...
"Mal , Now I'm really scared ." He whispered .
"I'm not gonna lie .. I feel the same ." I answered and followed my mom and entered a room .
Carlos froze seeing Cruella sitting at the other side of the room , polishing her nails in a relaxed mood with her sleepy eyes , slowly blinking .
"M..mom ?" He said and Cruella looked at her , smiling kindly . That was odd !
"Mal !!!" My mom yelled and I stood infront of her chair a.k.a her throne !
"Mom .. I don't wanna go there . I don't think this is a good idea !" I said trying to convince her .
She flicked her hands and said :" No ! It is .. You don't know the plan ?"
The plan ???
She stepped back and sat on her throne , tapping her fingers on it , saying :" You will go . You will find the fairy godmother and you will bring me the magic wand ... Easy peasy !"
Easy ?!!
"If you don't , you're grounded till the end of your life , missy !" She said and smirked .
Those horns made her look even more evil ..!
"Mom .. Wha-" I was saying when she suddenly flicked her fingers infront of my face and looked at me in the eyes . I could see her eyes glowing green and shining in a hypnotizing way as I felt myself drowning in them , standing still just as I can't move ..!
I tried to glow mines too but hers' were so much stronger than mine so I refused to try more and looked down closing my eyes .
"Whatever .." I murmured .
"I win !" She said as I was walking out of the room .
I saw my friends and Carlos standing beside their parents and looking at me , at the front door . It was the time ...
Suddenly I heard car horn's sounds and my mom said :" It's here !"
I glanced at her , who was standing in the balcony with her purple long dress swaying in wind's cold breeze , looking at me with her green hypnotizing eyes . I shook my head as I'll do it or okay mom and entered the fancy limo which was waiting for us . I sat on the soft and warm seat and leaned on them , trying to relax as my thoughts were choking me wrapping their hands around my neck , making me nervous . How was I supposed to do that ?
As soon as Carlos sat beside me , I became a little less anxious . He glanced at me and smiled but I couldn't .. I wasn't okay .
"Mal , Are you okay ?" He asked , whispering and holding my hand , firmly , embracing it with his' which was so warmer than mine .
He touched my sweaty palm with his fingertips and tickled it so he can make me laugh but I just smiled .. I was numb and I couldn't prevent crazy thoughts running through my head . I looked at Evie who was blushing her cheeks with her make up brush , looking into her mother's magic mirror . She had her mouth widened and her eyes fixed on the mirror . I wish I could be relaxed as her !
"Calm down , Mal . We will go through this together .. Everything's gonna be fine ." Carlos said and smiled which warmed my heart but I was sure of something .. Nothing was gonna be fine and nothing was gonna end well !
We passed through a magical golden and sparkling bridge that appeared out of no where exactly at the moment Carlos wanted to scream with fear (because he thought we were gonna fall in the ocean and die !).
We arrived at a really green place which I had just seen it in storybooks or comics left of past like Sleeping Beauty's story which my mom hates so she burned it ...
The place smelled like flowers and perfumes ; It kinda reminded me of dreams ! When I was little , I always dreamed about somewhere like this .
We finally arrived in a square which was a Beast statue in . There were lots of students playing instruments and singing songs like welcome and blah blah blah , for us but as soon as we got off the car everybody stopped ; Why ?
Because Carlos was lying on the ground as Jay was pressing his foot on his chest trying to pull a pair of jeans ( ?.. ) out of Carlos' hands as he was screaming:"You got everything else ! Why do you want whatever this is ?!!"
And Jay answered :" Because you want it !" Actually I didn't have any problem with that . I was even laughing at how good they are too eachother untill she came ; The fairy Godmother . It was obvious of her looks that she was her ! I mean blue dresses with pearl bracelet ?.. Is a fairy godmother look !
I hit Jay's arm with my elbow and murmured :" Jay stop ! We have an audience !!"
"Haha.. Just cleanin' up !" Jay said and grabbed Carlos' hand , saying :" Get up !"
I looked at Carlos , trying hard not to laugh seeing his pouty lips being surrounded with chocolate . He looked at me in a questioning way ; Cute !
I turned around and faced The fairy godmother and smiled politely which I hated !
"Welcome to Aurdon !" She said and opened her arms . Beside her there was a kinda handsome boy and a tan skinned girl holding his hand smiling . I could say that the boy wasn't comfortable like that but whatever ..!
"I'm fairy godmother . Your teacher and guide in school !" Fairy Godmother said and smiled and her wrinckles came out .
