𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷- ♋︎

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I tucked a stray hand of white hair behind my ear as I walked through the school corridors. People passed me as if I were invisible, which honestly, I don't mind at all.
Being the quiet loner girl at the back of the class is great since no one as a real opinion of you as, well, you're invisible.
I reached my locker, unlocked it and started taking books out of it.
My locker was normal, a picture of my cat on the door, along with several random sketches and some magnets. In the locker itself, I had at least three sketchbooks crammed into the small space along with all my history, English, science books, etc.
"Hey Can," my best friend, Pisces, collapsed into the lockers next to me.
Yeah the loner girl has a friend, me and Pisces have been best friends since nursery, although she's kinda popular, she hasn't ditched me but spends a considerable amount of time with Virgo and Gemini then with me.
"Hey Pi," I greeted in my usual quiet voice.
I shut the locker door closed and shrugged on my bag.
"What do you have first?" She asked, bouncing along next to me.
"Cool! I'll walk with you. I have English too," she grinned.
I smiled softly.

"So. Disease. Still got granny hair?" One of my bullies, Draco strolled over to me.
I looked down at my feet.
"You infected anyone yet? Why do you spend so much time with Pisces? You're like a little loyal puppy," he cooed, twirling a strand of my hair on his finger.
My jaw clenched.
I hate dogs.
Yes, the innocent quiet girl hates dogs.
Deal with it, cats are the best.
"You don't like dogs do you? Aw," he made a fake pout before making my bag drop to the floor, spilling its contents.
"See you around," he strolled away, his little lapdogs following, hanging onto every word he said.
I sighed and crouched down onto my knees to gather all my books.
I jumped at the sudden deep voice.
I looked up at the owner through my hair.
It belonged to a certain black haired green eyed juvenile rebel.
"Cancer right? Leo's cousin?" He asked.
I nodded, mouth agape. Scorpio Scorpion, the cold hearted rebel... helping me?!
"Don't listen to Draco he's a jerk. Oh.. by the way, don't tell anyone I helped you. It'll destroy my juvenile image," he handed me a piece of paper before stalking away, leaving me, mouth still agape, wondering if I was imagining things.

I kept thinking about the encounter I had with Scorpio all day, he never helps people. Never. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he just stuck a foot out to trip people and laugh as they struggle.
I might just be thinking too far into 'juvenile bad boy' stereotypes.
I crashed into something as I thought about Scorpio.
"Hey!" A male voice. Great.
I looked up. It was Pisces' crush Aries.
"Sorry," I mumbled.
"Oh- er. Pisces' friend right? Leo's cousin?" He asked awkwardly.
I nodded.
Did Leo and Pisces just talk about me behind my back all the time to the 'popular' crowd.
Seems like it.
"Well see you around then," he walked away.
I thought he'd be ruder then that, but he's actually kinda nice. I doubt I would ever have a crush on him, but I could see why Pisces liked him. Too bad he's got a girlfriend.
I've never encountered Libra but Pisces says she wants to hate her but can't, which makes me think she's probably an over the top cheerleader playing nice to become prom queen even though we don't have prom
Queens here in England. That's America.

In my last lesson of the day- English. Thank god something I'm good at.
I sat next to Taurus in English, he's dating one of Pisces' new friends, Virgo.
Taurus is okay I guess, he's quiet but when he's with his friends- deafening.
"Hey.. cancer right? Leo's cousin?" He nudged me.
I nodded mutely.
Leo was telling tales of me to the 'big popular' people.
I guess Taurus is allowed, he's Leo's best friend after all.
"Cool. Hey... er... Leo said to invite you to a party he's having tonight, his place at seven. There's just twelve of us, don't worry," he whispered.
"Okay," I said.
"Great! Hope to see you there!" He turned back to his English book.
I cursed inwardly.
I hate parties.
I'll probably have to go though, Pisce is probably going and she'll make me.

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