"His girlfriend!" - Part two

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Carlos POV :
As I heard the door shut , I turned around and looked at Mal . She was staring at this beautiful new room we had .
"Here's a really cool place !" I said and smiled .
She wrinckled her nose and said :" I don't know . I miss our own room , already !"
I stepped forward and grabbed her cheeks , caressing them , looking in her silver eyes , whispering :" As long as we have eachother , We're gonna enjoy it , right ?" I smiled .
She flicked her finger on my nose , laughed and stepped back , saying :" Yeah .."
I pursed my lips and sat on the bed wondering why was she still alittle worried and confused . She sat beside me , embracing her knees , staring at the ground without blinking . I looked at her and sighed ..
"What are you worried about ?" I asked .
"I don't know , Car .." She said and I placed my hand on her waist , letting her lean on my chest for a little bit .
"This whole thing .. Doesn't feel right .." She said as I was slowly caressing her purple hair .
I flexed my head and said :" Yeah , It doesn't feel right to me too but .." I bit my lips not knowing what I was gonna say in continue .
She slowly turned around , facing me , looking at me but not like past ; She was worried .. Something I barely saw in her eyes , Now made her gaze bounce around .
She slowly placed her hand on my cheek and sat down , whispering :" I'm scared I cannot do what my mom wants ."
I held her hand which was on my cheek and touched it with my finger tips , saying :" Mal , We will try our best . I know you can do this ; We can do this .. Together !"
She smiled as her eyes were still nervous , shaking her head as approval .
Knock ! Knock ! She bounced back and giggled nervously .
"Come in !" She said .
Door opened and yeah .. Evie and Jay entered . Jay had his usual smirk on and Evie was furious .
I couldn't stop myself from laughing ; They looked like adult married couples !
Evie put her hands on her hips and looked at Mal , saying :" Sorry for disturbing but I don't think I can stay with this !" Pointing at Jay .
"Hey ! I am a person !" Jay said and laughed .
I stood up and hit Jay on his arm .
"What did you tell her , Jay ?" I asked and laughed .
"I didn't say anything ! I just told her that she was really pretty today ! Is that wrong ?!" Jay said . I looked at Evie . Lately she has been acting reallt weird around Jay . I mean if she really hates him she will be more careless around him not so furious !
"Guys ! Stop acting like babies and turn back to your dorm !" Mal said and laughed .
"Alright ! But please someone convince him to stop flirting with me !" Evie said and sighed . She flipped her blue hair back and looked at Jay with anger .
I looked at Jay and raised my eyebrows . He rolled his eyes and smirked , saying :" Alright ! Although I know she likes it !" Then he walked toward the dorms door and exited .
Evie turned and looked at me and I tried to ignore the memories we had flashing through my mind . She fixed her eyes for a second me which passed really slowly , just like an hour , letting me review how that kiss was in my mind . That sudden kiss was never forgettable but I knew who I really loved ; Mal Bertha .. And Mal Bertha forever ..
Evie exited the room and slowly closed the door . Mal rolled her eyes and said :" Uh whatever !"
I turned around and saw her spellbook . I slowly took it and looked at the cover .
"What is in this ?" I asked when suddenly she grabbed it .
"What are you doing ?!!" She yelled .
I stepped back as I was scared and noticed her eyes glowing again .
"Sorry .. I was just looking at it .." I murmured .
She sighed and said :" Sorry that I yelled at you but .. It's not really safe to open it for not reason in the Aurdon ."
I shook my head and slightly smiled .
"No Problem , Mal . I know you're having a rough day .." I smiled and hugged her , slowly caressing her hair as she was blowing her warm breaths into my chest .