"The Fairy Godmother ? As in Bibidi-babidi-boo ?" I asked awkwardly .
"Bibidi-babidi ! You know it !" She answered and chuckled ; Not funny ...
She waved at us and slowly walked away with all those students and instrunment players and ...
The boy introduced himself :"I'm prince Ben ; Welcome to the Aurdon !" He had green almond eyes and light brown hair which reminded me of his father , the beast .
Evie gasped and stepped forward . She bent down like princesses do and looked at Ben , saying :" You got me at prince ! My mom's a queen which makes me a princess !"
Ben's girlfriend stepped forward and said :" Evil Queen has no royal statues here !.. And neither do you .." I tried hard to keep myself from punching her but she was really annoying with that fake smile ! I mean , if you don't want to smile , you don't have to fake it !
"This is Audrey ." Ben said , slightly placing his hand on Audrey's waist .
Suddenly Audrey grabbed his hand and smiled at us , saying :" His girlfriend !"
Ben smiled awkwardly as Audrey turned towards him and asked :" Right , Benny boo ?!"
I bit my lips trying not to laugh to his nickname , when he decided to change the topic , himself .
"It's so so good .." He said and stood infront of Jay , continueing :" To finally meet you guys !"
Jay punched him in the stomach and laughed . I smiled awkwardly as Ben was trying to act polite to Jay .
He shook hands with me and looked at me in my eyes , saying things I couldn't really understand . A moment of drowning passed , as I was trying to see if his eye color is really green or blue .. He had golden highlights in his hair and he had a bright kind smile on ..
His girlfriend , Audrey stepped forward and looked at me , who was staring at Ben .
She cleared her throat and asked :" You're Maleficent's daughter , Aren't you ?" Looking at me .
"Yeah .." I answered rubbing my nails with my fingers .
"You know ? I tottaly do not blame you because your mother putting a spell on my mother !" She said .. Wow , Sleeping Beauty's daughter ?
"And I totally do not blame you because your grandparents not inviting my mother to their stupid celebration !" I answered and smiled just like her .
Ben broke the silence and shook hands with others and finally it was the time to show us our dorms . He stepped back and said :"Follow me !" Smiling , he walked into the huge building as his footstep sounds almost echoed through the halls .
Audrey's highheels made very loud noises , Not even similar to normal footstep sounds ! It was really annoying to be honest ...
As I thought about my mother's plan I could feel stressfull thoughts hissing like a snake in my mind .. It was so hard for me to even think about it but atleast I knew that my mom was gonna be proud of me after ..
Me , Carlos and others entered a dorm . I raised my eyebrows seeing there ; It was really light and shiny . There were opened curtains with sun's golden light gleaming through the window on the floor and a pink-cream soft little carpet on the ground .. Nothing like my own room in the Isle .. And the new one I made with Carlos and others in the corner of the Isle for four of us .
Ben said :" You shall choose your roomate , yourself , but each dorm has room for two people ." And looked with us with his arms crossed .
I pursed my lips and looked at my friends . Carlos was staring at me ...
"Me and Evie can get along well ..." Jay said and smiled . He knew he was lying . I could see that angry look in Evie's face .
"Oh okay .. Well if it's gonna be like boy and girl , Accoarding to the rulebook , You're gonna switch rooms at night . Like because we don't want boys and girls beside eachother at night ..?" Ben said awkwardly .
I rolled my eyes and said :" Okay understood ! Now you can go !" And smiled .
Ben shook his head and said :"I'll be here if you had any questions .."
"Evie and Jay , let me lead you to your dorm , then ." Ben said and exited the room .
Jay looked at Evie grinning , then he said :"Ladies first !"
Evie rolled her eyes and walked out of the room .
Jay pointed at her looking at us , whispering :" She likes me !" Then he smirked and walked after her .

Me (writer)I'm backkk with the second novel !I'm so happy because I barely started the story and fans already ranked me as #2 on Malos stories ! On Marlos is #18 and I think it's an improvement against my first one which is terrible ranked on Marl...

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Me (writer)
I'm backkk with the second novel !
I'm so happy because I barely started the story and fans already ranked me as #2 on Malos stories ! On Marlos is #18 and I think it's an improvement against my first one which is terrible ranked on Marlos 😂
Ahahahaha . So okay . Imma leave now and I hope y'all enjoy this chapter :)

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