"No !" - Part Twenty Three

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Carlos POV :
I searched everywhere but Charles and Jane seemed no where to be found ...
Everywhere was empty .. What if he found the wand and killed everyone ..?!
Suddenly I remembered something ; It was the show day ...
He was acting the VK role ?!
"Carlos ?" I heard Jay's voice and turned to see him wearing his usual , red and brown jacket .
"Jay ?" I said and smiled victoriously seeing my bro .
"Are you for real ?" He said and came forward . He suddenly punched me and I bent down , yelling :" Jay ! What the -"
"Okay , You're Carlos .." He sighed .
"Look , Jay ! Where's everyone ? Are they already in the theatre ?!" I asked in a worried tone as I was still panting because I had ran too much .
"Yeah ! You're right . They are there !..." He said and looked at me as if he realized something , saying :" Where's Mal ?"
"Ben went to the Isle to find her ." I responded . I sent him to go after Mal ...
Jay gasped , saying :" What ?!"
"She'll be okay !" I said because I was sure .. Atleast I wanted to act sure .
"But .." Jay stuttered .
"Carlos !" I turned and saw Mal who was running towards us leaving Ben alone , standing there ..
She stopped infront of of me , looking sorry , panting ...
I didn't smile or anything ; I was still mad at her for lying to me .
"I'm sorry ..." She said slowly , Shaking .
I sighed and looked away when suddenly she held me tightly and hugged me as I was confused . Jay smiled awkwardly and I slid my hand on her hair , slightly smiling .. Atleast she was okay .
She leaned backward and said :" Please ?..." I quickly looked away .
I didn't want to see her green teared up eyes which made me feel bad each time .
"Mal , We should find Charles !" I said .
"Charles ?" Ben asked , walking towards us .
"Nevermind , Ben !" I said and rolled my eyes .
"The show day is today .." Mal said , hopelessly looking towards the theatere .
"It's actually tonight ." Jay corrected her .
I nodded my head with unbelief and said :" You guys , Stay in the audience seats . I'll get him !" I groaned and ran towards the theatere , ignoring my friends calling me .

I entered the theatre and hid behind the red huge curtain . There were people sitting on the audience seats waiting for the first audition . There was half an hour left till my audition . I could hear clock's ticking sound in that whole crowd .
Evie entered the stage and smiled at the audience . I didn't know that she had an audition ! She blushed , smiling and glanced at Doug who was sitting on the first row . I sighed and looked for Jane in the Behind the scenes room . There was make up stuff , Everywhere .
"Carlos !" I gasped and turned ; Jane !
She was wearing the same blue dress with extra sparkles on it with her curled brown hair fallen over her shoulders . She was wearing a glossy baby pink lipstick on her pouty lips and was smiling ..
"Jane.. Jane !" I said and smiled , staring at her . She came close and kissed me on my lips , standing om her tippy toes ! I froze ... Why did she do that ?
"Why don't you get ready ?" She said , smiling ..
"Uh... I was just .. I was just .. Getting ready !" I stuttered , Thinking about the kiss .
"Okay then ! I'm not gonna look at you getting undressed !" She said and chuckled exiting the room . I gulped and looked at her as I felt my cheeks blushing ..
I listened to her footsteps slowly fading .. Finally , I didn't know where Charles was but I wasn't in danger anymore ! I was gonna kiss Jane !
I was looking for my custome when suddenly I heard a familliar voice .
"What are you looking for ?" I quickly looked up to see Charles wearing my role outfit ; Red and Black leather jacket , Black jeans with thin white lines on it .
"Charles !" I said angrily .
He came inside and closed the door behind him ; I could still hear Evie singing and audience slowly clapping .
"Hey Carlos ..." He said , smirking in a wicked way .
I pursed my lips with anger amd looked at him who was just like me ; White curly hair , Freckles , outfit and everything ... But his attitude ?! WAS TRASH !
"Stop smiling !" I said and grabbed his arm pulling him towards the wardrobe and leaning him on it so I can wrap my hands around his neck and kill him !
"You can't kill me .." He said , smiling intractably as he was choking ..
I pressed my hands more and more on his neck , wrinckling my nose , staring at him with hatred .
But I wasn't that mean .. I couldn't just kill him .
"You're not this heartless .." He said and started panting as he had raised his both hands in a given up position .