At 12 PM we had our firsy class ; It was called Goodness class . I was looking at myself in the mirror when Mal wrapped her hands around me and leaned her head on my shoulder as we could see ourselves in the mirror ; That picture was so beautiful .. I never wanted it to change .. I could never imagine this happening and now that it had happened , It looked like a dream to me .. I could still hear Harry calling me a loser .. But I didn't care anymore . As long as Mal and I were together , I was happy .
"Lets go !" Mal said and grabbed my hand as we were walking out of the room . We entered Jay and Evie's dorm . As soon as Evie saw us , she said :" Uh guys !"
She looked at our hands and then looked at Jay .
"What ?" Mal asked and slowly let my hand go .
"Nothing ! We're running late !" Evie said and sighed , running out of the room .
"What's up with her ?" Mal asked to Jay and Jay shrugged looking away .
We entered the classroom and when we wanted to sit beside eachother , Jay told me :" Carlos , In here boys sit beside eachother not girls and boys ." I sighed and sat beside him wondering what was Evie saying ..
Fairy Godmother hasn't still arrived so I turned and asked to Jay :" Do you know what Evie was gonna say ?" And fixed my eyes on his' because I could tell if he was lying or not .
He averted his gaze and said :" No ! Why would I ?"
I hit him with my elbow and said :" Jay ! Come on . You guys are making us nervous !"
"There's nothing to be nervous about !" He said and laughed awkwardly . I rolled my eyes and looked at the class . It was empty and it was just us , four .
Walls were all covered with a golden paint . There was a white clean board in front of the class . I leaned my head on the table and ignored my stressfull thoughts.
I heard footsteps and looked back .. Yeah... Fairy Godmother !
She walked through the board and welcomed us , saying :" Welcome to the goodness class !" We didn't say anything .. She was so motivated for an annoying class !
She started asking questions and as I couldn't listen , I couldn't answer any of them . Even when I understood one of them and I raised my hand , Jay answered instead of me and then he teased me by leaning me on the table and saying who said it first and smirking .
Typical Jay I mean ! He was trying to show off infront of Evie but she was just doing make up looking in the mirror !
Fairy Godmother offered us to use this energy in the Tourney field and I passed . After class , before the sport test they wanted to give us and I was not sure about taking it , at was lunch time . I sat beside Mal on the bench as I was feeling exhausted . The weather was sunny and I could feel it warming the huge yard . Eveyrone was out , eating .
I was chewing my lunch with my teeth as I could see Mal wasn't even looking at hers' .
" Evie , Would you tell us what did You want to say at the morning ?!!" Mal said all of a sudden .
Evie gulped and widened her eyes . Jay whispered somehting to her and she took a deep breath .
"So .. Um.." She answered .
"At the morning , I left Jay in the dorm and went gone for half an hour to see what are all those people talking about downstairs . They were all beside Audrey , talking about King Ben's coronation and how she , as Ben's girlfriend will get a chance to stand beside him while he will be holding the wand .." Evie said and pursed her lips .
"So ?" Mal asked .
"So ... It means that the only people that can stand besides Ben while he's holding the wand are his family and his girlfriend ." Evie answered and slowly leaned on the table , whispering sadly :" Which means you should be his girlfriend to have a chance to grab the wand !" Looking at Mal .
Mak gasped and leaned back . She laughed and said :" Nice joke , E !"
I wrinckled my nose and said :" Wait what ?" I looked at Jay who was tapping his fingers on the bench .
"M , I know it's hard to believe but that's what I heard .." Evie said , holding Mal's hand .
I slowly grabbed her arm and whispered :" Are you gonna ?.."
She turned and looked at me with her eyes which were tearing up . She could barely blink .. Her green eyes were ashamedly fixed on the ground as I was caressing her knee trying to calm her down . She looked at Evie , saying :" E ! This can't be the only way !"
Yeah ! This couldn't be the only way ...
"I don't know , Mal . Maybe we should ask Ben !" Evie said .
"There's another way , Mal .. Don't worry .." I said and grabbed Mal's hand . She smiled and looked down .
After lunch we entered Jay and Evie's dorm room and stayed there , Waiting for king Ben to come and answer our questions .
Mal was sitting beside me on Evie's bed , leaning her head on my shoulder as I was trying to calm her down , Slowly kissing her forehead .
I don't wanna lose you again , Mal . I hate to lose you again .. I hate to leave every precious moment behind and let you be with him ... Be his'...
Knock ! Knock ! Mal bounced back and quickly stood up , saying :" Coming !"
She opened the door to face Ben .. Ben smiled politely and said :" Hi guys ! I've heard that you have some .. questions ?"
Mal smiled awkwardly and asked :" So I was gonna ask you if you think that there's a possibility that the four of us could stand in the front row , next to fairy Godmother , just so we could , silk up all that goodness ?"
Ben stayed silence for a second .. It was like he couldn't answer her .. He finally said :" Uh.. I wish it would be ! But the first row is just for me , My mother and father and .. My girlfriend ."
Mal let a sigh out ."And your girlfriend?"
"Yeah sorry.." Ben answered sadly . I was shook .
No .. No... No..! This is not happening ..
Mal slammed the door ignoring Ben standing there , As I heard his footsteps sounds slowly fading ..
Mal knelt donw on the ground scratching the carpet . I sat beside her and rubbed her back , holding her tightly ..
"No..no..no..no.. No !" Mal murmured slowly . Her eyes were tearing up and she , herself was getting red . She was short of breath and I was shocked ..
Evie said :" Guys , Slow down !"
I looked up to her and said :" What are you talking about ?"
"We are falling apart .. What about us then ?" I said with my voice trembling ..
Evie sighed and said :" Well atleast we know that Ben doesn't love Mal back !"
Actually .. She was right , He didn't .
I stood up holding Mal's hand just to help her stand up .
"Then why are we doing this ?! I mean Ben doesn't even like Mal !" I said .
"Carlos .." Mal said . I looked at her , pursing my lips .
"Can we talk ?" She said and I shook my head immedietly .
Evie let a sigh out and said :" We'll go to your dorm . Call us when you're done ." And walked out of the room as Jay was walking after her .
Mal sniffed and sat down .
"So um.." She said and grabbed my hand as I was knelt down on the ground infront of her as my eyes were fixed on her lips , focusing on what she was gonna say next .
"You know , I love you .. I truly love you , Car ." She said looking deep in my eyes .
"I've loved you and I will forever .." I shook my head as continue .
"But ..." She said ; I froze .. But what ?!!
" I want to please my mom ... Just for once. You know this is fake , So you won't have to be worried ." She said and tapped her finger on my nose that made me , lean back .
"What ..What do you mean ?" I asked .
"I will use some love spells to make him fall in love with me and then at the end of coronation , I'll give him the love spell breaking cookie , Alright ?" She said and I gulped ..
No , Not alright ..
She leaned forward and grabbed my cheek and looked at me as she had her green eyes fixed on me . I slowly blinked .. I felt exhausted . I was tired of life !
"You are my forever , Car .. Forever ..." She said and kissed me on my cheek .

Me (writer )See ?!!! I posted ! I never break promises and I never lie 😊So , How you like this ? Ikr ? It's sad but deal with it

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Me (writer )
See ?!!! I posted ! I never break promises and I never lie 😊
So , How you like this ?
Ikr ? It's sad but deal with it .. This may be even worse and worse :""""(

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