𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾- ♏︎

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"I so should've killed him," I muttered as I crashed into the bar, holding my side.
"Why? Who?" Three of the women- Elle, Emma and Naomi stood up. Elle was average height with long blonde hair, Emma was shorter then Elle and had long brown hair and Naomi is shorter then both of them with black hair and tanned skin.
"Some jerk at school. He's in hospital now," I breezed past them.
"What did he do?" Elle chirped as they followed me to behind the counter.
"Threatened my girlfriend," I answered.
"You have a girlfriend?" Emma butted in.
"Yes. Hey Maurice what do you want to drink?" I turned to the old man.
"Just a beer is fine Scorp," he said gruffly. I nodded and turned to get him a beer.
"Naomi! Jeez!" The woman was stood right in my face- well- she was shorter then me.
She crossed her arms to glare at me.
"What's her name?" She pestered.
"Cancer. Now will you go away? Please?" I sighed.
"Cancer?" Elle frowned. "Poor girl," she added softly.
"Well, that must be why Scorpio almost killed a kid," Naomi jumped over the bar.
"Naomi. Very hygienic," Maurice said, narrowing his eyes at her.
"Let's go find this.. cancer! I wanna meet her!" Ginnifer joined in the conversation. Ginnifer, like Naomi had long black hair and was the same height as Emma.
"No!" I slammed Maurice's beer on the counter quite hard.
"Whyyyy?" The four girls pouted.
"SCORPIO!" Three people sprinted into the bar.
All girls.
"Guys what do you want?" Recognizing Aquarius, Gemini and Pisces.
"Which one is Cancer?" Emma perked up, peering at them all.
"What? No! This is about Cancer!" Gemini yelped.
"What happened?" I asked worriedly.
Did Draco do something to her?
"You should've seen her! She punched Draco," Pisces snorted.
"Yeah! Didn't know she had it in her!" Aquarius giggled.
"Your girlfriend sounds awesome," Ella-Marie joined the conversation.
"Hey EM," I leaned over the bar to ruffle her hair.
She giggled and I saw Driz and Andy swoon from where they were sitting with Layton.
"Did she get in trouble or anything?" I picked up a glass to fill with milk for EM.
"No! No one believed Draco, since there was no photo or video evidence. No one ratted her out because they thought Draco got what was coming to him," Gemini explained.
"Where is she now? Mortified about getting in trouble?"
"Yeah. She's sketching in her sketchbook in my car," Aqua shrugged.
"I'll go see her. Mind managing the bar girls?" I turned to the four 'plotters'.
"Sure," Elle sighed.

"Heard about your little argument," I joined her in the backseat.
"Eep!" She jumped.
"Argument? Oh. That. Well," she shrugged, laughing guiltily.
"Don't feel guilty, he's a twat,"
"Yeah. I know. But I still feel bad- what if the teachers believe him and I get in trouble?" She started rambling.
Shush," I clamped a hand over her mouth.
She glared at me in response.
"I almost killed him, and I have no punishments! You'll be fine," I kissed her forehead, wrapping an arm around her.
"You gonna introduce me to all your friends?" She asked.
I took my head off hers and looked out the window.
"Looks like you can," I shrugged, pulling her out the car.
"You're so pretty!" Naomi cooed.
"And you look so innocent!" Elle chirped.
"I bet she talks to animals," Ginnifer joked.
"Is that natural? That color hair?" Emma questioned.
"You're really pretty miss," EM tugged on Can's cardigan.
"You're beautiful yourself,"
"You're so short!" Driz commented.
"Wha.. I.. er," cancer started stuttering. It was clear she did not like the attention, so I steered her away from the crowds.

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