I quickly let his neck go and stepped back .
"I hate you .." I said nodding angrily .
He sighed and said :" Ugh .. You were almost killing me ." Tossing up his hair , heavilly breathing .
"Whatever , Give me my custome and I'll lead you untill the barrier without any troubles .." I said and looked away .
"Uh sure ." He said as I felt weird . Why was he so nice to me . He opened the closet and said :" No one's gonna be here untill the end of the show , right ?"
I nodded as a yes , saying :" Why'd you ask ?"
"Nothing .. It was really cool to be here ." He said , smiling sadly . It made me feel bad to let him go like that . To kick him out of the Aurodon ..
I slowly stepped forward and hit him slowly on his shoulder . He looked at me , sadly ..
"Don't worry . Someday maybe you'll be given chance too .." I said .
I heard Evie's song slowly ending ...
"You think so ?" Charles asked , smiling kindly which was kinda rare to see .
I nodded and said :" Let's go then ." He shook his head as approval and I turned towards the door as I felt like I'm short of breath . It was like I was being mean to myself ...
Suddenly something hit my waist hardly and I heard a loud cracking sound as if it broke !
I turned around painfully and I felt like I can't move . Charles flexed his head and smirked , saying :" You really thought I was gonna let Jane go ?!"
I sighed and knelt down painfully saying :" Why'd you do this ?!"
"We kissed today , Beside the enchanted lake . We made our relationship , Something official ." He said , smiling victoriously as I felt like I don't know him anymore . That wicked smile , Brown sloping eyes that were surrounded with a really light black eyeshadow ... He turned into a evil creature in just a moment ..
"You're lying ..." I said as I couldn't believe that they had kissed again !
"Uhm.. I don't really care if you believe .. You're nothing , Afterall !" He said , smirking .
"Shut up !" I groaned and he suddenly kicked me in my stomach . I couldn't stand up anymore .
"Now ! Stand up so you can go back to where you belong to !" He said .
I couldn't move .. I was shivering on the ground , embracing my knees and biting my lips painfully . I wish Jay was here ..!
"I said stand up !" He yelled .
"Carlos ! Carlos De Vil !" This was FGM's voice .
"Uh , That's me ! Coming !" He said , smiling ..
He grabbed my arms and pushed me into the closet as I was numb and weak ..
I fell down on the closet's bottom , shivering , crying for help . He was abusive just like my mom .. And that scared me .
"Please , Let me go !" I cried as I had my eyes opened forcibly having a blurred vision of Charles .
"You know ? It just takes three kisses for people to fall in love !" He said and chuckled .
Three ?! They have already kissed two times !
"Carlos De Vil !" FGM called me again as I watched Charles closing the closet's door .
"No one's gonna come here till the end of the show , Carlos !" He said and compeletly locked the door as I gulped , looking at that dark closet , Trying to see which part am I ..
I slithered and leaned on the closet's wall .. I had to stop him . I had to find a way or I would've be given up Jane to Charles ...
It wasn't odd for me to feel weak and uncomfortable . Pain was a major part of my life . I was used to suffer physically and mentally but now that I had a chance to be happy , I had to take it . I had to stay strong just like my friends ; I loved them ... I loved the strenght they had but I didn't ...
I mean I was used to get called a runt or crybaby at school . I was used to some people , likely Harry Hook , Scaring me with their dog impressions , teasing me .
I was even used to getting abused by my own mother .
But none of my friends were so scared like me . They have been thaught to fight .. Fight with their fears unlike me ..
I was still afraid of my mom coming to the Isle . I was afraid of losing my only love , Jane and my friends and ..
Now , I had to find a way .. I had to do this . My friends and Jane were the only people who were left for me and I was guessing that they were thinking Charles is me and I've kicked him out of here . I mean how would they know when there's litterally no difference between him and I ?!
I tried to grab my phone our of my pocket which I was guessing that it was broken .
I turned it on and sighed thankfully ! It worked .
I messaged Evie so she'd come and get me out of here .
"Evie , It's me , Carlos ! The boy on stage , Is actually Charles ! Come and get me out of the closet !"
I waited for her response for minutes and finally she saw the message. She left me on read and I couldn't take it anymore . Suddenly I heard a door clank sound and I hit the wardrobe with my fists saying :" Hello ?!"
