𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺- ♏︎

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Hey everyone! Quick author's note- I promise that this chapter will be reasonably long, over 600 words I'm aiming for after the 300-400 word chapters. Thank you for all the support!

I found Cancer outside in the Hospital garden, sketching one of the gardeners absent mindedly.
I sat down next to her in silence and watched as her pencil tickled the paper.
"Hey," I said softly, making her jump.
"Oh.. hey," she mumbled, tucking her pencil behind her ear and closing her sketchbook.
"Come here," I opened my arms and she collapsed into them, clutching onto my shirt and sobbing loudly.
I stroked her hair softly, letting her get it all out.

Ten minutes later, she had stopped wailing, but was still clutching onto me like a limpet. "Hey. Wanna talk now?" I whispered into her ear.
"Yeah. I'm sorry for crying on you... again," she said embarrassedly.
"It's okay. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't let you let all your stress out?" I wiped the remaining tears off her face with a finger.
She blushed.
"Are you okay though?" I asked seriously.
"I.. I think so, yes. Do we know anything about who hit Gem?"
"According to Gem it was a dark green sports car," I said.
"that's draco's car!" Her mouth fell open in realisation.
"Close your mouth love, or the flies will get in," I advised.
She closed her mouth immediately after that.
"What if Draco's dad got Draco to run into Gem so you would all be distracted so you wouldn't notice that I wasn't there?"
"I think that's it," I nodded.
"I guess he didn't realise on how much I love you," I added, kissing her temple.
She giggled. "You're so cheesy,"
"Only for you love," I kissed her again.
She laughed again and hugged me tighter.
"It's gonna be okay," I assured her.
"But.. you killed a man,"
"He's not dead.. I don't think," I grumbled.
"He looked dead,"
"That's not the same as being dead,"
"You'll still probably go to jail,"
"No, i'll probably go to a juvenile detention centre. I think that's my thing right? You're the innocent, I'm the juvenile," I shrugged.
"I don't want you to go," she mumbled.
"I don't want to go either," I assured her.
"Maybe we could just drop his body off at the hospital and say he fell down the stairs? Hitting his head on the wall?" She suggested.
"I like that idea," I agreed.

"Miss Crabs is awake, would you like me to show you to her room?" A nurse walked over when we walked back inside after dropping off Draco's dad at reception.
"You go. I'll go see the others," I said, letting go of her hand.
"Thanks. See you later," she smiled, following the nurse.
"Hey Scorp. How is the dealing with Draco's dad going?" Sag asked when I sat down next to him.
"He's in hospital, they think he fell down the stairs," I whispered.
"Okay. Is he dead?"
"I... I think so, yes," I nodded.

"It's all over now," Pisces said.
"It's not all over. We still have lives to live remember?" Aries joked.
"from this to GCSE maths. Yay," Leo grumbled.
We laughed- well I rolled my eyes and looked amused, everyone else laughed.
"Maybe we should concentrate on passing GCSEs for college first now then?" Virgo suggested in a monotone.
"Way to take the fun out of life," Taurus grouched.
She stuck her tongue out at him in response.
"Maybe we should just try and do normal teenage stuff now?" Aquarius suggested with a laugh.
"We can try. Anyone want to watch that film at the cinema- the Disney one?" Aries asked.
"You mean Frozen II?" Pisces raised and eyebrow.
"Yeah!" He nodded.
"Sure. Hey, Gem's out!" Sag pointed to the entrance of the hospital.
"Hey!" Gemini waved happily to us as Capricorn pushed her in a wheelchair.
"Let's go watch it shall we?" Cancer grinned mischievously.
"Do I have to?" I grumbled.
"Yes!" The girls (minus Aquarius) and Leo shrieked.
"I'll drag you!" Libra threatened.
"Fine let's go," I sighed. This was going to be very interesting.

The innocent and The juvenile Where stories live. Discover now