𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻- ♋︎

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"Got it Mum," I sighed as I walked into school. I had a babysitting thing tonight because my mother thinks 'I should get my lazy butt up and start helping'.
I put my phone into my cardigan pocket and rested my hand on my bag. I just had an address- 7 Serpens Street and the name of the girl I'm babysitting, Lyra age 1.
"Hey Can," Pisces jogged over from where she was chatting with Virgo and Gemini.
"Hi Pi," I said.
"So what's up with you and Scorpio?" She elbowed me.
"Nothing. He's a rebel juvenile who breaks rules who noticed me once- maybe I wasn't hiding in my hair good enough last night," that's a lie. He noticed me twice yesterday.
"Whatever you say," she teased.
I rolled my eyes as we got inside school.
The bell went straight away.
I didn't know I was that late to school.
Better get to History fast.

After school, I bumped into Aries and Sagittarius.
"Hey Cancer. We have a match- but talk to you later," Sagittarius smiled at me before the two boys headed towards the locker rooms.
One party with them and they're already talking to a loner frowned upon in the popular species.
I shook my head and started walking to Serpens Street- it was around twenty to thirty minutes away and my legs, which had to go up many hills and were in a pair of battered boots that had an inch heel in futile attempts to make me taller, were really tired and I was very relieved when I got to number 7.
I knocked on the door.
"Um I'm Cancer Crabs, the babysitter," I introduced myself when a harassed black haired woman with an expensive suit on opened the door, a baby on her hip. (Lyra above). "Thank goodness. I'm Mrs Scorpion, this is Lyra, my son will be back in an hour he has detention, Scorpio, you know him?" She asked, putting Lyra into my arms.
Is fate trying to get us to fall in love or something stupid like that?
Because that'll never happen.
"Uh yeah he's in a couple of my classes, he skips mostly though," I said, following Mrs Scorpion through the house into the kitchen. Lyra has decided to black with my scarf and was giggling happily.
"Okay, all her stuff is on the table, there's an instruction Manual-,"
Instruction manual for a baby. Normal.
"And my, my husband's and son's phone numbers are on the postet-note there, so erm.. can you save those just in case it's an emergency?" Mrs S asked.
I nodded and swiftly put Lyra into a high chair and took out my phone to add their numbers to my contacts.
"Okay good. I'll be going now. Lyra be good for your babysitter," she kissed the baby's head, grabbed her handbag and rushed out the house.
I looked at the baby.
She stared at me, then started giggling.
"Uh hi baby? Lyra. Nice to meet you," I said awkwardly.
She cocked her head to the side.
I'm talking to a baby.
Babies can't talk.
Well- this one can't. Not yet anyway.

So it's been half an hour and I love Lyra. She's so small and cute and she's really quiet too which is an added bonus.
I was feeding her at the moment, whilst flipping through the instructions.
She loves to be read to- it calms her and makes her laugh when you do funny voices.
"You like books huh?" I looked down at her. She ignored me and kept sucking on her bottle.
"I like books too. And writing. Do you like drawing? Or painting?"
She dropped the bottle and clapped happily.
I laughed.
"I'll read to you, maybe another time we can do some painting, you'd like finger painting. It's very messy," I picked up her bottle and put it on the table.
She grinned widely.
"Okay where's that book.." I fished around on the floor to find my school bag. "Aha!" I found it.
I found the book I loved when I was a baby- I brought it just in case.
"Okay hopefully you like this book. It's one of my favourites," I said.
Lyra snuggled into my arm and stared up at me with quite alarming bright green eyes just like Scorpio's.
"Tabby McTat was a busker's cat..." I started.
After I had finished reading, I went down to the sofa and sat down. Lyra was still asleep using my arms as a bed. I closed my own eyes.

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