𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼- ♏︎

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"Good job Kid," Lucifer patted my shoulder as we loaded spare parts into Gus' truck.
I shrugged and rolled up the arms to my hoodie, also shoving a hand through my already windswept hair.
"Anything planned for later?" Gus called.
"I was going to do a few tweaks to my bike," I called back.
"If you need any spare bits," the man named after the mouse in Cinderella patted the boot of his truck.
I nodded, chuckling.
Suddenly, something ran straight into me.
"Hey!" I growled as I fell to the ground.
Someone elbowed me in the eye and rolled off of my body.
"S- sorry sir! It was Driz's fault!" A twelve year old pointed at another twelve year old.
"was not!" The boy I assume is Driz bit back.
"Driz, Andy, where's your mother?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
"Mum is working with Jaques," the boys chorused.
"Don't go fighting again. Especially near all these motors," I patted Gus' truck and indicated to all the motorbikes and trucks which were parked in Eagle's Tavern Car Park.
"Yes sir!" The Twins saluted.
I raised an eyebrow. I'd never been called sir before.
"How about you call me Scorpio, none of this sir crap, okay?" I chuckled.
"Yes si-Scorpio!" Andy saluted again.
Driz nodded.
"Okay kids go play somewhere away from all the expensive motorbikes," Lucifer shouted.
"Bye Scorpio!" The Twins yelled as they ran off.
"Who's kids are they?" I leaned against the truck.
"Layton Trevor's," Gus answered gruffly.
"They fight over this girl who's ten, her parents died and Gus and Jaques took her in," Lucifer chuckled.
"Ella Marie," Gus smiled fondly.
"Jaques' wife loves her," Lucifer grinned.
"Marie?" I raised an eyebrow. That woman was certainly not the loving motherly type.
"It may surprise you, but yeah," Gus patted my back. "See you both later then," he added, hopping into his truck.
"See ya Gus. Say hi to Jaques, Marie and EM for me!" Lucifer waved as he drove away.

"What happened?" I frowned as Capricorn huffed over the phone.
"Draco thinks he's the king of the school now you're hardly in. Bullying cancer again by the sound of it, he forbade us from talking to us all- especially Aquarius,"
"Does Sag know about Draco's crush on his girlfriend?"
"Aqua can handle herself, but no, he doesn't,"
"How's Can?"
"She... I don't know. She's being the loner innocent quiet girl again, it's weird how easy it was for her to get back into her old routine,"
"I guess she never really stopped her routine, she just talks to us now," I said.
Capricorn snorted.
"Aren't you supposed to be in class anyway?"
"Like you can talk, you're gonna get suspended or expelled you know,"
"I can fix cars and bikes. I'll just be a mechanic, I'll be fine," I snorted.
"If that doesn't work you'd join the army,"
"Maybe. Don't know. See where life takes us I guess," I shrugged.
"Yeah well. My geography teacher doesn't look very happy. See you later Scorp,"
He then hung up.
Now, how exactly was I going to kill Draco?

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