I saw a shadow casting over the wardrobe and tried to recognize the person , When she was unlocking the wardrobe . She didn't look like Evie though ..
Finally door opened and I held my breath ; Mal ?!
I stood up as she reached out to me and helped me with getting out of all of those customes . I was still numb and I felt my back aching ...
"Are you okay ?" She asked and looked at my sleeve which was ripped by Harry's hook .
I covered it and saidn:" Yeah... Thanks ."
I was walking out of the room , hearing the someday song slowly ending , when she said :" Carlos ... Uh wait !" I turned and looked at Mal who was truly sad and sorry for whatever she had done . I slowly blinked a few times as I knew I couldn't be that mean by not forgiving her . I wanted the best for her and I knew she loved Ben so ..
I slightly smiled and said :" I don't care about the past anymore ..." I shrugged .
She suddenly looked at me with her widened green eyes which were sparkling with happiness , now . She ran towards me and hugged me , wrapping her hands around my waist , Calming me down . Me and Mal's memories from the Isle were a lot but we both knew that we weren't meant to be ..
We were like sibilings since we were little kids (Except the times she bullied me). I slowly caressed her hair and smiled , taking a deep breath ..
She slowly leaned back and glanced at the stage .
"Go get her ..." She said and sniffed , smiling in a friendly way .
I smiled , saying :" Thanks for your help , Mal .." She waved at me goodbye as I was walking towards the stage's red curtain , hearing Charles and Jane singing the last line :"
We're gonna be someday !"
I slowly pushed the curtain to aside and saw Charles who slid the ring into Jane's finger , gently touching her cheek with his fingertips .. I held my breath ; Carlos , Do somethimg ...
This was Jane's first audition and acting experience and she didn't want it to get ruined but on the other hand , it only took 3 kisses for her to fall for Charles as he said , himself .. And I couldn't lose her ... She was my one and only and I wanted it to be forever .
Do it , Carlos ! You don't want them to kiss . You don't want to go back to the Isle and let everyone call you a loser again . You don't want to see your mother and pirates again ...
You don't want to stay the same weak Carlos anymore .. Don't you want to change ?! I remembered the times Jay used to defeat me infront of Harry and other bullies of the school .. Or the times , He bullied me , himself . It was hard to remember them and if only Charles was gonna take over the world as me , They'd think that I am the evil twin and They'd send me back to the Isle or as some people say The place I belong to ... But I had some people to proove wrong in here ; Chad Charming who thought that VKs are nothing talented except villians ... Harry Hook who thought I was always gonna stay as feared and scared as the time I used to be in The Isle . My mother who always thought I was useles and worthless ..
She was the only woman who could've helped me to love myself  but she did everything in reverse and made me feel weak and worthless ; A coward with low self-esteem !
And now it was my time ;
Charles slowly approached Jane's lips and I stepped forward , Suddenly yelling :" No !"
Everyone gasped and turned towards me , Looking at me with confusion ..
Jane looked back and saw me .. She looked at Charles and screamed with fear , stepping back . Charles groaned seeing me and said :" What are you doing here ?!"
"That's a question I should ask , Charles !" I said and pursed my lips with anger .
"Charles ?" Jane said as her voice cracked hopelessly . She covered her chest with her palm and stepped back looking at both of us .
Suddenly Charles grabbed her arm and pulled her back ..
"No !" I yelled looking at how hurt she felt ...
"Don't come forward !" Charles murmured with anger as he was grabbing something out of his pocket and as soon as I saw it , I gasped ; A knife ?!
He leaned the knife on her neck and said :" Step forward and she'll die !"
"Who is he ?!" Jane screamed , looking at me as I could see her marble eyes tearing up with fear . She was breathing heavilly and shaking ; She couldn't move as all of the audience were looking at the knife .
"Let her go and I'll do anything !" I said and raised my hands in a given up position .
Charles raised his eyebrow and said :" Oh really ?!"
"Yes ..." I murmured and sighed .
"Bring me the wand ." He said , calmly smiling as if he was holding a flower in his hand instead of a knife ..!
"What ?" I said with confusion ..
"Yeah , You heard it right ." He whispered .
I turned and looked at behind the curtain , hopelessly ...
"Carlos ! No ..." This was Jane .. I couldn't look at her . I was to ashamed to face her and look at her in the eyes .
"You don't want to give up the wand to him !" She said .
