𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟽- ♋︎

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"I messed up Can. I messed up bad,"
"Hey calm down. What's wrong?" I frowned as Scorpio knelt down in front of me.
"I... I did something stupid,"
"Scorpio you're scaring me. What did you do?" I fiddled with his hair in attempt to calm him down.
"I... I... he didn't die!"
"What sort of answer is that?" I widened my eyes.
I stood up to look down at my boyfriend.
He stood up too.
"Don't be taller then me when I'm mad at you! Crouch so I can look down at you angrily!" I narrowed my eyes.
"He was blackmailing you Can, I... I don't have the best temper and... I do regret it, I do, but..."
"But?" I folded my arms.
"It wasn't that bad!" He threw his arms up in defeat.
"Oh yeah?"
"See the shiner I got here?" He leaned close to me so I could get a better look at his face. He had a black eye and several cuts.
"What are his injuries?" I pretended to not be affected by his... 'Battle scars'.
"Broken nose, broken arm, several bruises to the torso... that's it I swear!"
"Your injuries?" I asked.
"Lots and lots of bruises on my torso, several cuts to my arms and face, a black eye and some broken fingers," he brought his hand up to show me.
"You're an idiot," I sighed.
"You love me anyway," he said.
"Sometimes I don't know why," I squinted at him.
"I need to go. I'll be gone for the weekend- Gus and Jaques got me picking up some spare car parts in Tymy," he added.
"Great. When do I need to book an appointment to see you now then?" I sighed, collapsing back into my porch chair.
"What's wrong?" He crouched down beside me.
"Everything. I'm not speaking to my friends, I'm being bullied by the band geeks, and I have exams coming up- mmph!" He kissed me.
"You talk to much. You can do it Can. And-,"
"No no no no. No," I shook my head at him.
"No Scorpio," I chuckled softly at his pout.

"Cancer honey, dinners ready!" My mum shouted.
"You want to stay for dinner?" I offered.
"I have to be in Tymy by 6. It's 6 now and it's at least ten hours away, plus traffic. I'll miss you," he tucked a stray hair behind my ear and gave me his half smile.
"Call or text me okay. I feel like a worrying wife now," I joked.
"Maybe one day," he kissed me quickly before running off over to his motorbike.
"One day?" I leapt to my feet.
"Cancer! Dinner!"
"Coming mum!"

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