"I'm sorry !" - Part Twelve

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Mal POV :
"Carlos , Can I talk to you for a second ?" I asked .
"Okay .."He said and sighed walking towards the corner of the hallway , following me .
"Um... Carlos . I'm truly sorry for what happened that day ." I said and kept my head down.
"Why .. Why did you kiss me ?" He murmured and gulped . Because I loved you Carlos ! I loved you ...
"I don't know what was I thinking doing that .. I'm really sorry ." I said as I knew I was lying .
"Uh...Mal." He said ; Oh , Carlos . I miss the times you called my name like that ..
"I'm just so exhausted these days .. Sorry ." I said .
Suddenly Carlos clenched his hands covering his fourhead . He firmly closed his eyes and opened them slowly as I was asking this question repeadetly :" Carlos ?! WHAT HAPPENED ?!"
"Uh nothing .. I've been having random crap thoughts running through my mind !" He said and I hoped he's not talking about our memories from the Isle .
"Uh huh.." I said and laughed . I continued :" Let's go and have our lunch now !"
We were walking towards Jay and Evie who were also walking through the exit .
"Mal ? Question .." Carlos said and I made a sound  like mhmm? .
"What in guys do impress girls ?" He asked and I froze because I knew who was he asking for ; Jane ..
"Who are you asking this for ?" I asked because I didn't want to believe my guess .
"Jane.." He answered .
I pursed my lips and said :" Kindness and being nice ?.." I shrugged awkwardly ; I continued :" I don't know , Car !" And I turned my back on him .
"So you like Ben !" Carlos said and I gasped .
"What ?!" I said and I fastly blinked a few times .
"You're attracted to nice guys ... You like him !" Carlos said and laughed . I gulped ; I never thought that I'd hear this sentence coming out of his mouth , smiling ... I never thought I'd be this much defenseless infront of  three words "you like him" .
"Uh... No .." I said and tried to stop my voice from trembling ...
"Yeah , You do .." Carlos said , grinning . He was truly happy .. Did I like Ben ?
"Do you really want to leave here ?" He asked and placed his hand on my shoulder as my mouth was widened and I didn't know how to respond and what to say ..
"I... Yeah , I guess ." I responded .
"Do we really want to take over the world with wicked ?.." Carlos asked and continued :" I've been asking these a lot from myself .. I wish we didn't have to , I mean ." I could see the same innocentness and childish sparkles in his big brown eyes which I remembered from the Isle .
"Umm.. I think we should just go and have lunch !" I said and changed the subject . He knew we couldn't deny our parents' plan .. We would get killed !
I was straightly walking towards my table when Ben appeared out of no where and that made me panick (And I don't know why); I dropped my drink on his white shirt and He stepped back .
I stared at his green hazel eyes which were still looking happy but kinda confised too .  Wow... How lucky that I dropped my drink on King's shirt in fornt of the whole school ! I heard everyone laughing when Ben said :" Oh God ! Sorry Mal .." Why was he apologizing ?!
"Bu..But ! Ben , What are you doing ?" I said and sighed as I could see how Carlos was telling Jay something , grinning as Jay was just confused  .
"There's no problem ! You're okay ?" Ben asked and I couldn't keep myself from smiling of how calm he was . If the same thing happened to me I would probably pour the rest of the drink on Ben but he is so kind ..

We had our lunches in silence but Carlos was whispering things into Jay's ear the whole time . I got tired of it and said :" What are you guys whispering about ?!"
Jay rolled his eyes and tried hard not to laugh .
"Nothing , Mal !" Carlos laughed .
"Ugh ! Guys .. I know I did that but please stop laughing .. It's embarrassing !" I said and sipped some of my drink which Ben had poured it .
"But Ben is really kind !" Carlos said moving his knife on the chicken in his dish , from a side to another .
"And I think Mal deserves him .." He continued and I stopped eating . Jay continued eating but had his eyes fixed on the table with confusion .
Evie looked at Carlos sadly and smiled . Carlos looked at me and I quickly averted my gaze .. Why does this have to be so hard ?!
"What ? Did I say something wrong ?" Carlos said and shrugged as we all stayed quiet .
"I mean we all know we become clumsy beside the people we like !" Carlos said and air quoted his both hands , smirking .
He wasn't lying though .. I always felt nervous beside Ben but that was impossible so I could just ignore it , forever ...
"Carlos , This converstaion is useless so stop !" I said and laughed so it wouldn't be obvious that I was uncomfortable .
Carlos shrugged and had the last bite of his chicken beef . He stood up and said :" I have to go to FGM . I have to tell her something ..."
"Bye , Car .." I said and smiled sadly looking at him , who was walking away .
His curly white hair were getting tossed up by the wind and I could watch how the moved from a side to side for hours but .. If only he liked me too .
After lunch , still Carlos wasn't at dorm so I was alone and there just one idea in my mind .. Go to muesum and grab the wand .
It was still sun everywhere . I snuck out of my dorm and ran towards the museum . I quickly pushed each curtain to aside and looked around ; No one was there !
That was good !!!
I walked inside another room so I can find the wand when I saw something and I froze ..
Me and my friends' parents' statues which were made of stone ; It looked really real and creepy ..
"Mother ?" I murmured and my voice cracked as I felt scared ..
Well , It probaply didn't answer ..
I stood infront of her slowly raising my hand towards her face ; Mom , You never let me caress you or hug you , just like normal mother and daughters out there . Couldn't we just be like Ben's parents ?.. I could see that wicked look on her wrinckled pale face ...
"There's a feeling , that tells me I'll never make you proud , mom .." I said
Future of the free world rests on your hands , don't blow it !
Her voice echoed in my head as I was looking at her face , When suddenly I heard footsteps . I quickly ran towards the exit and I heard the curtains opening at the moment , I ran outside .
"Hello ? Is anyone there ?" The familiar voice asked ; It was Ben ..
I gasped and slowly stepped backward .. I could see his shadow from behind the curtain bending down to see who is behine the curtain . I stood still so He couldn't see me when he said :" Mal ?!"
I gasped ; It was awkward to not answer ...
"B..Ben ?" I said and slowly stepped forward . I pushed the curtain to a side and saw Ben standing in the middle of the muesum beside my mom's statue .
I swallowed nervously and said :" I was just looking around ." I glanced at my mom's statue .
"Oh ... I understand ." Ben said and smiled slightly .
I gulped without knowing why ... You know ? It didn't feel good to see my mom's statue  there , on the Villian's platform . It felt bad ..
"What ?" Ben asked looking at me with that usual kind and innocent smile .
"Nothing .." I said and wiped the tear which was gonna slip off my cheek , quickly .
Ben looked at the staues as if he has realized something .. He stepped froward and slowly wrapped his arm around my waist as I felt weak , infront of him when I felt like no distance was between us but it felt good ..
"I'm sorry that you had to see your mother's statues in here as in Villians' platform .." He said and looked at me in a sorry way .
"No... That's not a problem !" I said as my voice trembled . He looked at my lips and I couldn't stop myself from looking at his' .
Stop dreaming , Mal .. He is spelled .
I slowly pushed his arm off my waist and said :" Oh okay ! I think I'm gonna go !.." His smile slowly faded .
I sighed and slowly exited the muesum .
I know it's time to say goodbye , So hard to let go ...

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