"You're losing him !" - Part Seven

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Evie POV :
I could see how upset and jealous Mal was seeing Jane , Daughter of Fg sitting beside Carlos . Jane had brown hair with bangs and her eyecolor was very bright and rare .
Doug , Son of Dopey was sitting beside me . After whatever that happened in class that day , I would prefer sitting beside Doug than Chad . He exposed me by showing the teacher my mirror and I only could survive myself by taking an exam without mirror and the good thing was that I could and I got a B . And in my opinion B is totally great for the first time .
I couldn't even believe that he kissed Audrey infront of Everyone !
Teacher entered the class and I checked if I had any pens with me . Well I didn't have a black one and that was what I need .
"You want this ?" Doug said and turned around to show me a black pen .
I smiled and said :" Yeah thanks !" And I grabbed the pen .
Our teacher was a old man which kinda looked like our chemistry teacher ; Baggy eyes , Wrinckles ; He was just alittle paler .
I couldn't really focus in the class because I was thinking about Carlos and Mal .. I couldn't believe that she had put spell on him .. I mean it could still be better ways to solve that problem . Now the risk of Mal compeletly losing him was even more ...
I turned around and glanced at Carlos who was staring at Jane in a strange way and he had leaned his head on his hand . Jane had really pretty cheekbones and pouty rosy pink lips . Carlos whispered something at her and she answered after alittle silence .
Wow Mal ! Look who is Carlos in love with now !!!
Teacher teached some mathematic problems and I was okay with them . But as soon as school bell rang I reached out to Mal and grabbed her hand . We ran out of the class and Stopped in the hallway .
Mal was not okay .. She was even more upset ! I held her hands and whispered :" Didn't you see who was sitting beside him ?! You're losing him ! You should break the spell !!!"
Mal raised her eyebrow and sighed tiredly..
"I can't , E .. It's so late to break it now ." Mal said and I could see her eyes tearing up .
"But .. But .. How ?!!" I asked .
"I had to select a time for the endpoint of spell ..and I said When everything's done ." She said .
That meant that he had no feelings for Mal and he couldn't remember anything untill Mal grabbed the wand and we did our parents plan .
"Oh Mal .. I don't know what to do anymore .." I said and sighed sadly .
"Guys ! Guys !" We turned around and saw Carlos and Jay walking towards us .
Carlos , slowly , put his hand on Mal's shoulder and said :" Whats up?"
Mal slightly smiled at him and said :" Nothing . How did your day go ?"
Carlos kinda blushed and said :" Uh it was good .."
Jay raised his eyebrow and said :"Alright . Alright .. Now we should go to yard and have breakfast ."
Carlos smiled and hit Jay on his shoulder in a friendly way and said :" Yeah .. Lets go . I'm starving !"
We were walking with Mal when Ben appeared infront of us and we stopped .
"Hi .. guys !" Ben smiled .
"Hey Ben !" I said and waved at him .
Mal awkwardly smiled and said :" Hi bennyboo !"
Ben said :" Hope you guys are doing well .." and smiled .
Mal looked at him with that usual wicked smile on her lips :" Yeah .."
"Well I would like to lead you guys untill the yard and show you guys something ." He said , smiling at Mal .
We followed him untill the yard and we stopped as soon as Ben started singing ;

(Mal did do some girls' hairstyles )
Mal was looking at Ben and slowly clapping as she was eating  sweets .
Everyone clapped and screamed excitingly and Ben came towards Mal . I whispered :" I'll leave you guys alone !" And walked towards Carlos and Jay . Carlos was licking a lolipop and Jay was crunching chocolate chips .
I stood beside Carlos and said :" How are you doing , Car ?" And chuckled seeing his mouth surrounded with chocolate again .
"I'm alright !" He said and swallowed the last piece of lolipop looking at it's clean stick .

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