"SHUT UP !" Charles yelled . I placed my hands in my pockets and suddenly felt something hard and metalic impacted my fingers . I slowly looked at it and realized that Maddie's ring was still in my pocket , With me .
I fastly turned and slid the ring in my finger calling Charles name , outloud .
He looked at me furiously and I groaned ; I remembered what Maddie told me ; Well you just need to have strong determination . Just believe in yourself , think about it happening and it'll happen ...
I took a deep breath and fixed my eyes on Charles , Thinking about them glowing .. You can do it , Carlos ... You can survive Aurodon and ofcourse ... Jane .
Suddenly Charles stopped blinking .. He wrinckled his nose and tried to avert his gaze from me but I could see that he couldn't .. He was still staring ..
"Leave and go back to the Isle , Now !" I said , looking deeply into his brown scared eyes .
He firmly pushed Jane and she fell down on the floor trying to keep her balance.. I tried to stay focused again and heard Mal's voice from behind :" Jane !"
Jane ran towards me and hid behind ..
Charles was shaking and his eyes were getting red .. As I knew my eyes glowed red so that was why . He widened his mouth and gulped in that frozen situation he was in ... He looked paralyzed as if he couldn't move . I had to focus , I had to believe and as Maddie said I had to have a strong determination to defeat him ...
Charles groaned and tried to open his mouth to talk but he couldn't .. He stuttered .
He suddenly dropped the knife on the wooden stage and ran towards me and Jane . I pushed Jane beside so He couldn't hurt her and he bumped into me , Firmly hitting my shoulder with his' , running away .
I quickly turned and looked at Jane . She was scared and panting ...
She slowly touched my face with her fingers and said :" Carlos ?"
Everyone was silent , looking at us but I didn't feel awkward or shy anymore . I was proud of what I just did .. I just felt a little exhausted because I spent a lots of my energy for  hypnotizing Charles ..
"Jane .." I smiled , Calling her name like that , finally reaching her .
She smiled sadly as her tears were slowly slipping off her cheeks , caressing them , teaching me how to calm her , How to love her ..
I grabbed her chin and couldn't keep myself from kissing her .. I mean , It was a part of the show , Forbidden love . Forbidden love which wasn't forbidden anymore ..
We were finally free to love . Just like the role characters ...
I was holding her tightly when I suddenly felt her body getting loose and sleazy , I leaned backward , still having my arms around her waist when suddeny I realized she was fainting ...
I gasped and said :" Guys !" Audience started talking outloud , in a worried tone . Some , Gasped and some stepped on the stage to come and help . Mal was one of the helpers and FGM was the second person who came on the stage to check on her daughter .
"What happened to her ?" I asked looking at FGM who had her eyes fixed on Jane's loose and weak body , laying on the wooden cold floor .
"She is shocked and confused ." FGM responded .
"Why ?" Chad asked while he was standing beside us .
"Because she thinks she has gone crazy experiensing all of this drama ..." FGM said and continued , saying :" My lovely daughter ... She has always lived a simple life without any drama .."
"What can I do ?! Tell me anything !" I said and leaned forward as I was holding Jane's right hand .
"There's only one way , De Vil ..." FGM said in a sorry tone which made me scared ..
"What ?" I murmured .. Silence ... She stared at her daughter with compassion slowly caressing her brown curled hair .
"What ?!" I said outloud .
"I'm gonna have to erase her memories with you ... You're gonna start all over again ." FGM said fastly so I wouldn't notice what I was talking about but I did understand .
All over again ?!
I glanced at Mal .. It reminded me of myself . I sighed and said :" So she is not gonna remember what happened between us ?"
"No .."  FGM murmured sadly and sniffed .
"Okay .. I want the best for her ." I said and stood up , looking down at Jane's pale skin , Closed eyes and long eyes lashes ...
Then in front of my eyes as my friends ,Evie , Jay and Mal were standing beside me , I saw FGM using her wand and slowly sliding that on Jane's forhead , murmuring a sentence and sadly smiling , looking at her daughter .
After that Jane woke up and smiled in the best way ever like as if she woke up from a nap .
She looked around and as soon as she saw me , Smiled .
But not in that way , She friendzoned me . 

Me (writer)Okay , Life is hard

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Me (writer)
Okay , Life is hard .
Go on :)))

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