𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽- ♋︎

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For some reason, I almost squealed out loud when Scorpio asked if he wanted to be friends. Which is surprising, since I hate other people and social interactions.
After me and Scorpio finished our brief conversation in messages, I fished my knife out my top bedside drawer.
I started playing with the blade, contemplating.
Should I?
Should I not?
I dropped the knife in surprise to my cousin's arrival.
I quickly stowed it away into the drawer again and sat up as Leo barged into my room.
"Know what knocking is?" I grumbled.
"Nice to see you too my dear cousin," Leo flashed a grin before sitting down next to me.
"What do you want?"
"What for?"
"You're a girl,"
"Well done,"
"What do I do to impress a girl?"
"Depends on the girl. What's her name?"
"You know who it is,"
"Remind me,"
He glared at me.
"Libra," he mumbled.
"She's dating Aries,"
"I know,"
Suddenly, there was a crash and a loud meow.
"Dominic!" I jumped off my bed and sprinted downstairs, tripping on the last step and falling flat on my face. Hard.

I woke up I don't know how many minutes later. I sat up slowly and felt my face.
A bandage on my nose.
"Hey sweetie. You banged your nose pretty bad," my mother said softly.
"Hi mum. Where am I?" I stretched.
"Hospital. You knocked yourself out," she explained.
"Oh. Well I'm fine let's go,"
"Let me find a doctor, stay there," she left me alone to my thoughts.
Stupid cat.
Made me have a trip to hospital.
I hate hospitals.
Like hate them.
A lot.
Deciding to ignore my mother's instructions, I swung my legs off the bed and to the floor.
For some reason, I had a cast on my foot.
"You broke your ankle on the last step you tripped over," Leo explained, coming inside the room.
I groaned.
How was I supposed to escape now?

I did get out an hour later.
After lots of fussing (Leo) and annoyance about my clumsiness (my mum) we were home.
I had a cast which Leo decided to draw a lion on- one that look like a small kid had done it.
"It's beautiful Leo," I gave him a fake smile once he had finished.
He nodded proudly and popped the lid back onto the pen.

Scorpio sat with me at lunch

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Scorpio sat with me at lunch.
It was an interesting move, seeing as he's the bad boy crush of most of the female and gay population at our high school.
"What happened to you?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I tripped,"
He chuckled and shrugged off his bag. "How's Lyra?" I asked.
"You saw her yesterday," he said, amused.
I gave him a glare.
"She's fine, Tabby McTat is her new favourite book and She wants to adopt a cat now," he said.
I snorted "I've taught her well,"
"You knew her for an hour, that's the scary part,"
I let out a small laugh.
"When can I see her again?"
"I don't know. When I get detention again?"
"Go graffiti on the walls or something then, don't you usually do that?" I teased.
He stuck his tongue out at me, which was something I definitely thought I'd never see.
"You're such a child,"
"Oh well. Can I draw on your cast?"
"What do you want to draw on my cast?"
"A scorpion!" He replied cheerfully.
"Uh okay?" Did he like really like his name or something?
He got out a black marker and started doodling.

 "Uh okay?" Did he like really like his name or something? He got out a black marker and started doodling

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"It's better then Leo's lion," He said.
"Please, anything is better then Leo's lion," I scoffed.
"Are you saying it isn't good?" He demanded, giving me a glare.
I shrunk backwards.
He's scary as hell.
His scary glare turned into an adorable pout.
"Meanie," he grumbled.

The bell rang.
"C'mon," he pulled me onto my feet- I blushed like hell. "What do you have?"
"Sounds like fun," he said.
"I like history don't diss it," I frowned.
"I never did,"
"Sarcasm. I'm not an idiot I know what it is and how you use it," I narrowed my eyes at him.
He whistled innocently.
"So how did you trip?"
"I ran down the stairs and tripped on the last stair,"
"Tut tut why were you running down the stairs?"
"I heard a crash. This feels like an interview,"
"What was the cause of this crash?"
I huffed. "My cat,"
"Cat's name?"
"Dominic Midnight Ember,"
"Last name?"
"Giving a last name to a pet is weird,"
He snorted.

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