"Rewrite the stars !" - Part Thirteen

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Jay POV :
Evie was out now for thirty minutes and I was worried .. Because she didn't even answer her calls . I had to go after her ! What if she was in danger ?
I walked out of my dorm , looking around ... Lonnie stopped , seeing me and said :" Hey Jay ! Whats up ?" I still looked around ... I couldn't focus .
"I'm good .. Have you seen Evie ?" I asked and looked at her back . She seem nowhere to be found !
Lonnie sighed and pointed at her back , at the second hallway , saying :" She went there .."
I nodded and said :" Oh okay.. Thanks !" I walked towards the hallway without saying goodbye or anything to Lonnie . I always remembered what Chad told her about me as a VK and my friends as VKs .
I entered the hallway and looked around ; She was in one of the rooms . But none of them were ours' ! Was she with someone ?..
The thought of that broke my heart ; I tiptoed till one of the doors which I heard someone talking from it .
I leaned on it so I can hear ; It was Evie !
"Well , I wanted to thank you for defensing me infront of Chad that day .." She said as I was listening .
"Ahaha , Welcome . You deserve so much better than that , Evie !" Doug said and I rolled my eyes in jealousy .
"No seriously ... Thanks so much . People don't threat us so good in here but you thaught them to do !" Evie said and her voice cracked .
"No problem . Anyone would do the same .." They both laughed after Doug said that .
"Evie ... Well tomorrow , you know ? It's coronation ." Doug said . I gulped .. No , No , No , No ...!
"Yes ..?" Evie said and I looked into the room through the door lock .
"Would you... be my date for coronation ?" Doug asked and I felt like I heard my heart's cracking sound .
"Um.. Let me think !" Evie said and I slowly stepped forward so I can listen closer ;
"Sure !" Evie answered and I stepped back covering my heart with my hand so I can prevent that heartache as I felt it getting worse and worser .
I sighed and looked a the end of the hallway .
"Really ?!" Doug asked .
"Yeah ! I mean , why not ?" Evie answered while I was thinking why would she play with my feelings like that ?! What have I done to her ?!
I couldn't even have a chance to dance with her anymore .. Did she really like Doug ?!
I heard Doug's laughing sound when Evie gasped and said :" I should get back to my dorm now ! It's almost evening !" I fastly ran out of the hallway and as soon as I reached my dorm , I layed on my bed and acted like I was laying there , the whole time , listening to her foot steps sound , getting closer , slowly ..
I just closed my eyes so I can feel better by not seeing her . Finally she entered .
"Are you sleeping ?!" She asked and laughed . I didn't respond ..
"Jay ! Wake up ! Do you know where are Mal and Carlos ?" She asked . I don't care !
I acted like I've just waken up and rubbed my eyes , looking at her . She was happy .. Truly happy .
"Nope !" I answered .
"Today and tomorrow are our last days in Aurodon .. I feel like I'm gonna miss it in here ." She said and looked out of the window .
I sighed ; You gonna miss Doug or Aurodon ?
"Yeah , I'm gonna miss it here too .. Some people were really nice to me !" I said ; I was talking about Lonnie . I mean .. Atleast she tried !
"Some people ?" Evie asked as her hands were on her hips , grinning .
"I'm talking about Lonnie !" I said and stood up , looking at her .
She stepped backward and said :" Ouch ! Aggressive .." She turned towards the mirror and blushed her cheeks , using her make up brush .
"Who are you getting ready for ?" I asked sarcasticlly . She turned and looked at me in a questioning way .
"It's Doug , right ?" I asked and stepped forward , standing behind her as there was a tiny distance between us .
"What is Doug ?" She asked , stuttering .
"Your date for coronation , your new love interest !" I said outloud and felt my fists shaking of anger .
She turned around looking a little panicked and stressed .
"What do you mean , Jay ?!" She asked and her voice trembled .
"I mean ..." I said and after that , I didn't have control over my toungue ; I just told her my true feelings and that was just unexpected .
"Why are you playing with my feelings , Evie ?! What have I done to you ?! We sang romantic songs and we understand eachother ! Now that's how you're gonna replace me ?!" I said and pointed at the door .
She widened her mouth with confusion and said :" Jay , What ..?
"Don't act like you don't know , Evie ! You know I like you !" I held my breath after I realized what I just said ..
But I was not scared anymore .. I was scared that it was gonna be too late , so I could compeletly lose her .
"I like you , Alright ?" I murmured , as my eyes where fixed on her beautiful diamond shaped pale face .
"I thought it was the matter of time so you realize that yourself but ... You didn't ." I sighed .
"Jay , I ..." She said and stopped , panting with fear and confusion .
"I said yes to Doug for the coronation .. I didn't .." She said .
"Haha ! You didn't know what ?! You couldn't understand that I like you , Could you ?!" I said .
"No I didn't ! You will never understand me ! Will you ?! You'll never understand how it's like to have a crush on your bestfriend , who is a playboy and had been flirting with every single girl in the Isle !" She gasped ; Did she just confess her feelings to me ?!
She sighed and said :" You'll never understand if he really liked you or he just be flirting with you just to play with your feelings ..." She gulped .
I swallowed and said :" I have never hurt you and I'll never do .. Me flirting with you doesn't mean that you're like everyone else .. Even if you choose someone else and we go to different paths , I'll never forget you ."
"Me too .. But sometimes we have to change ; Change for good . That will make us even happier than now ." Evie said and smiled kindly .
"I'm sure there are people who deserve you more than me .." She said and I felt like she is being honest than ever .
I nodded and said :" Same to you .. Maybe he really does deserve you ." I lied but I could never deny her words ; They were true and sad .
