𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹- ♋︎

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After I caught Scorpio's eye, Taurus suggested Spin the bottle.
I shot a glance at the front door.
No one would notice if I left right now. Would they? No most of them just know me as 'Cancer Leo's cousin'. Well, all of them do. Apart from Pi and Leo.
I don't even know why I'm here honestly, the 'popular cool' kids are here and then there's me, the quiet loner who doesn't like social interaction.
I pulled my scarf around my face tighter, Scorpio was staring at me and I don't know why.
Was he making sure I didn't tell anyone that he helped me earlier?
Yeah that's it.
"Hey Cance, what do you think we should play first?"
I hate my cousin.
"Uh... I uh..." I stammered as everyone turned to look at me. I'd never played any of those games, maybe truth or dare once with Pisces when we were 12.
"Hey kiss, marry, kill!" Pisces said suddenly, directing the attention off me.
I shot her a thankful look and she winked at me, grinning.
"Sure. Let's sit in a circle," Aries shrugged.
So I, being me, found myself in between Aquarius and Scorpio.
So it went Aquarius, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra, Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, Leo, Gemini, Capricorn, Scorpio and then me.
"So we're only allowed to use people from this circle?" Aries asked.
Leo and Pisces nodded.
"Okay. Lib, kiss, marry, kill with.." he paused and surveyed us.
I shivered. Creepy.
"Leo, Sag and... Taur," he said.
Libra sighed.
"Um well... marry Leo cuz sag and Taur both have girlfriends,"
I saw my cousin beam with happiness.
Puppy crush.
I rolled my eyes.
"Kiss Sag cuz he's Ari's best friend and I know him more, and sorry Taur, I have to kill you," she said.
Taurus shrugged. "It's fine. Your turn to ask," he said.
Libra gave him a grin before surveying us like her boyfriend did.
Ugh I hate it.
"Cancer!" She smiled widely.
I cursed.
"Scorpio, Leo and Aries," she said.
I scrunched up my nose. "Um... kill Leo because he's my cousin and that's weird," I said.
I saw Taurus smirk at Leo and Gemini look at me like she was surprised I could talk.
"Kiss Aries cuz he's dating Libra.. so erm... I guess marry Scorpio," I mumbled.
I saw Scorpio raise an eyebrow but not say anything.
I went red.
"Your turn to pick the person," Aquarius nudged me softly.
"Pisces?" I offered weakly.
My friend gave me a glare.
I straightened up and smirked. "Leo, Scorpio and Aries,"
She death glared at me. "Um... kill Scorpio, never spoken to you like ever," she said. The juvenile shrugged in response.
"Kiss Aries and marry Leo," she said.
I did a small snort, making Scorpio look at me again.
She would kiss Leo and marry Aries. Liar.
"So, Scorpio," she turned to the boy seated on my left.
He gave her an exasperated look.
"Aquarius, Gemini and Cancer," she said devilishly.
"Kill Aquarius, kiss Gemini marry Cancer," he said swiftly with no reasons.
"Why?" I found myself asking.
"You're cute," he answered with a shrug.
I buried my face in my scarf again.
Ugh I didn't even want to come to this stupid party anyways.

So after kiss marry kill, we played never have I ever.
Very smart.
"Never have I ever broken a law," Aries said. He, Gemini, Scorpio and Capricorn put a strawberry lace in their cup.
I'll explain quickly- we have twelve packets of strawberry laces in the middle of the circle, if you've done something, you take one and put it in your cup, whoever has the most laces in their red solo cup at the end wins.
"Never have I ever gotten a bullseye in archery," sagittarius said.
Just him and Aquarius took a lace.
"Never have I ever fallen over my own two feet on a smooth surface," Aquarius said, taking a lace.
I took one myself, as did Leo.
My go.
"Never have I ever not been to a teenage party before," I said.
It was just me who took a lace that time.
"Never have I ever carried a knife around with me," Scorpio said lazily, taking a lace.
I cursed inwardly as I reached for a lace, as did Capricorn.
"Cancer?" Leo frowned, looking at me as I dropped the strawberry sweet in my red plastic solo cup.
I shook my head. He'll never know. No one will ever know.
We all turned to Capricorn expectedly.
He gave a grin and cleared his throat.

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