"Marlos POV" - Part eight

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Carlos POV :
After that things happened , Mal and I were in our dorms in silence without saying anything ..
I couldn't stop thinking about that girl .. Jane I guess . That was her name .
She had these baby blue eyes and long eyelashes and she was really pretty but the way she talked to my bestfriend , Mal was really sad that I couldn't believe .
Mal deserved to be the queen even if this was all a plan . She could be the best queen with awesome rules ..!
"Carlos !" Suddenly Mal said .
I looked up and said :" What is it ?"
"Can you find our way to the museum ?" She asked .
"Um.. I don't know ." I answered .
She settled down and said :" I don't think I want to continue this faking thing !"
"But Mal .. We are gojng through this together . Please wait untill the coronation tomorrow . It'll be okay ." I said .
"Carlos ! Don't you get it ?! I want to end this ! I'm already tired of it !" She yelled at me and I sighed .
"I won't do it Mal .. We will need Jay and Evie's help ." I said with my arms crossed and stood up so I can exit the room .. I didn't want this conversation to end up as an arguement .
Suddenly she yelled :" I can't believe how childish you're acting right now ! You have no idea , don't you ?!"
I turned around and murmured :" Stop yelling , Mal .." I stood infront of her trying to calm her down as her eyes were glowing ..  I was trying to prevent her from turning into a dragon .
"I will do whatever I want untill you understand what I mean !" She yelled and suddenly hit me on my chest .. I stepped back and hit the library ; It reminded me of my mother which I hated .. It reminded me of those days , when my mother grabbed my arm and threw me on the ground .
"Stop yelling Mal !" I said outloud and she stopped .
She gasped and looked down with sorrow rippling through her green sloping eyes .. Her skin got paler and I could see how sorry she was .
"Stop acting like my mom , Mal .." I said and narrowed my eyes .
We stayed silent for seconds as I felt her breathings getting heavier and harder . I turned around and walked through the exit .
"Carlos !" Mal said as I was rubbing my back and chest feeling the pain of them hitting the library .
I ignored her . I was opening the door when she said :" I'm sorry ! I didn't mean to .."
I rolled my eyes and wrinckled my nose when suddenly I felt someone grabbed my hand and as I turned I saw her .. There was no distance between us ; It was scary and awkward ..
She was holding my hands .
"Mal ?" I murmured and looked at her in the eyes.
Her eyes were glowing green as she murmured :" Be the same Carlos again .."
"Are you trying to hypnotize me right now ?!" I said and tried to step back as she was holding my hands .
"Carlos ! Please remember me ! I did something wrong .. Please forgive me !" She said and started sobbing . Was she overreacting for this arguement we had or it was something else that I didn't know ?!
"Remember what ?!" I asked and flexed my head .
She closed her eyes to stop them from glowing , exhaling , inhaling and biting her lips in a stressed way ..
"Mal whats wrong with you ?!" I asked and tried to understand what she is saying ..
" Slow down , Mal ..." She murmured with herself and suddenly stood on her tippy toes , grabbed my cheek and kissed me !
Her pouty lips embraced mine and I looked at her as I was confused ! What was she doing ?! I was froze that I couldn't move ..I felt paralyzed .
I felt some unknown memories flashing through my mind that made me have a headache . I stepped back and pushed her back
"MAL !" I yelled and looked at her , panting .
I couldn't say anything .. I just watched her looking at me as if she was confused too .
I opened the door and ran outside .

Mal POV :
Omg Mal ! You ruined everything ...
I ran outside and saw his sillhoute walking down the hallway . I wanted to call him but I couldn't say his name . I could stutter but not talk ..
What have I just done ?! I wanted to close the door when I heard someone's voice from behind :" Hey , Mal !"
I gasped and saw Ben standing there . I wiped my tears off my face and looked at him .
"So I was wondering , If you'd like to give me a chance and go on a date ..?" He said .
He had this light brown hair with bangs , green hazel eyes and pale skin . He always had this polite smile on and he could be really annoying sometimes !...
"Uh... Date ?!" I asked and got confused on how he didn't ask about why I cried .
"Yes I mean , I guess that's the only way that I can make you forgive me ..." He said as I stayed silence ..
"Look ! Mal .. I'm really sorry for whatever that happened .. I know you deserve better but I can be really dumb sometimes that I don't how to stop bad things from happening .." He said and looked at me in a sorry way .
"Okay just wait !" I said and slammed the door .
"Sure ! I'll wait for you forever .." He said and sat on the benches in the middle of the hallway ..
I sat on my bed and gulped ;
"She stares at her ceiling once again with a hundred thoughts .." I sang and looked at the ceiling , laying on my warm and comfortable bed .
"Maybe he knows who I am; probably not.." I continued .. Carlos didn't know me anymore ..The way he did back in the Isle ..
"She walks down the hall with her head down low, scared to meet his eyes.." I thought about Ben .. What if I had a chance to date him and love him ? Would I take my chance ?..
"Even when she hears his voice she's swarmed with butterflies ..." I remembered how I felt when Ben apperead infront of my dormroom. It felt kinda good but I could feel my heartbeat getting faster ..
"It's impossible to get you off my mind..." I sang and stood up dancing around the room .
"I think about 100 thoughts and you are 99.." I wish Carlos could forgive me ...
But there was something else on my mind . Someone except Carlos ..
"I've understood that you will never be mine !" But Carlos was never gonna be mine again .. Maybe after coronation which I doubt he's gonna forgive me ..
"And that's fine, I'm just breaking inside .." I remembered how he was staring at Jane Fairy Godmother ..
"He always walks the crowded halls and is blinded by this light.." I sang and grabbed the make up stuff Evie had given me .
"A girl who keeps her head down low and never shows her eyes.." I sang and blushed my cheeks the way I'd seen Evie usually does .
"He's tried to talk to her but there's no easy way .." Ben always tried to talk to me but it felt bad to be around him .. Because our love was all a spell affection , not true love ..
I didn't want to talk to him alot and now that. He had asked me on a date , I couldn't know how am I gonna act around him ..
"Cause every time he raises his voice she runs away .." I sang and looked at myself in the mirror . My make up was well done as Mal Bertha ; blushy cheeks and a really light eye shadow ..
"Oh, it's impossible to get you off my mind ...!" I tiptoed till the door and slowly looked out . Ben was sitting on a bench and looking st his watch ..
"I think about 100 thoughts and you are 99.." I murmured , singing .
"I've understood that you will never be mine and that's fine .. I'm just breaking inside !" I sang looking at him in a admiring way .. What if I really liked him ?
"One day maybe she'll stay .." I placed my hands on the door and hid behind it .
"And start to head over his way .." Maybe I could just choose good if I wasn't Mal .
"And one day she'll look into his eyes.." I could bravely look into Ben's eyes and tell him that I want to stay here and be good but that was impossible when my mom was Maleficent ..
"And instead of breaking, she'll call him mine .."  Maybe I wouldn't feel bad or guilty anymore . Maybe all of us could find our real soulmates and discover the true love . I could feel that I deserve him not that I'm just using him but it was all a spell . Afterall he liked Audrey ..
"One day he'll grab her by the waist !" I remembered the moment he grabbed me by my waist infront of the field's audience , saying :" C'mon now !"
"And force them to meet face to face .." I could see his eyes which were fixed on my lips .. He looked like he was really in love with me which I knew wasn't true ..
"One day he'll look into her eyes ... And say that, "You're my only light" " My thoughts were a part of my dreams which made them impossible . Afterall , we were gonna grab the wand and go .. Go back to Isle . Then Carlos was gonna break up with me and everything was gonna get ruined ; Especially my life .

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