I reached out to her and raised my hand , saying :" Come with me !"
"Why ?" She asked and slowly placed her hand on mine .
I wrapped my fingers around her hand and said :" For the last time ...?" She didn't understand what I meant . We snuck out of the dorm and looked around ; Nobody was there !..
"Where are we going ?" Evie whispered .
We entered the museum's hugest part ; Empty .. Our voices echoed .
"You know I want you , It's not a secret I try to hide .." I started singing and looking at Evie I could see how emotional she had became , hearing me sing .
"I know you want me , So don't keep saying our hands are tied !" I held her hands and stepped forward so I can feel her warm breaths blowing in my face .
"You claim it's not in the cards ..But fate is pulling you miles away !" I caressed her cheek and she stepped back with fear of feeling torn .
"And out of reach from me .." I tried to reach out to her by raising my hand but she stood in the distance flexing her head , with her teary eyes .
"But you're here in my heart ! So who can stop me if I decide , That you're my destiny?" I held my chest and felt my heartbeat rising .. I held Evie's hand and we stood on the platform infront of a big painting which was showing a princess and a prince , holding hands in the moonlight under all of the stars .
"What if we rewrite the stars?" I asked and looked at the painting ; We were standing in the place where The prince and princess were standing .
"Say you were made to be mine !" I sang and leaned forward and stared at her . She walked down the platform letting my hand go , slowly .
"Nothing could keep us apart !" I said and walked after her who was walking away .
"You'd be the one I was meant to find !"
I continued :"It's up to you And it's up to me !" I held her hand and she spinned around herself , looking at me and blushing ..
"No one can say what we get to be ! So why don't we rewrite the stars?" I murmured , sadly .
"Maybe the world could be ours , Tonight .." I said and Evie stepped forward , touching my cheek with her finger tips ..
"You think it's easy .." She sang and stepped backward .
"You think I don't wanna run to you !" She leaned on the wall behind and averted her gaze from me with sorriness .
"But there are mountains And there are doors that we can't walk through .." She said and reminded me of Doug and Lonnie and the new life we had to start ..
"I know you're wondering why .." She said and continued :"Because we're able to be just you and me , Within these walls !" She raised both of her hands showing the walls .
"But when we go outside , You're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all ..." She said and her voice trembled . She leaned forward and stood on her tippy toes and as she wanted to kiss me , She stepped back ...!
"No one can rewrite the stars !" She sang outloud without any trembling as I could see how sadness and sorrow were filled in her brown eyes . Her brown eyes looked as dark as the sky in the dark museum .
"How can you say you'll be mine ?!" She said and held my hand so we can stand on another platform infront of another painting , which there was warrior Mulan kissing her love interest , Li Shang in it . Evie leaned forward murmuring :" Everything keeps us apart !" I leaned forward and looked at her lips . Did she really want to kiss me ?
"And I'm not the one you were meant to find .." I felt her hands letting mine go and I opened my closed eyes to see how I was standing infront of the warrior , Mulan , in Li Shang's place . I looked sadly at Evie and she continued :" It's not up to you , It's not up to me !" She smiled as her glossy lips were even shinier than before because she had tears slipping down her cheeks .
"When everyone tells us what we can be .. How can we rewrite the stars?" She sang outloud and closed her eyes so she can stop crying :"Say that the world can be ours ,Tonight !"
"All I want is to fly with you ..." I started singing with her and she danced around the room as I was just opening the curtains and pushing them aside , following her around :"
All I want is to fall with you ... So just give me all of you !"
"It feels impossible !..." She said and hid behind a red curtain looking at me
"It's not impossible !..." I said trying to convince her ..
"Is it impossible ?!" She stepped forward and I could see her green-blue dress shining under the gleam of fluorescent weak lights hanging from the middle of the ceiling .
Her blue hair which was fallen over her shoulders swayed from aside to another and we both sang outloud :" Say that it's possible !"
"How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine ?" We both sang as we were walking around a invisible barrier which kept us apart .
"Nothing can keep us apart , Cause you are the one I was meant to find !" We sang and felt our voices combinig and echoing through the walls .
"It's up to you , And it's up to me ! No one can say what we get to be ..." except ourselves ; Which meant that Evie has made her choice and I had to also ..
"Why don't we rewrite the stars? Changing the world to be ours .." We murmured and finally Evie ended our last company :" You know I want you , It's not a secret I try to hide .."
She held my hands , looking into my eyes which made me feel good , a feelings I've not been feeling for a long time ..
"But I can't have you .." She said and squeezed her hand onto mine , slowly caressing them with her fingers tips .
"We're bound to break and .. My hands are tied .." She sang as I murmured it with her ; To proof her that I agree her decissions from now on .
We weren't meant to be but we would never forget eachother .. We could stay friends but still nothing was forgettable and we were gonna have a place in eachother's heart forever ...
Forever ...
{Song : Rewrite the stars - Zac Efron ft Zendaya }

Me (writer)I know right ? So cute but really sad ❤This comes to Jevie fans (included me)Write down your opnions pleasee :") Thanks for reading 👁👄👁

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Me (writer)
I know right ? So cute but really sad ❤
This comes to Jevie fans (included me)
Write down your opnions pleasee :")
Thanks for reading 👁👄👁

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