𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶- ♏︎

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"She didn't answer," I sighed, pocketing my phone.
"She's probably drawing, reading, doing homework or in a family discussion," Pisces said casually.
"How could she forget we were supposed to hang out though?" Aquarius groaned.
"I got a message from my aunt. Can's just gotten home and they're having dinner," Leo reported.
"Well at least we know she's okay," Sagittarius shrugged.
"Yeah I guess so," I mumbled, trying to ignore the nagging feeling in my head that something wasn't right.
To put my mind at ease, I promised myself I'd stop by before I went home.
"So Scorp. How's your job?" Aries asked casually.
I shrugged. "Same old same old. I know how to fix motorbikes and cars now- I also have to babysit the kids which I'm useless at," I rolled my eyes as everyone laughed.
"Hey I'm going to go. See you guys later," Gemini rose up from her chair.
"I'll see you out," Capricorn offered.
He is so whipped.

It was only five minutes before the shout.
We rushed outside to find Capricorn leaning over Gemini's body- which did not look pretty in the slightest.
"What happened cap? What happened?" Taurus' eyes were wide as Virgo knelt down beside Gem's limp body.
I saw sag reach for Aqua's hand.
"A car came out of nowhere and shoved her into the pavement, I stopped her head from cracking on the tarmac.. please.. call an ambulance.." his voice shook.
"I'm on it," Libra said gently, moving away from the scene phone in hand.
"We need to stop the bleeding. Someone give me their hoodie," Virgo ordered.
Taurus tossed her his grey hoodie.
She ripped off the sleeve and wound it tightly around one of the worst punctures- in her leg.
"Put a firm hand on it, Pi, come over," Virgo instructed.
The blue-ette did as she asked and pressed down on Gemini's wound.
"I'll call Cancer," I mumbled, getting my phone out to dial.
"Yeah. Do that- Lib when is the ambulance coming?" Aries turned to her.
"Five to ten minutes," Libra answered.
"Hang on in there Gem. You're gonna be fine," Leo said softly.

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